
Matt Parrott’s “Devolutionary Technology” is Absolute Nonsense

A little while back, someone recommended Matt Parrott’s theory of “Devolutionary Technology,” to me. I was skeptical, because Matt Parrott is a retard, but I decided to look it up and give Parrott a fair shake. The below article is the first thing I found.

Matt Parrott Substack (2021):

In each stage of the vaportrad historical process, the new order creates the conditions that will lead to their eventual undoing. The martial elite creates a complex social order that it’s not fit to manage. The managerial elite creates conditions for a complex economic market that it’s not fit to manage. The mercantile elite creates consumer goods that empower the working class at their own expense.

The link to his explanation for “vaportrad,” is broken, so we’ll just have to imagine that he said something truly profound.

Vladimir Lenin wrote, “When it comes time to hang the capitalists, they will vie with each other for the rope contract.” 

First, imagine quoting Vladimir Lenin as some sort of real, honest intellectual. Second, imagine pretending the (((Bolsheviks))) actually gave a shit about economic issues.

Jacob Schiff Wikipedia Page:

A practitioner of Reform Judaism,[24] Schiff supported political, secular Zionism. Despite not agreeing fully with the ideas of Theodor Herzl, and in fact believing that Zionism would cause Americans to question his loyalty, he donated to many Jewish projects in Israel, including the Technical Institute of Haifa. As the situation for Eastern European Jews grew more dire, with the Russian Revolution and subsequent Russian Civil War, and pogroms in Ukraine, Schiff made more considerable contributions to the Zionist effort; he even offered to join the Zionist organization, provided he could publish a statement he’d prepared. 

It’s well known that the Jew Communists were funded by Jew Capitalists, despite being on the opposite sides of the totally not fake and gay economics debate. 

The Millenium Report:

One of the greatest myths of contemporary history is that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was a popular uprising of the downtrodden masses against the hated ruling class of the Tsars. As we shall see, however, the planning, the leadership and especially the financing came entirely from outside Russia, mostly from financiers in Germany, Britain and the United States. Furthermore we shall see, that the Rothschild Formula played a major role in shaping these events.

In the February 3, 1949 issue of the New York Journal American Schiff’s grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million for the triumph of Communism in Russia. (To appraise Schiff’s motives for supporting the Bolsheviks, we must remember, that he was a Jew and that Russian Jews had been persecuted under the Tsarist regime. Consequently the Jewish community in America was inclined to support any movement, which sought to topple the Russian government and the Bolsheviks were excellent candidates for the task. As we shall see further along, however, there were also strong financial incentives for Wall Street firms, such as Kuhn, Loeb and Company, of which Schiff was a senior partner, to see the old regime fall into the hands of revolutionaries, who would agree to grant lucrative business concessions in the future in return for financial support today.)

How much would $20 million in 1917 translate to in today’s dollars?


$20,000,000 in 1917 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $481,901,562.50 today, an increase of $461,901,562.50 over 107 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 3.02% per year between 1917 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 2,309.51%.

These numbers, supported by another online inflation calculator, show one Jew capitalist donating a cool half a billion to the totally super anti-capitalist “Russian” revolutionaries who also promised to let those same Jew capitalists exploit and loot the Russian Goyim. I’m sure if I spent more than five minutes looking for more examples of this I could find it. The point is that the anti-capitalist sentiment of the Bolsheviks was as fake then as the anti-capitalist sentiment of modern day antifas, who never fail to report what little online presence we have to Mark Zuckerberg’s corporate HR department for capitalist punishment.

Parrott simply ignores all this, takes Lenin and the rest of the Bolsheviks pretentious nonsense at face value and praises them for it, as if Lenin hade made some sort of deep insight instead of just being full of shit. He continues by giving one hard hitting example after another of capitalists hanging themselves with their own rope. 

This is exactly what’s occurring throughout the contemporary economy, with disruptive technological innovation removing more and more mercantile middlemen from the process. This began with Napster, a peer-to-peer file-sharing service that enabled consumers to quickly and easily subvert the music industry’s massive cartel.

Within a few years, the music industry was caught in an inexorable race to the bottom, forced to sell music at truly competitive prices while gutting and streamlining an infrastructure that its profit model no longer supported.

