I was recently recommended this on TRS’s forum.

I think what annoys me the most about White People is when they pretend to be the victim.

The cunt who says this, Amanda Seales, then does this sort of mocking fake cry.

What’s also annoying is what, you know, when they kill us.

The thing that annoys me most about black people is when they pretend to be the victim. What also annoys me is, you know, when they kill us.

They segue into proudly displaying the documentary was made by one Sacha Jenkins.

FRESH DRESSED, director Sacha Jenkins, on set, 2014. ©Samuel Goldwyn Films

Sometimes when I download a picture, it comes with a caption. Take a look at the above, and have a nice thank you for Samuel Goldwyn.

What is fragile about Whiteness, when everything is constructed around it.

Then they get the above broad to say,

Every part of who I am has been distorted or criminalized.

You’ll see a constant pattern amongst these types of people, where they just say shit like this and it goes unchallenged. 

It’s really just a bunch of… White Lies.

They also think they’re extremely clever when they use their little anti-White puns. It’s definitely a black mark against them.

One of the definitions of American Whiteness is… ignorance.

You know, I’ve got a lot on my plate, but fuck it, I’ll watch the free first episode of this and give everyone my review.

Almost more offensive than the actual content of the words is the pictures they put of happy White People, with the subtext being that this is bad.

White People, we are not your problem, you are.

Ibram X. Kendi

The above was said by Ibram X. Kendi, seen above. He’s also the author of the most ridiculous book I ever saw in the real world.

I stand corrected. That was written by Mahogany L. Browne. Still, I remember he wrote some other kids book at the Indigo that I was shopping inside of.

Should White People today feel any responsibility for slavery. Hell yeah!

They then go on this bit about how Jesus was not White. Presumably Jesus was black. 

Jesus was not White. Think of Geography. Ain’t no way Jesus was walking around with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Uhm, yes there is? There are blonde, blue eyed Syrians in the Middle East to this day, and the same is true for Persians. But also it doesn’t matter because most portrayals of Jesus have him with relatively dark hair and eyes.

What we know for absolute certain is that Jesus wasn’t black, despite what these clowns might be going on about. I suppose we’ll have to sit through their Geography lesson for the answer.

White Culture fears the end of the world. For us as native people the end of the world already happened, like, multiple times

Symbols and monuments, these are mementos of racism.

The above broad informs us that,

The truth has to be told about history.

Oh I don’t know about that Shaniqua. I think maybe you should get in touch with your owners before you get too truthful here.

After being informed that we are getting the “POC POV,” we see some shots of the George Floyd Riots.

Overtop is narration from this guy.

It’s about obliterating systemic and institutionalized racism.

Sadly, this trailer was released on February 1st, and I didn’t get to see it until just now.

So I missed the premiere of what I’m sure would be my new favourite show.

Then again, maybe not. Needless to say it’s not been received well. And while I was reading on BANG that the comments being universally negative, as you can see they have cowardly shut down the comments section by the time I could screencap anything.

Rotten Tomatoes gives it a score that equals the like/dislike ratio on YouTube. Nevertheless, considering that we are all banned from YouTube by the (((ADL))), you should understand that the ADL and Google are effectively endorsing this anti-White hate propaganda.

ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt

I’m wondering if it might be worth flagging the video for hate speech, if only to make it even more explicit that Google endorses this content.

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