One of the leaders of the three-week occupation –
Nope, sorry CBC but we’re stopping it there. Here’s what it should be. One of the leaders of the three week peaceful protest done by unarmed citizens.
Now let’s continue.
in Ottawa, Pat King, is appearing at a bail hearing Tuesday as a woman has pledged to put up $50,000 to ensure King won’t violate his bail conditions.
I have to do some research on this Pat King character before I figure out if I should support him or not. Remember, one of the Finklethink Convoy organizers is Benjamin Dichter, a gay jew supremacist. One of the first results was this insanely poorly written article.
According to Antihate, King has expressed overtly racist and antisemitic statements.
Okay I like what I’m hearing, but this could be some sort of Finkled counter-jihad type goy.
In a 2019 stream regarding the then-upcoming federal election, King expressed his dissatisfaction with the movement’s lack of success, saying, “[The election] won’t matter… Unless you want to switch your national language to Chinese, Mandarin, –
Ugh, so typical of this “muh Chyna baaaad” stuff that I’m –
or Hebrew,”
I stand corrected. And I stand with Pat King.
he says, before comparing Chinese names to the sound of money tumbling down the stairs.
Okay, I could do without this sort of low class anti-China stuff. So this Pat King guy isn’t perfect. As far as I know he could just be doing some sort of pied piper routine.
King has also publicly denied Holocaust facts by saying, “I do know that the Holocaust [sic] was reduced to 1.5 million and not the 6 million that it was said to be.” as reported by Antihate.
Well that settles it, support Pat King we must.
King, an Alberta resident, faces four charges related to his involvement in the occupation including mischief, counselling to commit the offence of mischief, counselling to commit the offence of disobey court order, and counselling to commit the offence of obstruct police.
Once again I’ll remind you that the antifa above, David, Alexander Zegarac, wasn’t charged with terrorism or a hate crime for his terrorist act against the Finklethink Convoy. You can see my call in to the Winnipeg police here. Boy the police sure do pick and choose which goyim they throw the book at.
At Tuesday’s bail hearing, fellow Albertan Kerry Komix was put forward as King’s proposed surety, which means she would put money forward on behalf of King and encourage him to maintain conditions of bail.
She pledged $50,000 equity on her home, roughly half its value, against King’s bail despite the fact she has only known him for about four weeks, Komix told the court.
Komix, a retired bus driver who has worked with children with special needs, says she joined King and others to travel to Ottawa for the so-called Freedom Convoy, which became a three-week occupation of downtown Ottawa.
She told court she would assist in administering justice against King, and was willing to monitor his digital and day-to-day activity.
“My home is where he’s going to be. It’s kind of a jail for him if you want to call it that,” said Komix, who also committed to ensuring King attends court hearings in Ontario while serving bail in Alberta.
I don’t have an image of this Kerry Komix, but she seems pretty great. That’s been my problem from day with with the Finklethink Convoy. It’s not that I don’t like the people protesting, it’s that the leadership is garbage, and it isn’t going to be productive because of that.
Crown lawyer Moiz Karimjee showed court some of King’s videos posted online where he makes disparaging remarks about certain races and encourages protesters to come to Ottawa, including the occupation “red zone.”
In one video, King is seen mocking specific ethnicities. In another, he talks about the Anglo-Saxon race “being the one with the strongest bloodlines.”
Komix told court she was not aware of King’s criminal record, which includes convictions for possession of narcotics and possession of the proceeds from crime, until a few days ago.
Boy, he sure does sound a lot like /ourgirl/ Emma Watson. We still haven’t had a followup interview from Watson after our first, but rumour has it she was down partying it up in Ottawa with the truckers. I think we’ve even got a picture of her.

Emma Watson chilling in a hottub in downtown Ottawa.
Unfortunately Emma was kicked out of the protest by the organizers. She was caught making too many racist jokes for the Benjamin Dichter, and she’s somewhere in the deep wilderness right now.