In the last episode we left off after Sammy had assumed the Father Figure Role in idubbbz’ life, teaching him how to drive stick and giving him crypto trading advice. But it’s Day 4, so that means…

I don’t know what part of the building this is, but Hyde takes idubbbz up here so that idubbbz can do his interview. Hyde makes sure to sit on a higher chair, with idubbbz sitting lower on a couch. To start Hyde seems fairly laid back.


idubbbz: Uhm. Let’s start off with age.

Hyde: Age.

idubbbz: I mean name, age and uh, you’re… what do you do?

It’s at this moment that Hyde menacingly leans overtop of idubbbz.

Hyde: Well my name is Gormedious. And I’m a 400 year old vampire, but I actually appear to be thirteen.

This interview is nearly 30 minutes long. I’m transcribing the whole thing, and let me tell you, the awkwardness and tension is palpable.

idubbbz: And uh, what is you’re career, what is your job.

Hyde: Interesting question. Uhm, I’m a grifter, I’m a thief, uh, also an entertainer at certain points. Comedian I guess you could say. Maybe you could say world’s most influential comedian of all time. Cryptocurrency trader if we’re being real.

There’s some random bit about them setting up the camera that I’m not going to transcribe, and then we get back to the good stuff. After it seems like they’re done screwing around with camera and lighting setup Sam doesn’t wait for idubbbz to ask another question.

Hyde: Why did you choose to make a documentary of me?

idubbbz: Well uh, I’m gonna flip that question on you –

Hyde: You can’t flip, I just flipped the question on you.

idubbbz: That’s not how it works, I’m the one interviewing you.

Hyde: That’s crazy, this is the craziest interview I’ve ever conducted.

idubbbz: Yeah this is not gonna be like an ordinary interview.

Hyde: Alright go ahead.

idubbbz: Uh, do you remember our first interaction.

Hyde: No.

idubbbz: You don’t?

Hyde: I have very bad memory though.

They do a little interlude here and explain that their first interaction was Hyde copyright striking one of idubbbz’s videos seven years ago. He was doing some My Little Pony kickstarter joke, and so he was copyright striking everyone who exposed that. When idubbbz sent him an email, he told him that if he could squat two plates he’d unstrike his channel.

Back to the interview.

Hyde: Was it bad?

idubbbz: What do you think?

Hyde: Did I snub you or slight you?

*awkward forced laughter by idubbbz.

idubbbz: Your memory is that bad?

Hyde: Yes.

idubbbz: Do you remember making a kickstarter TV of uh well no it wasn’t kickstarter TV. Do you remember making a pony game.

Hyde: Yes.

idubbbz: There were some creators at the time who made videos about this fake pony project.

Hyde: Yeah.

idubbbz: Yeah.

Hyde: Were you one of them?

idubbbz: I was one of them.

Hyde: What did I do?

idubbbz: Do you have any guesses?

Hyde: Did I say fuck you or something?

idubbbz: No, you copyrighted the video, and then sent me an email.

Hyde: That might not have been me though. I don’t do most copyright claims. What was the email?

idubbbz: The email was that I will uncopyright the video if you show me a video of yourself squatting 200 lbs below parallel.

Hyde: Why didn’t you do that? You’d be so much stronger now if you’d done that. Damn. Did I create an enemy with that?

idubbbz: I mean, for a period. I didn’t like you. You were an asshole.

Hyde: I’m sorry buddy that’s not good.

idubbbz: Yeah, why’d you do that to me?

Hyde: I don’t know. I can’t even remember what your video was, maybe I was pissed off or something. I was trying to not have that ruse get blown though, so maybe that had something to do with it.

Through this entirety of this little ambush, which idubbbz has popped out of nowhere, Hyde continues to have this hunched over somewhat menacing body language, and idubbbz has this awkward smile plastered on his face.

idubbbz: That’s what lead to this day today.

Hyde: Really, so are you trying to punk me?

idubbbz: You’re getting punked.

Hyde: Really? How are you gonna punk me?

idubbbz: I’m gonna make you look like an asshole.

Hyde: Really?

idubbbz: Which isn’t hard to do.

Hyde: Is that really the case?

idubbbz: Nah, it’s meant to be – well part of me thinks you might be disingenous when you say you don’t remember.

Hyde: I legit don’t remember. 100% serious.

idubbbz: Really.

Hyde: Yeah.

idubbbz: Is it just cause you’re doing so much that you forget all the bridges you burned and the people you fuck with?

Hyde: Did I burn a bridge with that?

idubbbz: Could ‘of been, but I’m a resilient person. So I turned that hate into a passion for filmmaking, which is why I’m here.

