There is a time for serious military analysis. There is also a time to laugh at delusional trannies.

That… has to be fake right? I mean the comment is so perfect on so many different levels. From the temper tantrum emotional outburst to the bizarre “it’s the current year, how is Privileged Class Supported Thing not winning,” delusion. Followed up by whining about NATO not being ghey enough before feeling entitled to anti-air coverage just cause.

To explain his comment a little more. The Russians have complete air supremacy. This is important for lots of reasons, but mostly that they can find any fixed assets, like buildings, etcetera, and then destroy them with artillery, aircraft, missiles, or what have you. It also makes maneuvering extremely difficult. Troops caught out in the open are simply meals for aircraft, but there’s really no way to hide from heavy artillery bombardment either.

What’s happening now is the Ukrainian side is simply hunkering up in their holes and being slowly destroyed. That this process will take a while does not mean the end result is up in the air.

There has been incompetence in the Ukrainian Military at all levels. At the highest, they were almost unbelievably unprepared for a war 8 years in the making, and were short on plenty of non-exotic equipment for their infantry. They also refused to build dispersal airbases, or enough fighters to contest air superiority, and are dealing with the inevitable result.

I say the Reddit Tranny Brigade, but a lot of the guys who left have actual combat experience with the English Military, US, etcetera. Unfortunately for them, they simply assume complete air dominance. If you don’t have that, it’s pretty hard to just be going out on patrols. This is doubly true if you don’t have excellent SPAAG’s to give you some protection against close support aircraft. As stated earlier, all they can do is hold up in their positions and literally do nothing, waiting for their time to die. And a breakout of these encirclements is simply not in the cards.

See, that’s what I meant when I said these guys have never operated without complete air supremacy. Yes, having to hunker down because some helicopters, SU-25’s, or whatever are flying overhead really puts a damper on your day. Especially when you saw some guys you knew well getting blown up already. It’s almost like Air Superiority isn’t just some checkbox feature that doesn’t really matter. It’s almost like that, because it is that.

Imagine being a redditor. You’re a big supporter of the Current Thing, which in this case means going to the Ukraine. You believe the retarded anti-Russian propaganda, so you think that Ukraine is doing super well in this war. That their airforce got destroyed on Day 1, and the Russians have an almost 10x larger military doesn’t matter so much. CNN said that Russia is doing poorly, and besides, “you”, where you in this case means our actual privileged class, always win in politics, why should this be any different?

And then this happens to them. I mean, this was 100% predictable from the perspective of objective reality. But you have to get into the mind of the redditor. You really have to have that belief in propaganda that borders on personality disorder or even mental illness. From that perspective, going and fighting for the disgusting jew gangster Zelensky with no air support, and a military lacking even basic necessities sounds like a perfectly great idea. Then the realization that they are in fact just going to die and, for the first time in their lives, they take that small leap away from propaganda-land and start living in reality.

Great accompanying video from this doughy LARPer. Long story short, these volunteer legions are getting fucked up, and sent to Kiev without weapons, or weapons that don’t even have a single clips worth of ammunition. This was too much for even this redditor, but getting out of Ukraine is no easy feat.

Although I’m sure Zelensky will manage just fine.

In the time since I started this article, the Volunteers for Ukraine subreddit has been completely deleted. So they’re taking mass casualties IRL, and have been completely exterminated online.

I have to say, I’m trying my best not to get Finklethinked, but it’s getting harder and harder to not start Rootin For Putin.

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