A female prisoner today warns of the dangers of putting transgender inmates in women’s jails after she was sexually assaulted by a paedophile rapist behind bars.
Laura Goldsmith, 38, revealed how she fell prey to notorious sex offender Karen White in HMP New Hall in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
In chilling echoes of the shocking case of transgender double rapist Isla Bryson being placed in an all-female jail in Scotland, Laura told how White was allowed to carry out a campaign of abuse in plain sight after being placed in the jail despite not having surgery and boasted how she was not having hormone treatment.
I love how the Daily Mail is so fake that, even when whining about a story where the obvious issue is that a troon is obviously a man pretending to be a woman, they make sure to refer to him as “she.” This is even more ridiculous, since the guy didn’t even bother going through the hormone or surgery stuff. He just showed up and said “where the wahmens prison at?”
But we can’t ever be exactly on the target now can we Daily Mail?
White was a convicted paedophile and serial sex offender on remand for grievous bodily harm.

Stephen Wood/Karen White
When I think people who should have as much access to women as possible, I think violent, convicted pedophiles. The only part of this that I have an issue with is him not being allowed in a juvenile detention center for little boys. Maybe next he can identify as a toddler to get in there. Denying him that would be ageophobia.
White went on to be jailed for life after sexually assaulting two inmates at New Hall.
Bravely waiving her right to anonymity, Laura [one of the two rape victim fellow inmates] said she had been failed by the system which had allowed predatory sex offenders to prey on vulnerable women.
‘They are either doing it because they are scared of men’s prisons or because it gives them the opportunity to satisfy their perversions.
‘There are men trying to abuse the system and they are being allowed to do so.
‘Women are being put at risk by the system placing predatory men in their prisons. There needs to be a lot more vetting.
‘You shouldn’t be put in harm’s way inside a prison. This should never be allowed to happen again.’
Laura, I get that being raped wasn’t much fun, but that’s nothing compared to the systemic discrimination that penis-women go through on a regular basis. So cool it with the trannyphobic remarks there.
Moving on Pantene is here to make sure everyone is comfortable with authenticity and reality. That’s why they got a bunch of beautiful and authentic wahmens for the ad.
I think, to let people present themselves authentically creates a much more beautiful world.

He belongs in this article.
When I think authentic, I think of women with penises and faces that come with warranties. I don’t know what it is with makeup corporations bloviating constantly about “authenticity” and “real beauty,” but normally they have the decency to do this without the troons.
With that it’s on to negro owned grift operations whining about not getting enough of your taxdollars.
Black history month can lead to a big boost for black owned businesses. But many of the business owners say that support is needed year round, not just in February.
Let’s check in with the owners of these productive businesses.
We are reaching tranny levels of hideousness. This one in particular owned a fashion corporation that literally had zero sales in months. She details the falling sales once people stopped giving a shit about BLM.
Others say it’s not enough for people to show their support during black (fake) history month, but to actively seek out black businesses.
The video has an almost 1:10 like/dislike ratio, and the state propaganda agency disabled the comments, because of course they did. I was going to leave it at that, but then this little anti-White cunt hops in.
Zion Greene-Bull: Historicallyyyyyy it’s been harder for black peepol to access tattoos. There’s a lot of racism in the industry. And also with black history month it comes with a lot of grief and a lot of uhmmm you know family trauma that you’re learning about. And ancestral trauma. And I just wanted to do something nice for the communityyyy.

Zion Greene-Bull. There has to be some dual citizen in there with a name like that.
Such an odd combination of valley girl talk and anti-Whiteness.
CBC Narrator: Moving forward these business owners are asking customers to think of them year round. A movement they’re calling “Black365”.
Good luck with that. I think the days of butthole-leftists signaling their support for random things of blackness are over. But you can go back to being poor and ignored until Schlomo and the Rabbis of Zion find another use for you attacking Whitey.
And we end with a local teacher in Langley, BC eye twerking on “identity day”. Yes, eye twerking. And yes “identity day.”
Clownworld remains a very serious place.
Well, who knew that the demand for Nigerian-themed XL and XXL mumus, kimonos, and related novelty land-whale apparel would crater. Funny enough, I know of a place where this type of merch would fly off the shelves, but saying it out loud would get me “Dilberted.”
Also: fundraising to give negroes free tattoos. I don’t what is funnier: that white libs feel guilty enough to contribute to something as nihilistically futile as free tattoos; or the idea that our concerned dual citizen is using white and other fluoresced inks on the beneficiaries of the said charitable contributions.
> Novelty land-whale apparel
Lol. LMAO even.