Originally published December 23rd, 2023. The formatting got somewhat ruined, and I had to add —- in between paragraphs.
I realized that the previous entry, explaining why you need to engage in electoral fights, required followup. Luckily, while writing this piece, I received a very relevant comment from one “A. Linder.”
For the record, I initially did not believe this to be the actual Alex Linder, but it may actually be.
Lift your unhooked noses, mein bruder(s). It’s way too late for any of this. The energy you’re expending were better spent investigating the akshual leadership and intentions of Patriot Front – who at least ostensibly head the right direction. You’re writing yardlong articles about insignificant councils in insignificant cities in insignificant states – while the leading candidate is kicked off the ballot and literally tens of thousands of literal Africans are extruding their nigrescence into our living space DAILY.—-The rest will follow from the ability physically to defend our space. Creating a literal WHITE (liberation) ARMY is job #1. First the horse, then the cart.
“Just create a WHITE liberation ARMY out of thin air, bro. Don’t bother with any of this electoral politics stuff, and definitely don’t bother with those insignificant towns in insignificant states.”

This argument is almost too stupid to engage with, as it labours under its own premise. If your goal was to create a WHITE liberation ARMY – all caps required for some reason – the number one thing you would do would be local electoral politics outside of major cities. Take Enid, Oklahoma, the location of Judd Blevins’ council victory. It has a population of 51k, the majority of whom are far more sympathetic to us than to some deranged antifas. A competent political party could sweep the major offices in such an area, and that includes the sheriff department.
Technically, the city of Enid doesn’t have a sheriff department. Garfield County does, and almost 80% of the population of Garfield County resides in Enid. That makes things even easier, since you’d naturally expect the additional suburbanites and ruralites to be even more receptive to someone with a good head on their shoulders running law enforcement.
ENID, Okla. — Voters Tuesday selected challenger Cory Rink as the next sheriff of Garfield County.—-Rink took 2,891, or 51.96%, of the 5,564 total votes cast in the runoff race. Incumbent Sheriff Jody Helm took 2,673, or 48.04% votes, according to unofficial results from Oklahoma State Election Board.—-“It feels great,” Rink said Tuesday night. “I ran for this position four years ago and I lost. I ran again today, and I have been overwhelmed with the support I’ve received.”—-He said he’s received support from both Republican and Democrats during his campaign and thanked residents of Garfield County for selecting him as their next sheriff.—-“Tonight, it proved the citizens of Garfield County wanted a change and we’re going to make that change happen,” he said.—-At 33 years old, Rink said his win Tuesday night marked a first for the county.—-This is the second time Rink, a Covington native, has run for Garfield County sheriff. He ran against Jerry Niles in the 2016 election, taking 41.46%, or 2,448, of the total votes cast by Republicans in the primary that year.
The current sheriff of Garfield County, Cory Rink, first ran when he was just 29 years old. It was not clear from the article whether he had any experience in law enforcement, although he alludes to some sort of background. Voters tend to want a sheriff who at least has some experience serving in law enforcement, although this is not a hard requirement. In fact, there do not appear to be any hard requirements for running for sheriff across the entirety of Oklahoma, something that is probably common to the other 48 states that have elected sheriffs.
The Oklahoma County Sheriff race is considered one of the most important in the history of the sheriff’s department. The candidate county voters elect Sept. 12 will not only be tasked with cleaning up the alleged financial mismanagement left by the former sheriff but will also set the tone for much-needed reforms at the overcrowded and deteriorating county jail. The next sheriff could play a role in shaping a countywide sales tax proposal to fund a new jail.—-Candidates for sheriff are acting Sheriff P.D. Taylor, a Republican; Ed Grimes, an Independent; and Mike Hanson, a Democrat. The new sheriff will head an agency with a $34 million annual budget and oversee more than 600 employees. In addition to policing the county’s unincorporated areas, the sheriff runs the state’s largest jail.
The role of sheriff varies from state to state. What is consistent is that, should you win, you get access to a budget, employees, and at least some power over the men with the guns. The budget for the largest sherrif’s office, in LA county, is over $3 billion per year, and they have over 20k employees. Small towns have proportionally smaller budgets and manpower, yet arguably have disproportionately more power.
In many rural areas of the United States, particularly in the South and West, the sheriff has traditionally been viewed as one of a given county’s most influential political office-holders.—-In a small sheriff’s office, the sheriff is likely to carry out law enforcement duties just like a regular deputy or police officer. In a medium-sized or large sheriff’s office, this is rare.—-Many sheriff’s offices also perform other functions such as traffic control, animal enforcement, accident investigations, homicide investigation, narcotics investigation, transportation of prisoners, school resource officers, search and rescue, and courthouse security. Larger departments may perform other criminal investigations or engage in other specialized law enforcement activities. Some larger sheriff’s departments may have aviation (including fixed-wing aircraft or helicopters), motorcycle units, K9 units, tactical units, mounted details, or water patrols at their disposal.
Sure seems like, if your goal was to build up a WHITE liberation ARMY, that you’d probably start by winning some sheriff elections. Win one of these elections and you have access to a budget of potentially millions, the right to carry and distribute firearms to your guys, and can even operate aircraft. You’ve essentially been granted a small paramilitary organization mostly built for you, or a very large one if you somehow managed to win in a major city.
Credit to commenter “A. Linder” for pointing out that using low stakes elections to get access to a paramilitary force is putting the cart before the horse. It is much better to first spawn an entire Aryan Death Army into existence, preferably with ICBMs and aircraft carriers. Step one of this process is commenting on Canadian blogs. Step two is a little murky. Step three is Total Aryan Victory. Once we’ve secretly build the military, the municipal elections will be a cinch.
I hope I’m not being too blunt by pointing out that these people are morons. They don’t want to run for local office, not because winning wouldn’t be productive, but because they are unlikable retards who somehow manage to make antifa look almost decent by comparison. They don’t need to be listened to. They don’t need to be debated. They simply need to be ignored.
After writing the above, I received another comment, which segues nicely into the Jazzhands vs Cantwell fight.
Metzger ran for office twice as an open Klansman. In California. And he won! This success brought him to the realization that electoral politics is an absolute dead end. There is no reform. The system won’t be attacked using the system.
Well that settles it. Tom Metzger ran for office twice, and won twice. He then realized that the system can’t be attacked from within, and went to work on his particular Aryan Death Compound. That’s pretty damning for my narrative that you should engage with the electoral system. Or at least it would be, if it actually happened.
In the actual reality that we live in, Tom Metzger never won elected office. He won a primary for a house of representative seat as a Democrat, and then got BTFO’d in the actual election. It was not even close.

