There exists in the dark corners of the internet some constantly online character known as Thuletide. Apparently he used to go by the title “Read Linkola,” on twatter.
His twatter avatar was of some anime witch girl who rubs her pussy with a broom. Yes, this is the sperg dishing out serious geopolitical strategic advise.
And despite calling himself “Read Linkola,” he apparently never actually read Linkola. CartoonPornLover hated Islam in all the most retarded and useless ways, and supports capitalism for some idiotic reason in the year 2021. However, Pentii Linkola was a hardcore Green Party weirdo who liked Islam and hated capitalism. Here is what Pentii Linkola said of the 911 hijackers in his book “Can Life Prevail? A Radical Approach to the Environmental Crisis.”
The servants of Allah sacrificed their own lives and the lives of a few disciples of the Dollar. The aim of the servants of market economy is to murder the whole of Creation and mankind as soon as they can. The deep ecologist and protector of life, the guardian of the continuity of life, would certainly choose Allah when things get tough. Given the situation, the towers of the World Trade Center were the best target among all the buildings of the world, both symbolically and concretely. It was a magnificent, splendid choice.
Whatever you think of Linkola, those were his actual words. Someone who hated capitalism so much that he openly celebrated muslim terrorist attacks on the twin towers. CartoonPornLover calling himself Read Linkola would be like someone calling themselves “Read Hitler,” and then going on diatribes about how people who talk about jews are weird conspiracy theorists and you should vote Republican.

“Vote republican to own the Libs.” – Benjamin Franklin
Maybe after his little amateur pretend politics career is over he can make a new twatter account called “Read Mother Theresa,” where he posts nonstop about how poor people need to be enslaved and tortured to death. After that he can create his “Read Nicola Tesla,” account, where he talks about becoming a hypersexual, alcoholic luddite who eschews all modern technology.

“Retvrn to nature.” – George Washington
Well the Suspected Furry Enthusiast is unsurprisingly refusing to simply stay in his own lane. He’s gotten tired of dishing out retarded takes like he’s the armchair reincarnation of Napoleon, and is sniping at Striker/TRS/Keith Woods and everyone else outside of the Read Hentai Sphere. He’s been doing this for a while now, but here’s a post from just yesterday where he is quadrupling down on Covid-19 retard takes.
The Great Reset:
Addressing three dumb arguments used by TRS/Alt-Right/NazBol people (Eric Striker, Keith Woods, Mike Enoch, etc) to claim that The Great Reset (Agenda 21) “isn’t real” or is a “baseless conspiracy theory.”
1. The conspiracy is “too big” to be planned in advance or concealed from the public
Firstly, these people are all holocaust deniers who believe that Jews control all of the banks, media, and politicians, and are orchestrating White genocide worldwide. So, the “conspiracy is too big” argument applies just as easily to their own beliefs.
Lol wut? Jews really do control the banks, and have massive outsized control over mainstream “news” outlets, Hollywood, etcetera. Jews make up 50% of total donations to the Democrat Party, and over 25% of donations to Republicans. And this number is misleading, since politicians do not give a single fuck about small money donations, only large donors.
Lampshadocaust fact checking is explicitly illegal in most European countries, and there is a myriad of ways that jew nationalist organizations such as the ADL use corporate oppression to discourage lampshadocaust fact checking wherever it isn’t outright illegal. Let’s see what happens when you search for “thegreatreset” on twatter.
Hold on. How the fuck is the richest man in the world laughing at poor people a “great reset?” Sounds kind of like a “great status quo,” to me. I mean Bill Gates isn’t the richest man in the world, but even still, wouldn’t a “great reset” be the guy with a net worth of $136+ billion getting excecuted in public or something?
That’s the thing about these retarded Q-Anon and Q-Anon adjacent types. They take actual shit that our parasitical (((privileged class))) does, and then make the response to it completely retarded. It can’t just be that Bill Gates is a piece of shit, it has to be UN Agenda 21 microchips in vaccines. It can’t just be “big businesses are getting bailed out yet again while small businesses go under,” it has to be Secret Globalist Conspiracy To Enact Population Control in Africa. It can’t just be vaccines are the biggest profitmaker in pharma history, it has to be that you are literally being genocided in some ever changing way by vaccines. Maybe it’s through blood clots, maybe it’s through reproductive disorders. Whatever it is, it’ll never be quantified or explained in any way.
