Earlier today I wrote about the Finklethink Convoy as it approaches Ottawa. I mentioned the black Ottawa police chief, Peter Sloly, borderline intimidating the truckers with threats of gay-ops. I also mentioned that he brought back hate crime units and supported BLM struggle sessions.
In 2020 he penned a piece in the Ottawa Citizen where he threw the White cops under the bus.
I have unequivocally and repeatedly stated that conscious and unconscious bias is a challenge for all police members and that systemic racism exists in policing. Canadian Police Association President Tom Stamatakis has said that all levels of policing have to address systemic racism. He has further stated that we need to listen to communities who say they are concerned about their interactions with police.
Systemic racism occurs when organizations implement policies, procedures and/or practices that, whether deliberately or as an unintended consequence, negatively impact racialized persons. The existence of systemic racism does not condemn all the individual members of these organizations as racists. That said, all members and the organization must recognize and own the reality of individual biases and systemic issues, then be collectively committed to addressing them on an ongoing basis.

Well, that’s certainly a bunch of buzzwords. But talk is one thing, is he implementing any anti-White policies?
That’s why we’ve significantly increased our capacity to drive the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in every aspect of our organization. We implemented the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan, which includes a specific action item to address “racial profiling.” We also implemented the Respect, Values & Inclusion (RVI) Directorate – to ensure full implementation, ongoing evaluation and continuous improvement. We announced major organizational and operational changes to better serve all our members and to better work with our community partners – especially with members of our most marginalized and racialized communities. This is part of a continuous effort that the OPS has made and will continue to make. Every OPS member will watch the video, then take part in facilitated sessions on conscious/unconscious bias, anti-Black racism and racial profiling. These may be difficult discussions, but they are necessary.
As is often the case, I’m as annoyed by the buzzword talk as I am with the anti-White policies. Ottawa police officers now need to sit through mandated anti-White training. They probably have internal quotas for arresting/harassing White People. At best their “Respect, Values & Inclusion (RVI) Directorate,” and “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan” are make work projects and sinecures, but more likely they will be producing some anti-White policy.
I’m not supporting the “muh nazis,” Finklethink Convoy, but these are the people most vocally opposing it.