Rivalry between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis has spilt open after the Republican ex-president came swinging out against his one-time acolyte on Thursday night.

Mr Trump belittled the Florida governor as an “average” politician whose success was owed to his patronage.

Mr DeSantis, 44, stormed to re-election in Tuesday’s midterms, making him the Republicans’ biggest rising star and a clear challenger to Mr Trump.

The ex-president warned him against it.

In a lengthy statement, Mr Trump dismissed Mr DeSantis as a political lightweight who had come to him “in desperate shape” when running for his first term in office in 2017.

“Ron had low approval, bad polls, and no money, but he said that if I would Endorse [sic] him, he could win,” Mr Trump said. “I also fixed his campaign, which had completely fallen apart.”

He went on to complain that Mr DeSantis – to whom he had given the unflattering nickname “Ron DeSanctimonious” – was “playing games” by refusing to rule out a presidential bid in 2024, warning that he would be vanquished should he do so.

Gorland Blormph’s argument for why you should vote for him is beyond stupid. This faggot claimed that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. His solution to this is to… run for office again, this time without currently holding the office of president to potentially do something about it.

No, it doesn’t make more sense when you think about it longer, Blormph is just a narcissist who believes that his cult of personality is as strong as it was back in 2016, before he stabbed everyone in the back repeatedly. Now that it’s 2022, and everyone knows what a whiny faggot he is, his chance of winning the 2024 election is precisely zilch. However, it is unlikely, but possible, that Blormph could actually, finally, fuck over the Republican Establishment by being so assblasted over DeSantis surpassing him that he burns down the house, and creates a cuckfight with DeSantis that is fun to watch and causes a lot of collateral damage.

But I doubt it. Blormph is a big fat retard, and I hope this is the last time I ever write about him.

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