The music industry has fully recovered from this “disruption,” and is doing more than fine. Despite the music they produce continuing to be trash, their revenue hit an all time high last year.

The Verge:

The RIAA just put out the music industry’s midyear revenue report, and it’s a stark illustration of the haves / have-not divide that’s been accelerating in the streaming era. Actually, scratch that: it’s a terrific illustration of how good it is for the haves: retail revenue is up 9.3 percent to an all-time first half high of $8.4 billion, while wholesale revenue is up 8.3 percent to 5.3 billion. (You can read a good explanation of retail versus wholesale here; the industry focuses on retail since that’s where consumer streaming services get counted.)

Streaming revenue was up 10.3 percent from last year — at $7 billion, it accounts for 84 percent of music revenue in the United States. Importantly, the RIAA explicitly notes that revenue from paid subscriptions grew 11 percent to $5.5 billion, but the total number of paid subscriptions only grew 6 percent — that delta is almost certainly down to services like Spotify hiking prices.

All of this is in stark contrast to the complaints of artists, most of whom don’t make any worthwhile money from streaming at all and have escalated various copyright fights for publishing credits to get paid for radio play to absurd levels. But hey, at least the tech execs and label bosses are happy.

The music industry cartel has never been stronger.

Napster was a small problem, for a while. However, technology, in the form of streaming, has allowed them to reach unprecedented levels of profit while screwing over the artists even more than they used to. Streaming has concentrated even more power in the hands of those who control the streaming services, such as Spotify, or Apple Music. You may also remember that Fash The Nation used to be the number one podcast on Spotify, before being totally censored, and everyone who uses Telegram and Apple products is familiar with Apple banning various channels from their devices. 

Parrott doesn’t mention that the power has been concentrated in the hands of highly censorious zionist capitalists, probably because it totally contradicts his entire argument.

This same napsterization process has infected the pornography industry as well, with the human trafficking cartel and its numerous directors, producers, distributors, storefronts, and websites replaced by technology that directly connects the industry’s producers and consumers with the middlemen reduced to mere payment processors. 

The rise of the OnlyWhores monopoly has lead to even more porn filth in our society, because it lowered the barrier to entry for some girl to post butthole pics online. Traditional porn studios do appear to have taken a hit, but they’re still around. Traditional porn sites are still around, and are doing great.

Washington Post (2024):

Adult entertainment is a giant industry accounting for a substantial chunk of all internet traffic: Major porn sites get more monthly visitors and page views than Amazon, Netflix, TikTok or Zoom, according to an academic analysis published last year in the Journal of Sex Research. The industry is a habitual early adopter of new technology, including VHS, DVD and dot com. In the mid-2000s, porn companies set up massive sites where users could upload and watch free videos, and ad sales footed the bills. As the 2010s progressed, adult stars mastered social media marketing, and many migrated to subscription streaming platforms rather than chasing contracts with major studios.

What happened was a shift in power and money from traditional porn studios to one giant corporation in OnlyWhores, and the e-whores themselves. It’s not clear how this is the people surmounting “Zionist Colonial Capitalism.” Porn is societal filth, and ZOG wants it spread as far and wide as possible. If some technology came along that disrupted that, they’d find a way to shut it down. That some individual players are hurt is sort of irrelevant. 

A vast web of parasitical mercantile middlemen used to profit from a taxi medallion racket, purchasing medallions from the city and then reselling them to taxi drivers at an inflated cost, with the expense being passed through to consumers. The advent of uber broke this cartel as well. Like with the alien spaceships collapsing in the final scenes of War of the Worlds, devolutionary technological innovation is doing more than merely disrupting the western mercantile order — it’s destroying it altogether.

There used to be a bunch of small corporations and middlemen acting as a cartel, but now there’s just one gigantic corporation that uses its massive power to fight against minimum wage hikes. Get a load of this progress. The zio-capitalists are totally hanging themselves.

The final step in this process will be cryptocurrency technologies replacing conventional investment, lending, and central banking. Those who insist that the central banks are too powerful to be brought down by open source volunteer projects would do well to consider how napster brought down the music industry with little resistance. The music industry did attempt to fight back with lawsuits, court orders, and propaganda, but disruptive innovation is unstoppable.

Cryptocurrencies are going to take down the traditional banking industry.