You’ll notice that he won 37% of the vote in the primary, squeaking past the other candidates, and got 33k votes in total. In the actual election, he got 46k votes, and just 13.4% of the vote. The reason he won the primary is because almost no one bothers voting in primary elections for house of representative seats, and the vote got split three ways with no runoff. If you have a bunch of motivated supporters, you can occasionally win these things even if you’re a total weirdo.
Two years later he tried primarying incumbent Jerry Brown out of his senate seat. He got 2.8% of the vote. Thirty years after that, he tried ousting a Republican congressman from Indiana, and failed to get enough signatures to make it onto the ballot. That’s where his electoral efforts ended.

Metzger didn’t “come to the realization that electoral politics is an absolute dead end.” Nor did he realize that “the system won’t be attacked using the system.” He was never stymied by some unelected judiciary, or bureaucrat gang’d by the deep state. The guy won a primary that almost no one votes in, then got BTFO’d in the real election, then got BTFO’d in a senate primary, then failed to even make it onto the ballot for a house election thirty years later.
It’s not particularly surprising that he failed in the popularity contest that is an election. Here’s what you would be treated to if you called into his “White Aryan Resistance” (WAR) hotline.
“You have reached WAR Hotline. White Aryan Resistance. You ask: What is WAR? We are an openly white-racist movement—Skinheads, we welcome you into our ranks. The federal government is the number one enemy of our race. When was the last time you heard a politician speaking out in favor of white people? […] You say the government is too big; we can’t organize. Well, by God, the SS did it in Germany, and if they did it in Germany in the thirties, we can do it right here in the streets of America. We need to cleanse this nation of all nonwhite mud-races for the survival of our own people and the generations of our children.[4]“
I am shocked that a guy with the charisma of a BitChute commenter never ended up being a hit with the electorate.