I’m just so tired of these anti-social losers, who are not censored precisely because they are fucking weirdos who turn normal people away from dissident politics. I wrote about this phenomenon here, where I went to a real “anti-vaxx” rally, and nearly died of cringe. I was sick of these people then, and I’m sick of them now. Yet you can easily find them still on twatter in the year 2021.
Anyway, that’s what you get when you search for “greatreset” on twatter. A bunch of q-anon related retards talking about “Bill Gates,” and Agenda 21 and all that other shit.
In contrast, search “holocaust” and you’ll find nothing but the above. Boy, the “elites,” sure do seem interested in mass censorship of uppity goyim talking about the lampshadocaust, and entirely disinterested in censoring retards bloviating about Q-Anon tier moron bait.
To recap, the enforcement mechanism for the Lampshadocaust Libel is throwing fact-checkers in prison, or, when they can’t get that, engaging in massive corporate censorship and trying to destroy their lives. The enforcement mechanism for hiding the Great Reset is letting people talk about it out in the open.
Secondly, the conspiracy wasn’t concealed at all, just like Replacement Migration wasn’t concealed, nor was the climate psyop, or Cultural Marxism, and so on.
Ah but you see the fact that the (((ADL))) allows you to talk about the Great Reset is in fact proof of its validity. This is some opposite-world shit where NOT getting censored is somehow evidence that you’re right over the target. Using this logic, getting censored for fact-checking the lampshadocaust simply proves that it happened.
Globalists have publicly announced all of their schemes for centuries. You can even find them talking about creating a world government — using the term “New World Order” — in 20th century newspapers. They just claim that their evil schemes are actually philanthropic missions to save the world. Most people are gullible enough to believe that.
Some newspaper used the term “New World Order,” in some random article taken out of context, therefore Bill Gates is enacting his evil moustache twirling plan of injecting microchips into everybodies bloodstream through Pfizer’s vaccine. I guess that these same newspapers don’t openly talk about inventing the lampshadocaust that must mean that jews really did get hooked up to masturbation machines and insecticided into lampshades. Remember, if globalists are not openly talking about something, it’s not happening.
“There are no secret conspiracies amongst the richest and most powerful people on the planet.” – xxxCartoonAlexJonesxxx.
2. Great Reset “isn’t real” because there are “no Jews involved.”
TGR is the most obvious conspiracy ever, regardless of Jewish involvement, but this claim can be debunked simply by opening the World Economic Forum website. WEF’s biggest partners include Blackrock and Bloomberg. The Rothschilds founded the Vatican x WEF “inclusive capitalism” organizations. Klaus Schwab was mentored by Henry Kissinger for 50 years. Almost every major mRNA “vaccine” company CEO is a member of the tribe, and so on. But Schwab and Gates are the facemen who are taking the flack, so obviously the whole thing is fake.
Fash the Nation has done by far the best work exposing (((Blackrock))) in the populist sphere. Here’s one of many FTN episodes, 450 to be precise, that I found on TRS simply by entering “blackrock,” into the search function. From the show notes.
After the break, it’s critical employee, walkouts, a derail into Elder Scrolls analogies, and new information about the full-court press by Bill Gates, BlackRock and the meat industry to normalize fungal and embryonic meat. If it’s Sunday…
Here’s FTN episode 300, where they did the original deep dive into (((Blackrock))). From those show notes.
After the break, we pivot to the Fed-Treasury merger (implying) and a nnndeep-nnndive into BlackRock – who they are, what they own, and how they control just about everything. In part 3, we go snorkel depth on the Defense Production Act. If it’s Sunday, it’s FTN!
But apparently us heterosexuals now support blackrock and Bill Gates or something. ReadCartoonPorn never bothers quoting any of us supporting the World Economic Forum. Nor does he quote us supporting jew capitalists making billions off of vaccines. That’s because that never happened.
Also, note how HentaiLover is attacking us for our imaginary support of jew capitalists, while he himself is a big capitalism fan who rushes to the defense of jews constantly. Is he against jew power or capitalism now? Apparently not, but us Mid 20th Century Graphic Design Enthusiast anti-Capitalist National Bolsheviks are the real supporters of jew capitalists. Rothschild write me that fucking cheque already I’ve got bills to pay.