Hyde: Okay. Okay. So are you like still angry with me?

idubbbz: No, definitely not?

Hyde: You dislike me still?

idubbbz: No, I think there’s some things about you that I just wanna understand better.

Hyde: Yeah.

idubbbz: Uh, mostly to do with your comedy.

Hyde: Mmmm hmmm.

idubbbz: Uhm. I have a list of questions that I’d like to get into.

Hyde: Sure.

Boy, that was awkward. I know that Hyde himself is enjoying the awkwardness, but seriously, what was idubbbz thinking here? This is the kind of joking that you could maybe do with someone who you’ve actually been friends with for years, not the menacing school shooter who is ready and willing to do what’s necessary in a self-defense situation.

It also confirms Sam’s suspicion of idubbbz’ motivations. If I was interviewing Hyde, I’d probably send him a list of the questions that I want to ask him before I get there. At the very least I’d send him the general gist of things, and give him final say over the last cut. Then again, I’m not trying to make Sam Hyde look bad, unlike idubbbz.

Idubbbz then pulls out his phone where he’s got the questions written down. He might also be doing that so he can avoid eye contact with Sam “six schools a day” Hyde.

idubbbz: Yeah uh, the shit. Let’s get a synoposis.

Hyde: What’s the shit?

idubbbz: We’ll get to it.

Hyde: No let’s get to it now.

idubbbz: Why, do you feel nervous?

Hyde: Yeah cause I feel like you’re trying to punk me here.

idubbbz: It’s just a collection of questions that me and other people have about you.

Hyde: Is this what the shit is?

idubbbz: Let’s start off with what content you’re most proud of?

Hyde: I don’t like the order this is going in. I don’t wanna give you any honest answers to questions like “what are you most proud of,” and then have you hit me with something, like, weird. So let’s just get into the weird shit.

idubbbz: Well.

Hyde: We’ll circle back, we can do that.

idubbbz: And just to be clear. Just to like relieve some of the pressure-

Hyde: Don’t relieve the pressure, let’s keep it on. Keep it in there.

JFC. Hyde is pulling off a masterclass in bullying. And the best part it’s all 100% deserved on idubbbz’ part. I could honestly write an essay on everything he’s doing. Admitting that the other person is making you nervous, thus placing the onus on them to explain themselves, while simultaneously claiming that you like the awkwardness and tension of the situation. Chef’s kiss.

idubbbz: Firstly, you’ve said in the past that World Peace isn’t political. Or you, you don’t do politics. You’ve said that and you’ve said that in the Joe Bernstein –

Hyde: Can’t remember saying that. I’m sure I did.

idubbbz: Do you feel that way now?

Hyde: I just don’t care. I think that uhm, psychological schism that the world is uh, experiencing is unfixable, and I don’t care. And the thing that I tell anybody I care about, or anybody who pays to listen to me is to take care of yourself. Squat 225 below parallel, and fix your shit. Stack money, be loyal to the people who are close to you, etcetera. But I don’t care about politics.

idubbbz: Right, but it seems like that wasn’t always your uh, purpose. It seems like you’ve grown into that a little bit.

Hyde: I thought that, I was a bit more naive to the possibility to not change things but to bring about some kind of better end result through the work that we were doing. Which I now believe is not the case.

idubbbz: Okay. So you feel like that’s not uh, you just can’t make as much of an impact with that. You’re sort of wanting to –

Hyde: I think it’s kind of over for freedom of speech for the type of shit that I would want to represent if I was out there doing something like 100% serious with my heart in it. I think it’s a suicide mission at this point. And it’s also just not possible because there’s no outlet to do that on. I couldn’t possibly have a monitized YouTube channel or get a TV show again, so there’s no venue for it even if I wanted to.

idubbbz: You don’t think that you can package things differently though?

Hyde: Well maybe if I could go back in time that would be possible to do.

idubbbz: You don’t think you could do it now?

Hyde: No, I will never be on TV again. YouTube as well, anything that is monetized. Netflix, Hulu, whatever. None of those are options, even though we got a million viewers per episode of World Peace and fuckin’ Mike Lazzo said “we’re gonna shoot 100 episodes of this. You guys are the next Tim and Eric. You guys are the future of Adult Swim.” Etcetera. It’s just all done. None of those venues are a possible path for us.

Sam Hyde is actually a great guy to interview, and this section shows it. You simply can’t make any sort of political difference on (((controlled platforms))) anymore. It’s not 2015 anymore, and Hyde getting massively censored, including having his show cancelled, shows the complete and utter lie that what’s on the TV is what the people want. MDE got over a million views per episode. It was great. Then some kike named Joe Bernstein whined and now he’s never getting on television anymore.