However, I am not shocked to hear that he won at least one primary election, which brings us to the three hour long tardfight between Jazzhands McFeels versus Christopher Cantwell.
I had the pleasure of joining Jazzhands McFeels for Fash The Nation yesterday, as mentioned in my republish of Radical Agenda EP070.—-We originally planned on doing maybe 90 minutes, and we ended up going for three hours because it would have been professional malpractice for us as radio hosts to stop any sooner. It was that good.—-We started off with a trip down memory lane that was really a lot of fun, and then it turned into, as Jazzhands put it “bloodsports” over GOP vs. NJP.—-Eminently respectful, of course, but genuinely vigorous. Great, great radio.
I like Christopher Cantwell, even if I’d prefer to keep my distance. He’s a bit unstable, and boy does he ever love the GOP, but I never got the sense that he was a bad actor.
I also usually enjoyed Jazzhands. He wasn’t as serious as he pretended to be, and loved to quadruple down on some of the most easily debunked bad takes ever. I’ll write about this in a later entry, but I remember him falling for an obviously fake screenshot involving Mollie Tibbets, deleting my polite Telegram comment explaining the forgery to him, and then going on his show and doubling down on her “being anally raped by a corn stalk until her intestines burst,” and other such nonsense. Nevertheless, the guy did lots of great work, and had a mostly deserved positive reputation in these circles.
I write the above so you understand that I call Cantwell vs Jazzhands a “tardfight,” somewhat cheekily. It’s not that these guys were always retarded, it’s just that this was three hours of pure, unadulterated nonsense from both sides. I sat through the entire thing back in the day, and this is basically how it went down:
Christopher Cantwell: We’ve got to take our country back from these LeFTiST DEMONrats who are –—-Jazzhands McFeels: You fucking retarded, mmmbud? LOL at the Republicans ever doing anything for us you finklethinked dipshit.—-Cantwell: What?! Are you some sort of SJW? Come closer so I can throw holy water on you and exercise the DEMONrat from your body. And by “holy water,” I mean “Tucker Carlson bathwater,” which I got on sale for just $19.95 per gallon because capitalism is great.—-Jazzhands *Audibly exasperated*: No, mmmGuy. Sheldon Adelson’s GOP isn’t going to do shit for you.—-Cantwell: Well what are you proposing instead?—-Jazzhands: We need to support this political party that never runs for elections.—-Cantwell: But… that’s dumb.—-Jazzhands: The Republicans are fake, so we need to support the NJP.—-Cantwell: But… you’re not running for office.—-Jazzhands: I am bashing my head against the wall trying to make you understand that Republicans are gay.—-Cantwell: Okay… but you can just do your activism stuff anyway? What does this have to do with my campaign against these radical communists who inhabit most of the metropolitan areas of America.—-Jazzhands: Listen, mmmbud. Republicans exist to get out in front of you and make sure you get nothing.—-Cantwell: So why don’t we just primary them?—-Jazzhands: Republicans are gay!—-Cantwell: So… primary them.—-Jazzhands: Chris, I can’t tell you how frustrated I am that you don’t understand that Republicans are homosexual zionists.—-Cantwell: How dare you! But also, that’s why you should be primarying them, or running for office yourself.—-Jazzhands: Run for office! We can’t do that. That’s crazy talk!—-Cantwell: Okay, so just do your activism then. But that doesn’t have anything to do with electoral politics. You can do your thing, and I can get people to vote Republican.—-Jazzhands: Why are you so focused on Republicans? Democrats also don’t do anything on economic or anti-war issues and –—-Cantwell: WHAT KIND OF MADNESS IS THIS? I can’t believe that someone as smart as you wouldn’t understand the danger of the radical left. Our brave Republicans are –
I am not exaggerating. Three hours of this. Whenever either of them made their own case they sounded like a retard. When they had to debunk the other’s argument, they sounded like an exasperated parent talking down to a particularly idiotic child. I have never experienced another debate where both sides had such obvious and easily debunked blind spots, yet were cogent enough to dunk on each other.
I was well into the gradual process of giving up on the NJP, but I was still cheering for Jazzhands. After about fifteen minutes of this, I wanted to slap him and scream the following at him.
No, ackshaully, mmmbud, Cantwell’s right to say that you should be primarying Republicans. You should also be primarying Democrats. There is no real reason not to do this.
Which brings us to David Duke, a guy who actually did win elected office.

