Apparently everyone’s favourite cartoon porn enthusiast, Don’tActuallyReadLinkola, has graduated from being a big retard on Covid-19 and a big strawmanning retard on Palestine/Israel to being a big retard on GeoPolitical conflict.

After seeing this I could be tempted to write a 10k word dissertation length rebuttal, but Keith Woods has a more appropriate response.

POV: your model of political analysis doesn’t explain, predict, or elucidate anything.

I saw this earlier in the day, and didn’t think much of it. After all Thuletide is a duplicitous retard on everything. However, as should have been predicted, the little nerd launched into a whiny counterattack on Keith Woods.

And once again I’m tempted to launch into a line by line rebuttal, but Tolerant Fellow has a more appropriate response.

Except actually fuck it, I’m doing that rebuttal anyway. Here’s the text of Thuletide’s response.

Unlike you, I don’t offer any political analysis on things I know nothing about.

This is the guy who called himself “Read Linkola,” despite obviously never reading Linkola. I’ve destroyed his previous takes that are so retarded they are probably made in bad faith. So rest assured, he feels perfectly entitled to bloviate about shit he knows nothing about.

Notice that the post asks QUESTIONS and doesn’t provide any answers.

And as I already told you (

Of course a world government exists, the UN was founded in 1942 and its IMF & World Bank in 1944. It exerts influence over nation-state governments in the same way that the federal government exerts influence over state governments, or state governments exert influence over local governments. That doesn’t mean every single aspect of domestic politics or geopolitics is 100% controlled. 

The UN is so powerful that whenever they all vote to sanction Israel or stop a war nobody gives a single fuck. Imagine being so retarded that you think there is a world government that is run from the UN, and not Washington/Tel Aviv. I mean there isn’t a World Government anyway, but Thuletide gives himself an out by saying that not 100% of world events are 4D World Government false flag ops or whatever.

Okay, so what percentage of geopolitical events are just fake World Government bullshit then anime porn watcher? Is it 95%? Is it 5%? Sort of sounds like the little Manlet wants to be able to call any event fake for arbitrary rationale. 

Get back to bloviating about abstract nonsense, you pompous pseudointellectual faggot

“I bet you haven’t even Read Linkola yet. Oh wait, neither have I. LOL!”

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  1. Fuck this prepubescent Chinese cartoon girl enjoyer.

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