There’s a lot of theft of your taxdollars here, so stick to reading the bold.
Forty-eight-hundred pounds a night was far, far too much for Canadian taxpayers to shell out for any hotel room for any member of our delegation to the Queen’s funeral. It was too much at $6,000 Canadian — the converted figure the Toronto Sun’s Brian Lilley reported, based on documents received through access-to-information — and it was even more too much at $7,300 Canadian, which is what £4,800 was actually worth on the day of the funeral.
Speaking of Simon, we all know that $93,000 was too much to feed and water her entourage aboard a government jet during a trip to the Middle East in March. She herself has admitted to some “concern.”
Much more spectacularly, we all know that $54 million was far too much to spend on ArriveCAN.

Mary Simon, new Attorney General
The ArriveCAN thing needs a bit of explanation.
In order to critique ArriveCan’s eye-watering $54-million price tag, over the Thanksgiving weekend a single techie managed to duplicate the app in less than two days. The endeavour was the brainchild of Lazer Technologies, a Toronto-based app developer that was among many in the Canadian tech sphere who were outraged to learn the federal government managed to spend $54 million on a relatively simple border screening app. On Monday, another Toronto-based tech company, TribalScale, also announced that its employees had used the Thanksgiving weekend to replicate ArriveCan. Again, it only took about two days to deliver a pitch-perfect recreation of the app.
The federal government managed to outsource the app’s development to no less than 23 separate companies, eight of which raked in commissions of more than $1 million. The largest single beneficiary was GCStrategies, a company headquartered in a rural Ottawa house that appears to specialize largely in federal tech contracts. So far, GCStrategies has collected $9 million for work related to ArriveCan.
Most notably, all this money hasn’t even delivered a particularly good piece of software. ArriveCan was notoriously plagued by glitches in its early months. In July, a technical error caused the app to order 10,200 travellers into mandatory quarantine despite the fact that they had filed their vaccine information correctly.
You can see their perfect replication of this very simple app below.
In typical finkle fashion, both articles try to make this about “muh Liberals,” instead of the Parasite Class. Everyone knows that Pierre “more migrants” Poilievre isn’t going to do shit about this. Everyone knows that Trudeau isn’t going to be punished, unless some real populist takes office.
The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) will be getting two Airbus A330-200 aircraft to replace part of its aging CC-150 Polaris fleet, the Department of National Defence (DND) announced Thursday — a fleet that includes Can Force One, the VIP aircraft used to transport the prime minister, the Governor General and other VIPs.
I’m going to steal an important rant of mine from almost a year ago. In it I referenced an article written during COP26, which was November of 2021. This was at the height of Covid-19, and all our “leaders” flew to the COP26 Summit to go and bloviate about how the peasants need to stop producing so much carbon, preferably by never being allowed to fly.
It’s even worse than that. When these faggots fly, do you think they fill the planes to maximum capacity? Do you think they’re all sitting there, enjoying the same cramped seating that we all “enjoy,” on our flights?
Of course not. Instead they use an entire 747, with its 400 seating capacity, and put 10, maybe 20 people on there. They do this so they can have couches, lounges, chefs, and whatever else they feel like for their perfect leisure. Don’t worry about cost, you’re the one paying for it. But wait, it gets worse.
The Conservatives are calling Justin Trudeau a “carbon hypocrite” for flying two planes during the 40-day election campaign, emitting double the carbon emissions of other campaigns.
“Despite marching in climate strikes, lecturing everybody else on lowering emissions and imposing a carbon tax on hard-working Canadians, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are secretly using two aircraft to campaign in this election,” the release says.
Of course, it gets worse.
According to an initial assessment report for the UK government the carbon emissions for COP26 are expected to reach the equivalent of 102,500 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
That is similar to the annual emissions from about 10,000 UK households.
The figure for COP26 is double the emissions from the last climate summit in Madrid in 2019.
The UK government says that, despite the Covid pandemic, the Glasgow COP attracted more than 39,000 participants as opposed to 27,000 in Madrid in 2019.
Our privileged class, no matter the country, fly all around the world to congregate in one ultra expensive resort to lecture us all about how we need to cut back our carbon emissions and not go celebrate Christmas with our extended families. You would think a simple Zoom meeting would do, but the point is fuck you, so that just wouldn’t cut it.
According to the report, about 60% of the COP26 emissions are estimated to have come from international flights.
In order to avoid emissions from flights, attendees were urged to travel by land where possible.
However many world leaders flew in by private jet, plus there were cargo aircraft which carried helicopters and vehicles for motorcades.
Our parasite class flies around the world on rented out 747’s at literally 10% full capacity. They also send giant C5 Globemaster’s there with helicopters inside, so they can fly over top of the Goy Peasants they encounter in whatever place these fucking faggots congregate. They do this in the middle of Covid-19, after telling us that we can’t go spend thanksgiving with our families.
The purpose of all of this is to lecture us on how naughty we are for using less than one onethousandth of the fuel that they use. And again, a simple zoom call would have sufficed. You know, those things that they made us do during Covid-19, but didn’t bother doing themselves.
Anyway, now Trudeau has an even nicer jumbo jet to lounge around in. Back to that article.
The final contract for the two planes is valued at $102 million US and was awarded to the International Airfinance Corporation, a DND news release says.
The planes, which were manufactured in 2015, will replace CC-150 Polaris aircraft, which the RCAF has flown since 1992. The planes conduct most of the RCAF’s air-to-air refuelling.
“After nearly 30 years of outstanding service, the RCAF is looking to the future of this crucial capability,” the news release says.
A motherfuckin’ Airbus A330.
A gigantic plane that seats over 400 people, will now be seating Justin. Maybe a few other dipshits, and a boy slave or two. Let’s call it ten of the shittiest people you have ever seen, on one of these gigantic things.
The old CC-150’s seated just under 200 people, which was already an outrage considering that it was just a dozen faggot Trudeauers sitting in it at any one time. But remember, your tax dollars just purchased two of these things, because Trudeau’s contribution to this situation was to demand a second entire passenger airliner fly behind his, carrying equipment and some work-peasants who weren’t hip enough to be around the cool people.
But now he’s upgrading. So that’ll be another $100 million please.
Here in Joo world moneys are printed on a canon printer with a giant pink plastic pig chassis covering it, belching sulfur compounds out a fan placed in the rear.
These vomited rectangular notes are then distributed to the tribe, resulting in monopolies appearing out of thin air, Home Despot, Starbucks, Lowes, etc.
The weak minded goy are allowed a few droppings, just enough to keep them working – but occasionally they get too much and get 5 minutes to think about their predicament when the video games and anti social media go through a boredom phase – THERE, I EXPLAINED THIS PARTICULAR PHENOMENON OF ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE NOSFERATU OVERLORDS.
Thank you for the succinct and outstanding summary of life under the new world order:
“Our parasite class flies around the world on rented out 747’s at literally 10% full capacity. They also send giant C5 Globemaster’s there with helicopters inside, so they can fly over top of the Goy Peasants they encounter in whatever place these fucking faggots congregate. They do this in the middle of Covid-19, after telling us that we can’t go spend thanksgiving with our families.”