3. “The Jews” want you to focus on the Great Reset because “it’s a distraction from race”
The Great Replacement was enacted to facilitate the Great Reset.
Right. That’s why you’ll get immediately censored for “spreading conspiracy theories,” on twatter or YouTube for being opposed to The Great Replacement, but not censored by talking about The Great Reset.
“The people who are already in charge are bringing in tons of non-Whites so that they can do something that ends up with… them remaining in charge. It’s definitely not anti-White though, and stop talking about jews. This is purely financial, but also don’t talk about pharma corps making huge profits.
It’s not for the easy to understand motive of raking in tens of billions of dollars through big pharma’s most profitable product ever. It’s also not for the easy to understand of giving literally trillions in bailouts to politically connected big businesses while 40% of small businesses go under, and have their assets purchased by financial institutions for pennies on the dollar. Instead it’s for UN Agenda 21 depopulation of Africa or something else retarded.” – CartoonPornLover84
Look, I could write an entire book on responding to these claims on the object level, but they’re fucking stupid and I’ll leave it at that.
Domestic inter-ethnic conflict prevents nations from overthrowing the globalist oligarchy. It’s a pretty simple divide and conquer strategy.
When are these hooked nosed beady eyed gLObaLiSTs going to do this to Israel? It’s weird, because it seems like all these GlOBaLisTs are jew nationalist violent racial cleansing supporters who feel they have the right to murder Palestinian Goy children in order to steal land on behalf of the jew race.
I dunno I just think these GlOBaLisTs are really missing an opportunity with the jew ethnostate. They could really go in there and divide and conquer them pretty hard, yet weirdly enough these gLOBalIStS all seem united in doing violent racial cleansings to maintain racial purity in Israel. So weird of these GLobAlIStS.
And yet, Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries on earth. Wow, guess the globalists didn’t need to divide and conquer the heebs in order to commit vaccine genocide against them. Also, super weird how they repeatedly blocked Palestinians from getting vaccinated.
To make that clearer, you are over 60 times more likely to have a vaccination in Israel than in Palestine. According to the Geneva Conventions, Israel has a responsibility as an occupying power to ensure the medical supplies of the occupied population, including “adoption and application of the prophylactic and preventative measures necessary to combat the spread of contagious diseases and epidemics” to “the fullest extent of the means available to it.”
It’s so odd that Israel literally murdered 232 Palestinians in East Jerusalem when violently racially cleansing them just this past May, and yet they commit VacCInE GEnocIDe against their own people in record numbers. Oh my god, the Palestinians are the real globalists, and they’re in on it with Bill Gates to genocide these poor jews who are the real victims of globalism.
It was no coincidence that globalist cartel only tried to force through their Communist NWO technocracy *after* the West was completely destabilized internally by Cultural Marxism and immigration.
“Trillion dollar multinational corporations run by jews engaging in massive censorship is simply the product of diehard communist true believers who are motivated purely by economic theories and not jew racial politics. Everything done by corporations is secretly communism.
That Cultural Marxism is literally 100% jew from the (((Frankfurt School))) and the 1965 (((Hart-Cellar))) immigration act was pushed by jews is irrelevant. These are red herrings that NazBol Dooginist Red-Brown Alliance Commies will throw out there to get you to stop supporting our brave right-wing allies in Israel.” -HentaiEnthusiast95
They aren’t just arbitrarily flooding White countries with immigrants because they happen to dislike us but because they have an overarching political endgame.
Leftists/Globalists have been on the same trajectory since Marx: Abolition of property, nation, family, traditional culture, and the founding a one-world technocracy. It’s all part of the same conspiracy.
So when are these “leftists,” going to start agitating for the abolition of property, nation, family, and traditional culture in Israel? When are they gonna start demanding the subservience of Israel to the UN? Seems like these “leftists” are all jew nationalist Israel Firsters.
Since YouTube is so censored nowadays, above is a 21 second video of Nancy Pelosi speaking at the Israeli American Council. Transcript:
I have said to people when they ask me if this capitol crumbles to the ground the one thing that would remain is our commitment to our aid, and I don’t even call it aid, our cooperation with Israel. That’s fundamental to who we – fundamental to who we are.
