Earlier today I wrote about the sabotaging of an RCMP investigation into a mass shooting event specifically so that Trudeau could get some propaganda out to push for taking away our firearms. I’ve also written pieces detailing how the RCMP is allowed to have “patrol rifles,” brought in under the Conservatives, where they are given infantry rifles, in addition to body armour and other expensive military gear.
The Trudeau government are aiming to reduce the severity of sentences for a number of crimes, including gun offences which the Liberals campaigned on tackling during the 2021 election. Trudeau’s Justice Minister David Lametti held a press conference on Tuesday where he detailed the government’s plans. The Liberals will reduce the severity of crimes like illegal firearm possession, gun trafficking, and discharging a firearm with intent in the form of Bill C-22. Trudeau will even reduce prison time for those who use firearms in a robbery.
You could theoretically argue that someone who was really concerned with violence, gun or otherwise, could push for gun confiscations while also heavily arming the RCMP. Except that actually no, if some non-White commits a crime against you, they’ll do their best to give them no jail time at all. And yes, this is explicitly racial.
The Conservative Party immediately jumped on the Liberal’s decision, saying it was “unacceptable.” “47 percent of Canadians feel that gun violence is a threat to their community,” said a tweet. “Bill C-22: Liberals removing mandatory prison time for serious gun offences.”
The Post Millenial includes this tweet of the CPC’s. And of course, it intentionally misses the point.
Bill C-22 will also aim to reduce mandatory minimum sentences for those in possession of drugs. “Serious criminals deserve to be seriously punished and kept away from our communities,” said a spokesperson of Lametti’s to CBC. But too many lower-risk and first-time offenders, including a disproportionate number of Indigenous peoples and Black Canadians, are being sent to prison and locked up for too long because of policies which are proven not to deter crime or help keep our communities safe.”

Justice Minister David Lametti
As is always the case, the kosher-left is openly making this about race. They are lowering mandatory minimum sentences so that they can get Black and Aboriginal criminals, gang related or otherwise, back on the streets terrorizing you and your family as soon as possible. You will not be given the new minimum sentences. You will instead be given the absolute maximum sentence possible.
So of course the duplicitous weasels in the Conservative Party, who are there purely to get out in front of Whiteys response to this, scrub this of any of the explicit anti-White ideological underpinnings and then do some impotent “wow, sure does look weird,” routine. If you or I got some gun charges, or any charges, these anti-White faggots would be cheering on us being imprisoned forever to show how “tough on crime,” they are.
Remember, the worse the kosher-left acts, the more blame the koshervatives get for being fake.
[…] https://dailyrake.ca/2022/06/22/reminder-trudeau-government-also-wants-minimum-sentences-for-actual-… […]