Duke spent years running for office as a Democrat. He changed his political affiliation to Republican in 1988. In 1989, he saw an opportunity to win a state legislature seat and ran with it.
In 1988, Republican state representative Charles Cusimano of Metairie resigned his District 81 seat to become a 24th Judicial District Court judge, and a special election was called early in 1989 to select a successor. Duke entered the race to succeed Cusimano and faced several opponents, including fellow Republicans John Spier Treen, a brother of former governor David C. Treen; Delton Charles, a school board member; and Roger F. Villere Jr., who operates Villere’s Florist in Metairie. Duke finished first in the primary with 3,995 votes (33.1%).[50] As no one received a majority of the vote in the first round, a runoff election was required between Duke and Treen, who polled 2,277 votes (18.9%) in the first round of balloting. Treen’s candidacy was endorsed by U.S. president George H. W. Bush, former president Ronald Reagan, and other prominent Republicans,[51] as well as Democrats Victor Bussie (president of the Louisiana AFL–CIO) and Edward J. Steimel (president of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry and former director of the “good government” think tank, the Public Affairs Research Council). Duke criticized Treen for a statement he had made indicating willingness to entertain higher property taxes, anathema in that suburban district.[52] With 8,459 votes (50.7%), Duke defeated Treen, who polled 8,232 votes (49.3%).[53] He served in the House from 1989 until 1992.[54]
Just like that, David Duke won the right to represent Louisiana’s District 81 in the state legislature. Not content, he ran for US Senate just a year later.
Though Duke had first hesitated about entering the Senate race, he made his announcement of candidacy for the nonpartisan blanket primary held on October 6, 1990. Duke was the only Republican in competition against three Democrats, including incumbent U.S. senator J. Bennett Johnston, Jr., of Shreveport,[62] whom Duke derided as “J. Benedict Johnston”.[63]—-Former governor David Treen, whose brother, John Treen, Duke had defeated for state representative in 1989, called Duke’s senatorial platform “garbage. … I think he is bad for our party because of his espousal of Nazism and racial superiority.”[64]—-The Republican Party officially endorsed [Democrat] state senator Ben Bagert of New Orleans in a state convention on January 13, 1990, but national GOP officials in October, just days before the primary election, concluded that Bagert could not win. To avoid a runoff between Duke and Johnston, the GOP decided to surrender the primary to [Democrat Bennett Johnston]. Funding for Bagert’s campaign was halted, and after initial protest, Bagert dropped out two days before the election. With such a late withdrawal, Bagert’s name remained on the ballot, but his votes, most of them presumably cast as absentee ballots, were not counted.[65][66] Duke received 43.51% (607,391 votes) of the primary vote to Johnston’s 53.93% (752,902 votes).[62]
The Republicans intentionally stole votes from Republican David Duke by getting Ben Bagert, a lifelong Democrat, to join the race against Duke as a Republican before dropping out. Because Bagert dropped out, his share of the vote didn’t count, even though many of them would have gone to Duke, thus helping the Democrat win. It serves as another great example of Republicans being less concerned with increasing their own power, and more concerned with serving their (((donors))) and fitting in at the local shitlib cocktail party.
Duke went on to almost win a few more elections, such as for Louisiana Governor, while getting fought by Establishment Republicans all the while. He was never the most charismatic man on the planet, but he won elected office simply by showing up to the fight. He also caused a lot of chaos, especially within the Republican Party, similar to Donald Trump decades later. None of this was capitalized upon, because there was no serious, organized effort behind Duke.

There is no reason why a serious political party wouldn’t get their supporters to primary both Democrats and Republicans. A losing campaign can, if not run by clowns, provide you with the kind of free publicity that money can’t buy. Furthermore, just like local elections, primaries are not impossible to win. Even Tom Metzger managed to win one, and once you become the candidate, anything can happen.
If you win the actual election, not only do you have one of your guys holding that seat, but you can make it official by switching party affiliation. Party switching after winning office happens more than you might think, both in Canada and America.

It occurs at all levels of Government, and is pretty much the only reason that the Libertarian Party has ever held office.

Since the number one challenge that a fledgling party faces in the eyes of the electorate is credibility that they can win elections, having multiple members of your party already holding office would obviously go a long way. Furthermore, many of the fake fights that ZOG does are predicated on a few Democrats/Republicans “crossing the aisle,” and pushing the legislation that Schlomo wants. The more of your guys who are in these positions, the more aise crossers required, and the more obvious the sham becomes.
But really, it was already obvious to everyone that the primary system represents an opportunity to do real politics. The NJP never made use of this, because they were a fake political party run by arrogant leadership too aloof lazy and apathetic to ever do real politics instead of adult playdates and ineffective protests.