But don’t worry, Parrott gives us one historical example of disruptive technologies taking down entire empires.

The best historical parallel is perhaps the disruptive innovation of iron weaponry, which could be more cheaply and easily procured and produced than bronze weaponry. Because bronze weaponry, like nuclear weaponry, required a powerful and centralized state with strong monopolies on far-flung trade, the bronze age empires arose. Because the scale of the locus of power is a simple function of military technology, the innovation of iron weaponry resulted in a swift and seismic collapse of the bronze age empires.

That’s very cool, other than the fact that it never happened. 


More than 3,200 years ago, the Mediterranean and Near East were home to a flourishing and interconnected Bronze Age civilization fueled by lucrative trade in valuable metals and finished goods. The great kingdoms and empires of the day—including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Minoans, Mycenaeans, Hittites and more—had the technological know-how to build monumental palaces and employed scribes to keep records of their finances and military exploits.

In a matter of decades, though, that thriving culture underwent a rapid and near-total collapse. After 1177 B.C., the survivors of this Bronze Age collapse were plunged into a centuries-long “Dark Ages” that saw the disappearance of some written languages and brought once-mighty kingdoms to their knees.

But what kind of catastrophic event could have triggered such a sudden and sweeping downfall?

It’s likely that the simultaneous demise of so many ancient civilizations wasn’t caused by a single event or disaster, but by a “perfect storm” of multiple stressors—an epic drought, desperate famine, roving marauders, and more—that toppled these interdependent kingdoms like dominos, according to Eric Cline, author of 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed.

So weird how these actual historians failed to mention the hot new invention of iron as a major contributing factor. 

Not all civilizations were impacted equally. Some, like the Mycenaeans and Minoans, suffered a complete collapse. Same with the Hittites, who simply ceased to exist as a civilization. The Assyrians and the Egyptians were largely unaffected, while others showed resilience and either transformed or redefined themselves.

One example is the rise of iron as the new metal of choice. Once copper and tin were in short supply and demand for bronze dropped off in Greece, there was an opportunity for something to take its place.

“The Cypriots pivoted from being the masters of copper to suddenly being the masters of this new iron technology,” says Cline. “As it turned out, iron was a far better cutting edge for ploughs, and it made swords that were far better at killing your enemies.” 

Disruption to copper and tin shipments lead to the slow rise of iron as a replacement. You might wonder why they weren’t using iron before, since it’s largely superior to bronze in application. 

Wikipedia Iron Age:

The characteristic of an Iron Age culture is the mass production of tools and weapons made not just of found iron, but from smelted steel alloys with an added carbon content.[12] Only with the capability of the production of carbon steel does ferrous metallurgy result in tools or weapons that are harder and lighter than bronze.

Smelted iron appears sporadically in the archeological record from the middle Bronze Age. Whilst terrestrial iron is abundant naturally, temperatures above 1,250 °C (2,280 °F) are required to smelt it, impractical to achieve with technology available commonly until the end of the second millennium BC. In contrast, the components of bronze—tin with a melting point of 231.9 °C (449.4 °F) and copper with a relatively moderate melting point of 1,085 °C (1,985 °F)—were within the capabilities of Neolithic kilns, which date back to 6000 BC and were able to produce temperatures greater than 900 °C (1,650 °F).[13]

In addition to specially designed furnaces, ancient iron production required the development of complex procedures for the removal of impurities, the regulation of the admixture of carbon, and the invention of hot-working to achieve a useful balance of hardness and strength in steel. The use of steel has also been regulated by the economics of the metallurgical advancements.

Turns out that it’s harder to make stuff with iron, which is weird, because Parrott said the complete opposite.

We’ll let Parrott finish his essay. 

We’re at the brink of a similar cascade failure of the unipolar American Empire and the cracks in the wall are forming all around if one knows where to look. Those who prevail will, like the “sea peoples” of yesteryear, be the first men to embrace the emergent technologies driving this process. Technological progress is now a decentralizing force rather than a centralizing one. Technology is an empowering force rather than a disempowering one. The fear of technology common in identitarian circles is a product of conservative priors and the quintessentially conservative impulse: fear of change.

Wow, Mom, he’s so revolutionary!

