The Post Millennial:

A recent poll has found that around three out of four Americans, regardless of political party, believe that United States society and culture are declining.

But I mean I don’t get it. We’ve got all this “progressivism.” In fact, trillion dollar multinational corporations insist on it. So how could anyone think that things aren’t progressing?

Just 9.8 percent of respondents said that the country is in a “state of progress,” while 13.4 percent said that they were “unsure” about the state of the country.

I mean nothing says “progress,” like the above creature being an accepted childrens author, so I really don’t know where these bigoted average Americans are getting this notion.

This poll comes as certain aspects of President Joe Biden’s poll numbers have slipped behind former President Donald Trump’s.
Following a recent bout of polls being added to the polling aggregate website, Biden’s RealClearPolitics average for his favorability rating stands at 42. Trump’s favorability average is close, standing at 41.8.
On the other hand, in net unfavorable ratings, Trump stands at 51.7, with Biden jumping to 52.6, marking what is reportedly the first time that the former president has had a better unfavorable rating than the current president.

Of course the cuckservative rag, despite opening up by pointing out that people think America is Dying irrespective of party membership, tries to tie this back into Bangkok Biden or some other retarded shit. The two old faggots, Blormph and Biden, have almost identical approval numbers, so of course we have to tack this entirely irrelevant nonsense onto the back of our article about people completely losing faith in the utterly Finkled electoral process.

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