In our last installment of CrimeWorld Full Throttle we saw an anti-White tech “entrepreneur” named Bob Lee stabbed to death. Today we’ve got another banger, as Walmart and Whole Foods turn the inner cities of colour into food deserts.
Whole Foods is temporarily closing a large store in downtown San Francisco due to concerns over employee safety, the company said on Wednesday.
Overall, crime in San Francisco is down nearly 10% this year compared to last year, but homicides are up 20% and robberies are up more than 13%, San Francisco crime data shows.
(((Chessa Boudin))), the (((Soros Prosecutor))) got holocausted out of his position almost a full year ago. However, things do not appear to have improved. The people of San Francisco may be just about the shitlibbiest shitlibs on the planet, but even they made their voice heard, and they said “no more leniency on criminals.” So they got rid of Chessa Boudin and then nothing changed.
What does it mean for crime to be down anyway, if the murder and robbery rate is increased? Prosecutors can do selective enforcement. We see that all the time for anti-White or pro-groomer reasons here in Canada, but they can also just refuse to charge career criminals for small crimes. Then they finally murder someone and even the Soros prosecutor and faggot police chief have to at least charge then with something.
Also, San Francisco is a wasteland. I wrote about this before, but let me quote this Hoover piece to show the unreal extent of the decline.
San Francisco’s business district is on life support. Compared to before the pandemic, vacant office space has increased by 290 percent. Convention attendance is down by 86 percent. Use of the city’s BART subway system in commercial corridors is down by 75 percent. And it is not just the city’s commercial districts that are struggling; San Francisco lost 6.5 percent of its population in just one year, more than any other major city.
They’ve lost 6.5% of their total population, and the streets are deserted. Even with that, robberies are up 13%, and murders 20%. Now back to Whole Foods.
The Whole Foods store, which spans nearly 65,000 square feet, opened last year at Trinity Place in the city’s Mid Market neighborhood.
A company press release announcing the store’s opening in March 2022 referred to the location as a “flagship store.”
Whole Foods opted to close the location to “ensure worker safety,” the company said, noting that all of the employees would be transferred to nearby locations.
“We have made the difficult decision to close the Trinity store for the time being,” the company said in a statement.
Whole Foods, which is owned by Amazon, said it would assess a reopening of the store if it feels it can protect employees at the location.
I’ve accidentally written about San Francisco a few times. Most humourous was when I referenced a video by City Beautiful, one of the Urbanite Fags, who was bragging about a street in San Fran where they banned cars. The street he’s bragging about is Market Street, the major street that runs through all of San Francisco, and it’s entirely dead.
It’s dirty, but you can’t even see any homeless people there, because there’s just flat out no one there. There aren’t even any victims in the vicinity to stab. It’s just flat out dead.
San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Matt Dorsey said he was “incredibly disappointed but sadly unsurprised” with the decision.
“Our neighborhood waited a long time for this supermarket, but we’re also well aware of problems they’ve experienced with drug-related retail theft, adjacent drug markets, and the many safety issues related to them,” he added.
Drug related retail theft? Adjacent drug markets? Safety issues? Whatever could this bigot be talking about?
The above video is from four years ago. It’s worse now. San Francisco is a major American city, once truly beautiful, and it’s dying one Whole Foods and Tech Fag at a time.
A line of Chicago mayors heavily courted Walmart over the last two decades, brushing aside community protests. And Walmart welcomed the opportunity to show cities it could be a strong corporate partner.
But now, Walmart is pulling back from Chicago.
The largest retailer in the country announced plans this week to close four of its eight stores in the city, citing growing financial losses. Three are in predominantly Black and low-income neighborhoods, and their closures with little warning mean residents — including elderly citizens and people without reliable transportation — will have to travel further to buy groceries and pick up their medications.
The Seasoning Police aren’t happy.
Ctrl + f “crime,” “theft,” “robber,” etcetera, brings no results. Which is weird, because the actual people who live there, Customer-Americans or otherwise, universally point the finger at the criminals of colour. Must just be a small oversight from CNN to not mention rampant theft.
Despite stiff resistance from unions, grassroots groups and some local leaders in Chicago, Walmart has been embraced by the city’s last three mayors as an economic development model.
In 2006, Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley issued a rare veto to override a City Council bill that required big-box stores such as Walmart to pay workers a $10 minimum wage. In 2013, Mayor Rahm Emanuel cut the ribbon on a new Walmart in an underserved neighborhood, saying it was “another example of a company seeing an alignment of what is good for their bottom line with what is good for our neighborhoods.”
In 2020, Mayor Lori Lightfoot held a press conference with Walmart CEO Doug McMillon to announce the company would expand its investment in the city following local and national protests over George Floyd’s murder by police.

(((Rahm Emanuel)))
Chicago is another one of these “left-wing” cities. And yet, weirdly, the unions and grassroots organizers get easily overpowered by the “left wing” city (((leadership))). Each Walmart displaces dozens of smaller stores. Then, when they pull out, they leave hundreds of people without work, and an enormous part of the area a dead zone.
All of this pales in comparison to the devastation that Customer-Americans bring, especially when combined with soft on Blacks policing. I only bring this up, because the rational anti-big business argument I made above is exactly the kind of argument that butthole-leftists used to make about fifteen years ago. That was the kind of thing that they lost on time and time again to consubversatives. Nowadays they don’t even pretend, but don’t let anyone tell you that consubversatives never win on anything. It just feels that way because they’re as anti-White as the butthole-left.
As a good example of an issue that the “right wing” always loses on, here are some Teen-Americans viciously attacking a White Woman in Chicago last weekend.
Two teens were shot Saturday and a wild mob was seen on video jumping on cars and smashing their windows in the Loop. Another clip captured a man punching a CTA bus driver through a shattered window next to the driver’s seat, and yet another disturbing video captured a mob violently attacking a white woman who appeared to be trying to protect a black man.
As seen in a video believed to be from Saturday, the woman was in front of a black man wearing a green hat and they both disappeared when the mob descended on them and began beating and kicking them — it’s not clear who the victims are or what their current condition is.
“Yay, we get active,” is displayed on a video overlay:
“Suddenly a mob of teens between 16 and 18-year-olds began climbing and hitting our truck,” the wife told WGN. “We even saw them get on top of a bus.”
The caption from the tweet says “A woman was brutally attacked in a Chicago doorway over the weekend during teenagers hostile takeover of the city“. Boy am I ever tired of these teen-Americans, with their mob violence and their afros. Won’t someone do something to stop these teen-Americans? They’re almost as bad as the Customer-Americans!
Let’s move on over to NYC and see how they’re doing.
New York City’s storefront businesses, already weathering inflation and an uneven recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, are also contending with what the police say is a dramatic increase in shoplifting. But statistics also reveal a startling reality: A relative handful of shoplifters are responsible for an outsize percentage of retail crime.
Nearly a third of all shoplifting arrests in New York City last year involved just 327 people, the police said. Collectively, they were arrested and rearrested more than 6,000 times, Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell said. Some engage in shoplifting as a trade, while others are driven by addiction or mental illness; the police did not identify the 327 people in the analysis.
Three hundred perpetrators, six thousand crimes. That’s an average of twenty thefts per person in just one year. That works out to more than one every three weeks. And remember, those are just the crimes they got caught for.
Letting criminals go for “petty crimes” is an absolute joke. It’s such an absurd policy that it can only be explained as the product of a malicious parasite class wanting to cause as much harm to us as possible. This has stopped being funny a long time ago.
I wonder which corporate chain will be the first to hire Blackwater (or whatever they’re called this week) to provide security for their stores in ‘diverse localities.’