Shoutout to Bobby from Telegram who forwarded me the link to this video.
For the backstory on the Cult Weirdo Jason “NWG” Kohne, go here. The particular video of his starts off with us being introduced to this creature.
Now, you’re probably wondering what exactly you’re looking at. Well, that’s none other than Yizz the Unifier, silly. It says so right there under its face.
If that didn’t really answer your question, then this some weirdo who formerly went by the term “Yiff the Eunich.” But then it trooned out and now it’s Yizz the Unifier, and it’s here to save White People. Sorry, Westerkind, from antiWhiteism, with it’s Go Pee Parties.
Kreepy Kohne: Today we have Yizz the Unifier on tap with the news of her historic victory for White Well Being. Yes, please first introduce yourself to our esteemed community in case there’s somebody here who doesn’t know who you are.
Yizz the Weird Pervert: I apologize in advance for the coarseness of my voice, but I spoke at long, long length all weekend at the event. Barely sleeping any at all, just a couple hours a night. And I talked all day and streamed all day yesterday too, so my voice is worn out.
I am Yizz the Unifier. Uh, my original name was Yizz the Eunuch.
Yizz the horrorshow proceeds to list all the various ways you can find it on the internet, and, if you’re so inclined, where you can find it IRL. Just before writing this article, I happened to bumble across some clips from Fire in the Sky and they seem weirdly applicable.
It’s not really directly relevant, but it’ll get you in the mood. Anyway, Yizz the Tranny starts talking about its busy schedule.
…working on building in person connections. I’ve got a Go Free Picnic coming up this April 2nd. I’m talking to some people I met this weekend, some bass guitarist talking about making a Go Free club here in East Tennessee. I’ve got a lot of stuff going on. I’ve got a lot of irons in the fire.
I’m also working again. So I’m doing all of this and I’m doing delivery driving and van driving about 50 hours a week. So I am just beat and dog tired all the time but uh, I’m not going to stop until the anti-Whites do.
I can’t tell you how embarrassed I am for the HuWhyte Race that this is supposed to be our champion.
Imagine you’re out in public somewhere. Maybe you’ve got a date with a nice sweet girl lined up. You take her to the park. It starts off a little bit awkward but then things start to heat up. She keeps shyly looking away from you, and after a certain point even your dumb ass figures out that she likes you. You manage to work things out so that she’s snuggled right up to you.
One thing leads to another, and the two of you are laying on your backs right beside each other. You can feel her body warmth next to as you look up at the deep blue spring sky. Petals from flowering cherries float through the air being lazily blown by a wind only slightly chill to your skin. As you feel her breath gently on your neck, with her hand placed on yours on your chest you find yourself in a special mood. Halfway between aroused by her touch, halfway between appreciating the beauty of nature.
This is it, the perfect moment.
And then suddenly this creature pops into your vision and loudly asks you if you want to “FIGHT AGAINST ANTI-WHITEISM.” The entire park stops and stares at you. This would be tolerable if it was just you, but your wonderful date has stiffened up. You hit the eject button on the conversation, but this creature just keeps coming back, like Herpes. Soon the mood is completely shot. You have resigned yourself to this weird tranny Race-Televangelist.
The date ends with both of you being weirded out. The logical parts of your minds recognize that it had nothing to do with each other. But the emotional part of your brains have forever associated each other with that awful, horrible experience. It doesn’t work out for you.
Two weeks later you see her on a date with a guy you know who is a total douche.
He makes a joke and she laughs.
And it isn’t polite laughter either, she’s really into it.
Anyway we’re skipping ahead to about the 50 minute mark when the tranny starts talking about the jew that she converted, in a story that I hope to god is completely fake.
And this one, this side conversation, this experience, was the one that meant the most to me. Because I’m a warrior. And warriors like to test themselves and defeat the greatest dragon that they can. Accomplish the greatest challenge that they can to test their mettle. And it’s gonna make sense when I tell you this.