Matt Parrot reminds me a lot of Malcolm Gladwell, and for all the wrong reasons. He starts with some grand proclamation that he pretends doesn’t require extraordinary proof, since it’s just so obvious to the smarter-than-you crowd. He throws out some anecdote that doesn’t really prove his point, then another. He follows this up with a grand historical example that is at best an enormous stretch, and finishes by accusing you of being dumb or cowardly for not agreeing with him. At no point has he made the most basic attempt at debunking his own hypothesis, to the point where his own examples, especially of the music industry, prove the opposite. 

His final conclusion is, frankly, absurd. The reason why people are afraid of technological change is because, whether they can articulate this or not, they live under a hostile, oppressive, totalitarian regime. It’s true that there are many technological advancements that should lead to greater political freedom. When that happens, Mr. Greenblatt makes sure to insert his hooked nose and Shut It Down.

Take YouTube, for example. Nowadays it’s an absolute cesspit of worthless garbage. It’s this Frankensteinian deluge of consumerism and zio-approved politics. It always had negative aspects, but back in 2014, you could post whatever you wanted. There was actual freedom of speech. There was the opportunity to start some sort of populist movement. That’s gone now, because ZOG didn’t like it.

Odysee may or may not be shutting down, but they’ve come under extreme anti-trust lawfare from the feds. Their decentralized platform had some potential as a free speech haven, which is exactly why the feds target them, and not Google, who own a natural monopoly in user created video sharing.

Notice how the internet isn’t used for online voting, but is for online banking? That’s because ZOG wants you banking, but doesn’t want you voting. The “Zionist Colonial Capitalism,” that Parrott rails against has an immune response against things that actually threaten it. They pick the things that work for them, and don’t work for you. At no point in this process do you get to sit back and wait for Silicon Valley to usher in the Fourth Reich. 

I don’t think I’ve ever read anything from Parrott that was worth reading.

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  1. “It’s well known that the Jew Communists were funded by Jew Capitalists, despite being on the opposite sides of the totally not fake and gay economics debate.”

    Bang on! People like Trotsky, Lenin, etc were often described as “professional” revolutionaries. See for example: http://www.jstor.org/stable/48699887

    Professionals? Wait, what? Who was paying them? Oh yeah, Schiff and Co. So jews paying other jews to conduct coup d’etats, and plunder the goyim pretty much sums up 20th century marxism.

  2. Bitcoin could overthrow the banks if everyone just started using bitcoin to store their wealth instead of banks. I have been using bitcoin and gold as my savings, and have very little money in an actual checking account. My money has also quadrupled since I started doing this from the growth of bitcoin.

    I don’t see what value banks provide, a savings account with an interest rate that can’t beat inflation, such that you just lose money over time?

    The only reason banks are still used is ignorance and people not knowing how to use bitcoin, and they are scared to try to learn because they think they might get scammed.

    Inb4 “they will just take away your internet money”

    Well they can’t just digitally steal my hard wallet, not even Canada was able to take peoples crypto when it wasn’t stored on an exchange that the government could target.

    They would have to destroy every node in the entire bitcoin system for the network to go down permanently which would mean destroying millions of computers in different locations all over the planet.

    Even when china had attempted to ban bitcoin with extremely harsh punishment, it failed every single time due to bitcoins nature it is extremely difficult for someone to take it out.

    If the world ends and its total collapse (wishful thinking on awake peoples part) I still have gold.

    1. You can’t eat gold. You can’t use precious metals to heal wound and prevent sickness. You don’t go trying to tap a well for cryptocurrency. You cannot use any of these boon doggles in a collapse lol, they’re absolutely useless with or without Internet access. And if they were, you’d just get robbed point blank of them by groups that have more people and ammo than you do.

      The most important thing in the world without which nothing gets done is male labour, the effort and will of men with skills. With or without collapse you or the group you are in are at a disadvantage, a severe one lol. A man with bit coin and gold in a collapse vs a man who knows how to, say, do electrical work, mechanical work, has access to food and potable water and ammo to protect himself and others from taking it away.

      Those things are the only things that matter in a collapse and to know/have these things and never live to see a collapse is not a gamble, it is a skill u WILL aquire when you put in effort and some time, simple as. You’re always employable and always able to do work for pay or trade for goods/services you’re short on. That’s what the fuck a collapse is about, the bartering of tangible goods and services.

