You may be remembering this little cartoon porn enjoyer from my previous works on him. He’s basically cartoon Alex Jones, and that’s really all you need to know. Well that and he’s the kind of guy to tell you to Read Hitler and then go on about how you’re being too mean to jews and you need to vote Republican.
Since we last left off he’s doubled down on his model of geopolitics that doesn’t predict anything, explain anything, and yet somehow gets proven wrong. Below we see a post that IPretendedToReadLinkola wrote about two weeks ago.
Plus, we also know that [jews] are intentionally destroying the West so they can move their base of operations to the east, China and Rusisa[sic]. How does that factor into this war? Maybe something to do with energy supplies or the Belt and Road Initiative?
Boy, these jews sure are hiding their enthusiastic support for China and Russia well aren’t they? Same with all these trillion dollar multinationals like Google. You’d have to really be playing 4D chess to think that they’re all huge Russia/China supporters who are trying to destroy brave America so as to move their “base of operations,” over to Russia. I mean, you’d sort of think that they could, like, just do that without the war part. Like, there is literally no reason why they would ever want to destroy the utterly controlled United States of ZOG, which does everything that Daddy Israel wants. There is literally no reason to believe this, but something something UN Agenda 21, so I’m sure it all makes sense somehow.
Well actually even ITotesReadLinkola has to say “maybe this has something to do with energy supplies or the Belt and Road Initiative?” Turns out he has no idea either, but maybe it has something to do with trade. I guess in his mind that sounded vaguely like a geopolitical term that made him seem smart to the audience. Just like pretending to have Read Linkola also made him seem smart, or at least that was the plan.
Inventing retarded geopolitical conspiracy theories is not particularly difficult. Let me go ahead and make up something off the top of my head.
Iran is completely controlled by team globalist. We know this, because one of their gov leaders tweeted out support for BLM in 2020, and called America a White Supreeemacist country. Now, first of all, only globalists are allowed twitters, but I mean really, the content speaks for itself.
So what does the Duginist ran United Nations gain for provoking conflict between Globalist Iran and Israel? They’re probably trying to set up a world war, which will allow the establishment of one world government. I mean more than already exists. Remember, there is a World Government, and their one and only objective is to establish another, slightly different world government.
Getting back to Iran-Israel. We know that jews run both of these countries, so why are they pretending to fight? It might have something to do with the price of gold, which many have noted has stayed relatively stable these past five years. Maybe that’s because of increased trade between natural resource rich Philippines and Indonesia.
I really do love how it’s not an understatement that Thuletide’s model of reality predicts precisely nothing and can’t even retroactively explain anything that happens. As I just showed, this is not particularly hard content to make, and it should be considered just that, content. But before I change my career to peddler of retarded Geopolitical fan fiction I want to get back to the actual retarded conspiracy theories that this little nerd espouses.
Since I posted this 2 weeks ago, the WEF has officially cut ties with Russia. I suspect this is for optics purposes but it does make me wonder if the extreme anti-Russian hysteria in the West is setting the stage for an eventual Oceania vs Eurasia conflict.
Why would Schlomo conjure up some “extreme anti-Russian hysteria,” if all these jews are trying to destroy America/The West, and build up Russia? You’d sort of think that they’d like, be completely 100% supporting Russia against Ukraine, instead of the exact opposite. I’m sure the Cartoon Porn Enjoyer has some extremely logical explanation for all this.
IMO, until Putin rescinds Agenda 21/2030, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and transhumanism, bans LGBT stuff, implements a closed-borders immigration policy and stops replacing ethnic Russians with Islamic Central Asians and Caucasians, stops kissing Chabad ass, etc., then he is clearly still on team globalism. You can’t really be anti-globalism if you support all of the main globalist agendas, as Putin does.
So… no he doesn’t. Apparently Putin is on “team globalism,” which explains why the rest of “team globalism,” is siding against him.
Nothing says “team globalism,” quite like being denounced by George Soros and the rest of the WMD Liars. Nothing says “team globalism,” like having your country entirely sanctioned. Nothing says “team globalism,” like calling the jew president of Ukraine (((Vlodomyr Zelensky))) a war criminal, and promising to have him tried. Remember goyim, when two countries go to war, that’s just the already existing World Government Globalists starting a fake conflict in order to establish World Government. The less it makes sense, the more obviously the conspiracy has been covered up, idiot.
All of this prompted the curt and appropriate response by Keith Woods, seen above and transcribed below.