The most important one was… I was approached by a man. He was around 30. Good looking man. Nice hair, nice glasses. Had, you know, expensive suit, nice jewelry. Nice ring. And he had a uh, star of david necklace.
I wonder where this is going. Did the Heeb-Man get converted to Going Pee with Westernkind after the tranny put a business card in its hand and told it I love you?
He smiled ear to ear and he shook my hand. He said that he was thrilled, thrilled at my presentation. Beaming ear to ear like he just found out his wife was pregnant.
That’s because he saw a tranny being the defender of White People, and enjoyed this situation.
He told me he identified as White, and loved my term Westman.
That’s because it’s retarded.
He told me that everyone in his family was a great person. Very moral, very just. They were Christians, and they were jewish. The HuWhyte People in his family. I’m sorry, the fathers side of his family, I’m trying to do him a favour here. The fathers side of his family had been in America in the NorthEast since the colony days. His mothers family are jews that go all the way back to the 1800’s in the Ukraine. And they migrated all across Europe during the brother war period and ended up in Israel.

Emma Watson when she spies a jew 3 year old right next to an oven.
Needless to say the chat is less cultlike than I anticipated. I mean, these are normal comments, but I don’t know how you watch White While Peeing and still have a brain that functions well enough to be skeptical of this. That’s just such a weirdly specific level of socially inept.
He tells me there’s a growing sentiment, among patriotic jews in both America and Israel, that they don’t like the Semitic Identity. They like the Western-White Identity. And they despise the ADL and hate its evils, because it’s turning their own people and their own countries against them.
And there’s a budding movement in Israel to shift away from the ADL and get them to stop putting everything under the banner of anti-semitism. And he says that he considers himself White. And he hates how the globalist marxist kind of jews, the anti-White jews. Have used the ADL and years of mind war to make so many people that he considers his own people to hate him and his family for being jewish, when they love us.
Sure, tranny. I believe you.
Look, it’s theoretically possible that some guy who is half jew, especially if the mother was already mostly White, would identify as White. But this guy was, according to this trannies own story, parading around with a star of David necklace. Yet… he hates the semitic identity and identifies as White.
More important than the veracity of the story is the fact that it was told in the first place. By a tranny. Named Yiff. Or Yizz, whatever. This is the purpose of the White While Peeing Cult. To get trannies up there telling fake stories that are contradictory anyway.
He spoke to me for like two hours the other night. His experience poured out of him. And I held his hand. And we cried together a little bit.
I take it back. I choose to believe that this is all 100% true, and Jason Kohne has done it. The White Race has been saved. A jew cried about the “anti-White narrative pushed by the ADL,” and now he’s telling it to a synagogue in Israel because he hates the “semitic identity.”
Serves you naughty goyim right for not trusting the plan. Business cards and throwing fliers on people’s lawns might not have been the homeruns that Kohne thought, but I bet you didn’t even think to recruit trannies to push anti-anti-Whiteism now did you Westman?
That’s why you’re sitting over there, and Kohne’s sitting in his throne room in the capitol city of Clout Empire.

Pictured: The jew she was talking to.
Deal with it.
I can’t just wow.
FYI it’s not a tranny. It’s a gen-yoo-wine Hermaphrodite. And YES! An “alliance” with a well connected Israeli Jew, who “identifies as White” has always been a WINNER for Whites!
I can’t stand it. I can’t. I can’t tell if that creature is just mental case, or as much as a grifting POS as Jewson. But this mentality is why we ALWAYS LOSE.
Yikes. An actual hermaphrodite. I guess I feel bad for it now.
PS. The Hermaphrodite, just like so many millions of idiots, doesn’t seem to appreciate the fact that the Jew’s real concern is what annihilation means for White passings JEWS. Not actual Whites, but White impersonating jews.
couple of weeks ago they had some big meetup at Jizz’s house in Tennessee with 50+ pro-whites in attendance and apparently the highlight of the day was that some mongrel from Brazil had showed up and graced them with its presence
Good god.