      1. Having money and being financially secure/investing and having survival skills are not mutually exclusive dummy. I’ve been hunting since I was 13 and I’ve been shooting since I was 7. I know how to live in the woods indefinitely really if I had to.

        Guess what else? It’s kinda so obvious that it feels silly to say, but you seem slow so I’ll say it, when you don’t know how to do something and somebody else does, for example plumbing or something, you can pay another person who knows how to, with currency, or gold or bitcoin. Because you can’t know how to do everything, at some point you may need to use something of value to make a trade, You might know how to do mechanic work that’s great, do you know how to eye surgery? No? Well in the case that you might need the help of others which typically isn’t free.

        I specialized in chemical engineering, so that I could have a good salary to pay someone to let’s say fix my transmission if it breaks since I don’t have the time to do it myself, nor do I want to fill my garage with a bunch of niche tools I’ll never use.

        1. Ironic you call me slow when the comment your replied to saying you can just pay someone to do what you dont know, literally explained why that wont work in a collapse, a topic you brought up and seemed to have forgot already, which is fine, you’re slow after all.

          1. I said that no human being knows how to do every skill at a professional level, nor do they have the time to learn how to, and there has never been a time or place in human history when humans haven’t paid other humans to do the things they don’t know how to do. This is the foundation of what forms every economy.

      2. Also, if you are waiting around for a collapse, you will die of old age before it ever happens. Things may get shittier, sure but a full collapse of the USA government? Not gonna happen.

        Even South Africa has officially collapsed yet, it’s just ever more and more shitty to live there, but having money definitely helps and there are extremely wealthy families in South Africa who are probably living better than a lot of Americans despite the 4th world state of their once 1st world nation.

        So my point in all of that rant is this;

        It’s good to be prepared, have guns, ammo, and know how to use them, and all of that survival stuff, but to think that having those skills gives you permission to slack off when it comes to real life, money and all of the modern things we have to do to live a first class life even in the degenerate times we are in, is just as foolish as not having any survival skills. Because there is a 99.9999% chance that the world will just keep on spinning, no matter how shitty things get, and money will most definitely matter. Money is critical even in a war or whatever end time’s situation you imagine.

        If you think about it, the Jews are weaker physically, less intelligent, less creative, and lesser in basically ever single way other than money, and they took over the planet simply because they had enough clam shells to do it, and lacked the morality to question if they should. It always blows my mind when people in our space look down on money or think it doesn’t matter.

        1. You idiot lol. They control the bottlenecks of political power. You could wake up tomorrow with the same amount of money as all the jews in the world combined and it won’t mean shit for the reason I just mentioned. But yea, I’m the slow one.

          1. Right, the Jews took over the world by being literally dirt poor living in the streets, and didn’t have vast amounts of money to fund their schemes. Money definitely isn’t important, or in any way related to power.

  3. Matt Parrot is the literal definition of a cuck. A complete degenerate piece of garbage.

  4. Parrott is an absolute retard. Is it really surprising that he got cucked?

  5. Matt Parrot watched from his cuck box as Heimbach was brutally destroying his wife’s anus on HIS bed. He then ran off into the night in tears and called the $PLC to inform on Heimbach and his wife’s infidelity.

    1. So wait, you’re shaming the man for what the woman did….but not the woman? Very interesting, didn’t know that was also the norm in this circle as well. Noted.

      1. One thing I’ve noticed is that pro White movements big or small are always big pissing contests that accomplish nothing, other than painting a target on your back for the government.

        I think most white people would be sympathetic to the pro white movements if it weren’t for the common members of those movements being so stubbornly against being successful. Whites want to have a good life not sacrifice themselves for some socialist movement.

  6. The defining quality of most public neo-Nazis is this incredible ability of imagining stuff out of thin air that will supposedly tear down ZOG. Parrott evidently belong to this crowd as well.

  7. Poor Matt. He tries so hard. I actually like him very much. I don’t agree with his ideas, but I like him, personally, anyways.

  8. All of you need to go and forgive your mother.

  9. I became less disappointed in parrott’s coal posting when I realized that he’s not really a white nationalist. He’s a progressive male feminist that simply has racist priors. He’s spiteful towards the movement like Evan McLaren or Colin liddell is but his dream is to be like a Caleb maupin.

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