The only upside to all this censorship, is that it totally delegitimizes any faggot who remains on YouTube, at least doing political content.

The top comment on that video is “This is one of Sam Hyde’s best sketches”.

Anyway, there’s a good five seconds of dead air after Sam’s last comment.

Hyde: What do you think about that?

idubbbz: Well I just feel like I’ve had aspirations for being on Netflix or Hulu or whatever. But I’m finding that YouTube is good enough, and is doing the trick for me. And I’ve done some unsavoury stuff on YouTube and it’s all good. And I’ve been able to get messages out there and it hasn’t been super – I think I’ve come to the conclusion you have that it’s not necessarily my place nor is it super productive to kind of preach at people per say. But when there’s kind of like a – your more recent content. I feel like you’re telling people to self reflect more, and focus on their personal shit. And I can’t imagine that would be a bad thing for YouTube.

Hyde: If I was on YouTube I would be taken down in a matter of weeks. Right now we’re posting shit to YouTube that’s censored. If I were to be any higher profile than I am on YouTube, if I were to attempt to monetize on YouTube it would be taken down. It’s not a career path. I couldn’t become a YouTuber. I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense, I mean like someone whose career is based on YouTube.

idubbbz: Okay, that’s fair.

I don’t know why this faggot idubbbz is trying to contest this point, or why he doesn’t understand it. It’s also pretty much the only genuine bit of this interview, and he seems completely unprepared for it. Instead we get a nice 10 seconds of dead air before he gets to his next stupid question.

idubbbz: Oh, uhm. So you talk in your comedy, or at least on a lot of the Hyde Wars stuff. You’ll like reference Joe Rogan, Lena Dunham, Ethan Klein. Uh, why do you do that, or what’s the like, do you realize how confusing that could be to some viewers who like, I don’t, is he being serious about this?

What the fuck kind of retarded questions are these?

Hyde: I’m being serious, yeah. I think about Joe when I wake up. I think about him when I go to sleep. Is that weird? People have obsessions I mean what are you obsessed with. Something right? You don’t have to say what it is. I think about fuckin’ Joe Rogan. Not fuckin’ him, about him. I think about Joe Rogan when I go to bed, when I wake up, when I’m doing my MMA training, when I’m drinking my $30 green juice.

idubbbz: I don’t think you do. I don’t think you really think about him.

JFC. I’m not sure I’m going to bother transcribing the rest of this interview because this idubbbz guy is boring and unprepared. It’s like watching awkward flirting between two people who aren’t attracted to each other.

Hyde goes on to claim he’s spent $6000 on cameos from random famous people because he wants Joe Rogan to notice him so he can fight him. He will also drink his blood.

Sam explains that idubbbz should have clarified what the purpose of the interview was first, and idubbbz has some weird excuse. Hyde continues to give idubbbz workout advice.

idubbbz: Do you think some of the open mic’s that you’ve done in the past, that are really offensive, do you think that they would be as funny if the audience wasn’t offended?

What. The. Fuck. Are these questions?

Hyde: It wouldn’t be funny at all.

I know it’s low quality content to just say “idubbbz has no charisma and asked stupid questions,” over an over, but in any case my patience has waned.

idubbbz: Do you think your fans understand your comedy?

You’re killing me here idubbbz oh my god. Compare the amount of time, effort, and even money that went into the “idubbbz gaslighting documentary,” and trolling this guy with his stupid questions.

Anyway, the rest of this interview bores me to tears. The awkwardness is over, and all that remains are stupid questions from idubbbz. Hyde explains that he’s parlaying his brand into a rap career, and says some other trolly stuff, but idubbbz has absolutely no chill, so he smiles, and doesn’t add anything.

Mercifully it ends. Tomorrow I’ll wrap this up, and we’ll do some other pieces on Sam Hyde. He’s an interesting character even beyond the School Shooter Memes.

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1 Comment

  1. Sam is a genius. Even the leftists realize he’s a genius, that’s why they hate him extra hard.

    However, as much as he’s lauded by our side, he’s a dangerous figure. Sam barely conceals his hatred for the audience. There was an exchange on his podcast where he and Nick were talking about sponsors. Nick joked, “At least we have that $500 a month from the CIA keeping us afloat.” Sam’s reply was chilling, “It’s hilarious to think we’d do it for so little.” For so little. Implying there’s a higher price he’d be willing to turn informant/shill.

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