NOTE: The original version of this story was from November 24th, 2020.
We can go right ahead and add another logo to the list.
It appears the Vancouver Canucks have fired their longtime national anthem singer in response to reports he will be singing at a rally organized by COVID-19 deniers and anti-mask advocates.
On Friday afternoon, the Vancouver Sun reported that Mark Donnelly had agreed to perform at a Saturday event in Vancouver protesting COVID-19 restrictions.
Not long after, hockey team owner Francesco Aquilini tweeted at the newspaper to request a change in the headline from “Canucks anthem singer” to “former Canucks anthem singer.”

Singer Mark Donnelly
Mark Donnelly is an opera singer who gets plenty of work. He’s also a fairly well off man, at least according to, where his net worth is estimated at 11 million. So sure, this isn’t awful as some blue collar guy getting fired from his job because some antifa mutant ratted him out to the corporate overlords. Still, in case you needed another reason to hate Billionaires as a group, here you go.
You’d think with all that money, there would come some class. Yet the pettiness of this creature is on full display. According to Canadian Business, the Aquilini family has a net worth of 3.3 billion dollars, making them the 27th wealthiest family in Canada. And this is how classy they are, rubbing it in to a fired employee. And what you should hear when you see this is Aquilini signalling to other members of the Donor/Democracy Class how distant he is from the filthy Peasant Mark Donnelly, who doesn’t understand that Black Lives Matter massings do not spread Covid, but Christmas does.

Billionaire Francesco Aquilini
Donnelly is a fixture at home games for the Canucks, but his political views have also attracted controversy in the past.
In 2012, he sang the national anthem for an anti-abortion caravan as it passed through Vancouver.
Mark Donnelly is an interesting man. He’s a father of 9 children, and an anti-abortion activist. At one point, he ran in essentially a primary for the Conservative Party seat in South Surrey-White Rock, which is exactly where I am from. I strongly doubt he was paid any money to sing the national anthem for the Anti-Abortion Caravan back in 2012, and I strongly doubt he was paid any money to sing the national anthem for this Anti-Covid Bullshit Rally he attended.
And besides, he has a great voice.
Mark Donnelly struck back at these people in his own way.
The popular singer of O Canada at the Vancouver Canucks hockey games says he knew he might lose his job for standing up against what he describes as the “tyranny” of COVID-19 restrictions.
Mark Donnelly sang the anthem at an event called the Christmas Freedom Rally in Vancouver on Saturday, where hundreds of people protested restrictions imposed by B.C.’s provincial health officer.
Donnelly told the crowd, many of whom weren’t wearing masks or physically distancing, that he decided to sing because he questions the “draconian lockdown protocols.”
“What was originally sold as 15-day hunkering down sprint for the common good has turned into a 10-month marathon from hell, where the finish line is constantly being moved further into the distance,” he said.
Well that aged well. More than two years after he said that and we’re still dealing with this bullshit.
He said he doesn’t think health officials have done a cost-benefit analysis looking at the harms of the restrictions compared with preventing the spread of COVID-19.
I was saying this right from the start, as were most normal people. The restrictions were arbitrary bullshit. However, dipshits who want to pretend that masks were literally causing widespread deaths, and that Bill Gates was injecting microchips into vaccines were screaming far louder on the interwebz.
“As someone known for singing our great national anthem, I’m standing up against what I feel is tyranny, plain and simple,” he said to applause and cheers from the crowd.
Donnelly said his firing is censorship by an institution that he’s followed for 50 years and been publicly associated with since 2001.
“Sports figures, entertainers, politicians, et cetera, can stand for anything as long as it supports the narrative. You can support rioting, looting, destruction of livelihoods and reputation, but take a position against the narrative and you are worthy of exile or worse.”
This quote of Mark Donnelly is why I reprinted this article, with some additions. Well that and how well his above quote aged. Our Democracy Class will allow you to protest anything, as long as it’s exactly what they want. Hell, we even had the dipshit Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, personally attend multiple protests.
Here he is at BLM, and he’s been at many others. Despite the fact that, you know, he’s kind of the guy who’s supposed to be responding to the protest, not the protester. I mean he’s literally the Prime Minister.
Donnelly said he hasn’t had direct contact with Aquilini or the Canucks and if he is no longer with the team, a phone call would have been a more respectful way to find out his reasons for taking part in the rally.
He had hoped the ownership and management of the Canucks would have had the “courage to support the freedom to express [a] science-based position that is for the greater good of the country,” he said.
We should congratulate Donnelly, partly for having these insights, but mostly for having the courage to put himself out there, risking his employment, and speaking Truth to power. Mark Donnelly did not have to sing for the Anti-Abortion Caravan in Vancouver, nor did he have to do this. Nor has he personally gained from doing either. Instead, Donnelly has shown himself to be one who thinks first of others, second of himself. That is something we can all believe in.
I know that sounds kind of like something our Privileged Class dipshits would say, but I actually mean it. Think it, Dream it, Do it.