I initially wrote about the GoFundMe attempt at thieving the Finklethink Convoy in Ottawa. There was some probably homosexual Ottawa city councillor who tried and failed at stealing the money. But then GoFundMe themselves announced that they would be appropriating the $9 million remaining and giving it to “worthy charities.”

I thought that was that, but GoFundMe apparently cucked on the thieving the goyim’s money question.

As fake and ghey as the Finklethink Convoy is, I would not expect its organizers to take getting robbed of their $9 million grift operation lightly. A protracted legal battle would almost certainly ensue, and who knows what would happen. In any case, now everybody who donated gets their money back.

Considering that the Finklethink Convoy was never going to get actual tangible policy, what with the lead organizer being a gay jew supremacist named Benjamin Dichter, this is actually the best possible outcome. GoFundMe delegitimizes itself, Trudeau looks like a whiny bitch, and the goy-peasants who were duped into thinking this was a legitimate political action get their money back.

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