POV: your model of political analysis doesn’t explain, predict, or elucidate anything and you are watching it being proven wrong in real time
TRS figure and NJP Chairperson Mike Enoch (They/Them) got in on the action with the following post.
The idea the World Economic Forum or the UN Agenda 21 are running anything is even dumber than “based Putin” which is mainly a straw guy to describe people that have an actual comprehensive analysis of world affairs.
Davos is a place where Jewish finance oligarchs and government officials meet to discuss economic plans and possibilities. But they do this in many other places and at many other meetings as well. Davos is mostly a media event, which is why low IQ misdirectors like Fooltide latch on to it just as conspiracy theorists have in the past latched on to the Bilderberg group, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations etc. These are all simply tools of powerful people, not the power to themselves.
The World Economic Forum does not issue dictates that anyone is obliged to follow, and the UN most certainly doesn’t.
When you go down the road of conspiracy theory rather than actual material political analysis and investigation, you will find yourself paralyzed as you can’t retroactively fit events like the Russia/Ukraine war into your worldview because Russia sent people to Davos or something. Lol.
I pointed out before that the United Nations gets totally ignored whenever they criticize the jew ethnostate. Yet when they do something that Schlomo wants, suddenly their word becomes law. Moike here makes the same point but for all these groups. Davos is a glorified Meet & Greet, and none of these boogeymen groups have any actual institutional power greater than a random twitter account. Actual decisions get made elsewhere, and saying that Russia is on Team Globalist because they sent people to Davos is so stupid that it’s actually kind of stunning.
Needless to say the Hentai Appreciator was not amused, and fired back in this whiny telegram response.
I don’t know why a holocaust denier like you is using “conspiracy theorist” as a pejorative — maybe your brain is clogged up with visceral fat? —- but the standard “conspiracy theorist” argument is that Freemasonry, CFR, UN, etc. are all front organizations for international finance and other globalist oligarchs and swindlers.
Yeah, no. The standard argument that these retards put forwards is literally the opposite. That the UN is quite literally the World Government, and what they say is the law. Also, CFR means Council for Foreign Relations if you were curious.
Correct, CFR etc. are powerful because they are used by powerful people. Is this the power of actual material political analysis and investigation?
I’m sort of starting to run out of words here. If these groups are only powerful because they are used by powerful people, then that means they have literally zero power. Welcome to the real world Thuletide, except that this dipshit keeps blabbering on about UN Agenda 21 and “muh Great Reset,” conspiracy tier bullshit. He also has this running theme that America is being destroyed for literally no reason by globalists that control America because they want to set up shop in Russia/China for no particular reason. His explanation for this is that the UN is actually super powerful and Biden is just a puppet and it borders on being too dumb to even take seriously enough to parody.
What shocking truth bomb will you drop next? That Amazon is simply a tool for Jeff Bezos?
Except that Amazon is an actual institution with a tremendous amount of power. Amazon has power not because Bezos is powerful in some other way, but because it controls the market for online retail. Amazon is in no way “just” a tool for Jeff Bezos, and is in no way just a front operation. It’s controlled by Bezos, the (((ADL))), and other interests, and used to get what they want politically.
Look, I know this is kindergarten type stuff, but we’re dealing with the guy who oscillates between the UN being the most powerful world government ever and the UN having literally no power, and just being used by powerful people. Nailing this duplicitious little retard down on where exactly the institutional power is supposed to lie is going to be impossible, since that wouldn’t let him flip back and forth between whatever imaginary power structures supposedly exist on “Team Globalism,” to justify his horribly non-predictive Geopolitical Analysis.
You fat retard.

Mike Peinovich seen reading Thuletide’s hurtful telegram comment.
Displaying an immaturity that appears to fit perfectly with his Geopolitical Non-Analysis he resorts to calling Mike Peinovich obese. He also goes hard with the stupid insults in his response to Keith Woods. I’m transcribing that last bit.
Also funny that you turned off your dislikes because your attempted dunks on me kept getting ratioed. Cope and seethe you Communist faggot.
You may have noticed that Thuletide, the guy whining about Woods not having dislikes enabled, does not allow reactions of any sort in his Telegram channel. I suppose we’ll just have to take Thuletide’s word for his claim that Woods was getting ratio’d. It’s not like this is the guy who totally made up Mike Enoch saying “if Palestinians were raping White Children I would support them more.”
Oh wait, he totally did that. My bad.
Dunking on Thuletide is so easy it should be illegal, and everyone’s getting in on the action. I personally have made peace with the reality that I enjoy felting the e-boys as much as my audience.
WEF when a Telegram account uncovered their secret world domination plan: 😭