We’re still getting you caught up to today. Previous parts can be seen here, and here. And sorry the formatting for this article got a little jibbed.
At the start of the Smollett trial, we saw the prosecution make its case that Smollett lied to police when he pretended the two Nigerians he hired were actual KKK members who called him a faggot nigger. Because apparently, we need a trial for this.
Two brothers testified in court over the past two days that “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett directed them to carry out a fake hate crime while pretending to be Donald Trump supporters in an attempt to get media attention.
Abimbola “Bola” Osundairo and his brother Olabinjo “Ola” Osundairo provided critical testimony on Wednesday and Thursday in Smollett’s criminal trial on charges that he staged the attack and falsely reported it to police.The prosecution rested Thursday evening after three days of testimony in which it called seven witnesses, including the brothers.Ola Osundairo told jurors that Smollett “had this crazy idea of having two MAGA supporters attack him,” and that he wanted “to put that on social media.”“Mr. Smollett asked you to fake attack him?” Deputy Special Prosecutor Sam Mendenhall asked.“Yes,” Ola Osundairo responded.“Pretending to be Trump supporters?” Mendenhall continued.“Yes,” Ola Osundairo said.“So he could then post it on social media?” the prosecutor continued.“Yes,” Ola Osundairo answered.
He said that Bola was tasked with hitting Smollett, while Smollett wanted Ola to put a noose around his neck and pour gasoline on him. They ultimately changed gasoline to bleach because, Ola Osundairo said, “I wasn’t comfortable pouring gasoline on somebody.”
Smollett, who is Black and gay, has said two men struck him, yelled anti-gay and racist remarks, put a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him on a frigid night in Chicago in January 2019. Police initially investigated the incident as a possible hate crime and poured significant resources into solving the case and locating the two men.But after interviewing them and finding other evidence, authorities instead determined that Smollett paid the men $3,500 to stage the hate crime against him so he could get publicity and a career boost.
I am shocked beyond all belief that after interviewing the two Nigerians, the Chicago PD concluded that they were not in fact really KKK members doing an anti-black hate crime.
Thursday’s session got heated and defense attorneys called for a mistrial. One of the lawyers alleged Judge James Linn lunged at her, and another said the judge was making facial expressions.It began when the judge interjected as attorney Tamara Walker repeatedly pressed Ola Osundairo on his use of homophobic words, such as when he referred to a musician friend as a “fruity ass.” Linn angrily instructed Walker to move on from her line of “collateral” questioning.The defense has suggested during the trial that homophobia may have been a motive in a real hate crime attack that night.In a heated exchange, Walker asked the judge for a sidebar, which he denied at first. After the defense for a second time requested a meeting outside of earshot of the jury, Linn sent the panel out of the room.Walker and her defense team requested a mistrial.As the exchange between the judge and the defense quickly escalated, Walker became emotional, at one point sobbing as she paced around a table, claiming Linn was not allowing her to continue a line of questioning that was critical to the defense’s case.Walker also claimed Linn lunged at her while at the sidebar, something Linn vehemently denied.“When you said the word mistrial, and I know you have some pressures here, I’m stunned that you would consider a mistrial,” Linn said. “Ms. Walker, there were objections that had to be sustained and I was trying to get back on point.”“Just because you think you were allowed to go one way, we’re all just doing our jobs,” Linn told Walker.“There will be no mistrial,” he told the stunned courtroom.Defense attorney Heather Widell also addressed the judge, stating, “I would also like to go on the record that there are facial objections coming from the bench when there are objections.”“You’re great at facial expressions,” Linn shot back.

The actor directed them to say “Empire, f****t, n***er, MAGA,” fake punch him, pour bleach on him and then run away, he testified.

I’ll have one more of these, as the jury is still deliberating.
This article is a deluxe sampler of bias confirmation. Such a shit show and presented to us by a guy with a honkler avi.
Fucking Perfect.