Holy shit goy cattle, start supporting Republicans. If you don’t these evil leftists are going to be enacting their globalist plan of vaxxing the poor oppressed jews on behalf of the Palestinians. This must be stopped at all costs. VOTE REPUBLICAN ALREADY!
This is a daily news site. We do daily news. However, I enjoyed doing this, and I think I’ll have to mix in a few Felting Thuletide/ReadLinkola/WatchHentai articles every now and again. I have barely scratched the surface.
I’m of the opinion that the ‘great reset’ theory is a pressure release valve of sorts. Its a concession of the media to give people a slice of the truth while also redirecting their efforts into nothingness.
Take criticisms of hypercapitalism and mix it with an unhealthy dose of schizophrenia and celebrity worship/demonisation and you have the Great Reset.
Of course they want you eating the bugs, living in the pod, owning nothing and being satisfied with that, while paying a generous sum for these privileges. Hypercapitalist predators would nickel and dime you to death if they could, and they definitely try their best to do so.
Why is there always a strong correlation between people who use the term “leftists” or refer to everything they dont like as “the left” and fuckin retards who thinks marxists are behind global capital. The amount of ideological contortions these people will go through just to not acknowldge reality is insane. This dude at best is a genuine schizo who drives sporadically through traffic at 60 mph over the speed limit with gobs of 7/11 junk food wrapers and empty dill pickle jars flopping around in his scion xb to an impotent anti mask protest.
Good point. It’s a signifier for a finkled individual. The Kosher-Left literally has zero victories on economic issues, anti-war issues, or anti-jew nationalist violent racial cleansing issues. But apparently these people are secretly running the world economy and all major corporations and making sure Democrats don’t install socialist healthcare because that goes against their pure economic ideology of socialist communism.
When talking conspiracy it is always absolutely crucial to talk in terms of mechanisms and logistics. Jews lived for a thousand years in Christian societies before there was a defector telling anyone about the fucked up shit in the Talmud. They are racially organized and motivated, thus they see themselves as being morally righteous and their actions as justified. Furthermore, to integrate their servants there has been erected a comprehensive moral system by which any characterization of their actions along the most relevant axis has been categorically circumscribed for exclusion, but this circumscription does not extend to the reaches necessary for people who aren’t jewish to even know they aren’t supposed to talk about what is being alleged by the Great Reset conspiracy theory, so they would.
There is also exactitude necessary to pinpoint what precisely is being relayed because there are some seriously disingenuous shell-games being played by guys like this. Yes, the WEF does have jews, and what they promote is pretty standard jewish fare about reducing labor protections among other classic Republican economic policies, but the kook version of the Great Reset Conspiracy theory is still all about the (ostensible) gentiles Carl Schwab and Bill Gates and their diabolically evil schemes to depopulate Africa or anyone compliant enough to take the vaccine.
Christian theologians were reading the talmud as the earliest copies were circulating and were influenced by it in the sense of using it to understand the Old Testament and Judaism better through critical reading.
SP, Martinez, and Green are easily the most subversive pieces of shit in the whole post-alt-right scene. They preach a type of zombified Bircherism, that sees the “commie-controlled” UN as the root of all evil, and the criticism of the US, its satellites, and their own libertarian economics as tantamount to treason. Thus, any criticism of NATO bombing Belgrade or attacking Iraq is “Duginism.” Anything opposing loan sharking and payday loans is “communism.” The greatest pressing threat in the world rn is Klaus Schwab coming to kill you in concert with Bill Gates and the CCP. Xi Jinping and Bill Gates are best friends because they have been pictured shaking hands once. North Koreans, Iranian mullahs, and Likudniks are planning the “Great Reset” together over Zoom calls. All criticism of America originates from Alexander Dugin.
Say what you want about Anglin, at least he doesn’t want to start a new world war to punish the Chinese and Russians for “engineering the Great Reset.”
Good comment. I’d somewhat give Adam Green a pass, because he doesn’t pretend to be in our thing. The others do.
SP/Martinez and the rest are in the same group as Weev/Anglin/Fuentes, and openly talk as such. That their comments are made in bad faith is a given, but I’ll eventually get around to doing a Martinez takedown.
[…] someway, while we’re in the middle of the formation of the New World Order and suffering through Vaxxx Genocide these Duginists are choosing to intentionally ignore […]