I’ve promised to dive into the failures of activism for quite a few entries in this series. We delay no longer, and do exactly that in the next entry, explaining why anyone falling for the “protests do something” meme is unfit for middle management in a real political entity.
UPDATE: This piece was archived by Archive.is, which, unfortunately, lead to the formatting issues. Also, the snapshot was made right after publishing. I’m thankful that they got the piece, but they did only save three comments. One of those is relevant to the next piece, so I’m reproducing it below.
Comment from “A. Linder,” under the original piece. I have quite a bone to pick with this comment, and will reference it in the upcoming articles.
Metzger had charisma, conceded by all the leftists who wrote about him, for example Jim Goad.
These people afraid to use their actual names on the internet are going to run for office?
Jews have made it all or nothing. if youre going all in the stakes better be worth it. you see how they treat trump and he’s one of them. the only thing worth going all in for is complete racial sovereignty and territorial control, not jr asst dogcatcher in east podunk.
The right way is what Patriot Front is doing. The battle that’s here is physical not electoral and only becoming moreso. It’s national, not local. Global, in fact. Thinking globally NOT locally is the right approach.
Politics isnt like other things, you go from nothing to everything overnight. That’s basically what Hitler did. It can be done by someone else today – if he has a physical force to defend him. this petty level of aldermen and city councils and school boards — not ONE of the decisions that plagues us is made at that level, they’re all made by jews in washington dc. right down to what schoolbooks kids are allowed to use.
The public will follow white men who will fight back. That’s the where the market opening is – WILLINGNESS TO ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY FIGHT BACK — and lead/organize others. thats where the actual politics worth participating in lies. Let the KING OF ENID make one racial move the feds will lawsuit and sack him, just as they’ve done to infinity others. Another way to look at it, there’s already a million enid kings in office – they have no national party to hook into. Got to get a national figure backed by physical force of ready-to-kill-and-die young white men, then you can subsume Trumps 100 million supporters. Jews have made this an all or nothing fight. People shouldnt risk their careers and lives on small potatoes like school boards and city councils, BUT here we have canuck carny coitcrickets chirping at potential hitlers to run for mayor of west munich.
i apologize for too-long comment. i dont know the motivation of the PF leaders (and rake or jr reporting would be great), but their approach is the correct one – so far as they have gone. it all begins with an army of young fit white men willing to kill and die – a WLA. the enemy has shown they will not allow themselves to be defeated legally, they will continue to prosecute their genocidal bolshevik war for the elimination of the white race UNTIL PHYSICALLY DESTROYED.
This is O/T but not really………
I am here to vent. I just found out that my beautiful college room mate had to quit her job in Niggerdelphia as a teacher, because she was injured TWICE. She’s of German descent. She’s a brilliant teacher. And when she says “Uncle A” it’s not s joke. I am so pissed. I would love it if she would sue the nigger skool district – but with Larry The Kike Kramer as DA – it would be a wate of time and resources. I am LIVID.
I’m going to try to get her to leave Niggerdelphia
Checked to see if the site was back up after watching Cantwell’s show today and feel compelled to comment since it’s topical to this article, I feel bad for the dude. He clearly developed some kind of emotional attachment to Fox News in jail after fighting to keep it on the break room tv and now he thinks MTG is based and that GOP shills aren’t selling out, they’re just privvy to more info than you are and are being prudent and practical (48:13 on the 1/5/24 show). Punishing people for moving away from football politics is why he was imprisoned in the first place and getting him rehabilitated back into them seems to have worked =(
Feeling sympathy for lying libertarian, drug addict criminal freaks playing at Nazi, like Christopher Cantwell, is a waste of energy. Cantwell is obviously a schizo carny barker, and a complete loser as well as a time bomb. Pull your head out of your asshole and grow the fuck up, you idiot.
You sound like an unhinged lunatic lol, it’s never too late to get help!
Your defense of a white trash meth-head freak makes you a mentally retarded loser, or a troll promoting a sub-human piece of garbage for reasons which are negative. Anyone who is not mentally ill/retarded can clearly see Cantwell for the cancer cell that he is. You sound like a fed or an online drama queen fag with no life, Mr. keyboard warrior. Get Help.
Totally agree with Santa Claus. We should promote and condone unhinged drug addicts like Cantwell, Also, why not support pedos, commies and nihilists? As long as they publicly, or online drop a few pro-white sounding things, we should totally believe them and support them. Santa Claus is clearly a genius.
I didn’t say any of that, instead of rocking back and forth in the corner and foaming at the mouth while making multiple comments under different names to keep yourself company, try re-reading what I wrote. And again, it’s never too late to get help! Politics aren’t a substitute for meds 😉
Santa actually watches schizo dope fiend Cantwell, and feels sorry for the “dude”. This according to what Santa posted above. Just stop it fuck nut, you are embarrassing yourself without even knowing it. Cantwell is not even worth mentioning, ever. Just move on.
Outstanding work Mr. Rake. A monumental task.
Do you know about the recall campaign in the Surrey-Green Timbers riding? They want to recall the BC education minister over the pozzed new elementary school curriculum. Recallrachna.ca
But since no Wyatt folx seem to be involved, there’s radio silence on the local Pravda channels.
First I’ve heard of it. I’ll definitely write about it, and after skimming their work, I think they’re mostly on the right track.