I referenced the Nova Scotia Lobster Fisheries Dispute in a previous piece that I wrote on police inaction in the recent Texas school shooting. Northpoint wrote the following article on my old site, so I figured that it’s a great candidate for porting over, with some modifications. What follows is the article.
For some backstory, this has been a problem brewing in the province for over twenty years. It started in 1999 when the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the Treaty rights of the Mi’kmaq to harvest lobster to maintain a moderate livelihood. Canada’s response to the Marshall decision was to sign fishing deals with bands in the Atlantic region that included $600 million for gear, boats, training and access to the existing commercial fishery. Members of the tribe admit to breaking regulations and portray themselves as virtuous saying it is merely food for their family and charity.
“No licence. No tags.
She writes her name and Treaty 1752 on her buoys.
Francis, who is from the Acadia First Nation, is asserting her inherent right as a Mi’kmaw woman.
She provides food for her family, gives some of the lobster away, and sells and trades the rest.”
‘“You can’t put a dollar figure on our rights, on our treaties,” said Alex MacDonald, former chief of Sipekne’katik First Nation and a long-time Mi’kmaw fish harvester.
He said the livelihood fishery that some Mi’kmaq do is a drop in the bucket compared to the catch and profits in the non-Mi’kmaw industry.
Within the commercial lobster fishery, Mi’kmaq and Wolastoq First Nations make up just under four per cent of the $1.2 billion in total landed value for 2016.
“You have non-native fishermen that make millions of dollars every year. What is their moderate livelihood? Who do you compare with, you know?” asked MacDonald. “And why does ours have to be belittled? Why does it have to be minimum?
“All these resources that have been taken from my land,” said MacDonald, “we should be the richest people in Canada, not the poorest. But yet we’re the poorest people.”’

Oh my gawwwwd, she’s stahving!
They also get special privileges to fish outside of the normal season. But again admit to breaking even these rules by getting caught selling lobster in Sting operations set up by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. The Mi’kmaq are already the only people harvesting lobster this time of year in southwest Nova Scotia. The catch is supposed to be used for food, social, or ceremonial purposes but not sold.
The TL:DR is that this Aboriginal tribe gets special treatment, privileges and millions in investment while complaining when they get caught breaking the rules put in place that explicitly privilege them. They also whine that White fishermen are more successful at harvesting and selling lobster.
These Abos have been using illegal traps and have been making illegal sales off season for twenty years and are given a harvesting facility that facilitates and creates profits for their behavior. The traps have been pulled by the Nova Scotian fishermen themselves as there has been a total lack of fair enforcement.
As an aside, illegal traps would be the wrong size/diameter which would catch lobster that are not mature. Or they could have improper tags so it is unknown who is catching what and how much, or possibly use steel instead of iron bands so they sit at the bottom of the ocean and don’t corrode after so long.
After years of flaunting the rules, receiving taxpayer money while making illegal sales and illegal trapping, and receiving positive national news coverage as the David in the Goliath story on top of all that, the Whites had enough and started cutting illegal traps under the eyes of the RCMP (Canadian Federal Police) and dumped a hundred and fifty illegal traps outside the DFO* office.
*DFO is “Fisheries and Oceans Canada.” I think it might be the acronym for the French version of that.

Illegal traps outside DFO office.

Angry White Fishermen.
“Sipekne’katik Chief Michael Sack said in a statement Monday that he is focusing his efforts this week on meeting with law enforcement and federal Fisheries Minister Bernadette Jordan.
Sack said over the weekend there were reports that Mi’kmaw lobster trap lines were being cut. On Monday, he called for charges to be laid, and said cutting traps was “shameful and un-Canadian” and done “falsely in the name of conservation.”‘

Sipekne’katik Chief Michael Sack. Yes, I am aware that he’s probably 15/16ths White.
The CBC have been kvetching because they haven’t been allowed into ‘non-indigenous’ meetings or town halls saying that a lack of press access is hurting the chance for dialogue. But if you’ve been putting up with 20 years of being called a racist fisherman who is putting ‘the safety of people’ at risk by an extremely slanted, government run propaganda bureau then it is understandable to not want these “reporters” anywhere near your meetings.
EDITORS NOTE: These fishermen have the right instinct here. There is no reason to allow an enemy propagandist around you or engage with them for any reason whatsoever. The only exception is if you have a plan to explicitly humiliate them, which most people are not capable of.
Comments are of course disabled. I’m sure that’s because the creature in the video, screencapped below, is a fair and measured cat lady who sees both sides of the dispute. Bigoted KKK members simply couldn’t handle that, and the CBC was forced to censor the people.

Here is a link to a Global News article wherein Global News briefly interviews (((Solomon))), a gay jew downtown who doesn’t even like lobster but is here to support Treaty rights. You can see from the crowd shots for those who don’t know the area is extremely pozzed with hundreds of indoctrinated university students who are eating up this sacred Treaty Rights, distorted history bullshit that is fed to them in the classroom. Unfortunately that video doesn’t work with adblocker, but I’m sure you get the gist of it.
The Abos now have what they call a ‘self-regulated fishery’ to maintain their supposedly moderate income and because of all this news coverage have received more assistance in the form of 3 more boats to their fleet. Our taxes have paid for this of course.
‘Non-Indigenous fishing groups have resisted the fishery, arguing it shouldn’t occur outside of the regulated season. A fleet of their vessels removed 350 Mi’kmaw lobster traps from the water on the weekend of Sept. 19 to 20.
Colin Sproul, president of the Bay of Fundy Inshore Fishermen’s Association, has said lobster-fishing season in St. Marys Bay doesn’t start until the last Monday of November in order to let the animals reproduce and to make sure their stocks aren’t depleted.‘

Colin Sproul
EDITORS NOTE: The myth of Aboriginals having “muh connection to nature,” needs to be destroyed and humiliated. These people were simply too primitive to destroy their surroundings. Give them the White Mans inventions, and they’ll genocide the baby lobster population so they can buy more hooch.
For a great example of the type of coverage you get from the CBC, go here. They are selling dead frozen lobster, young lobster and female lobsters at the indian self-regulated fishery. The Chief, Michael Sack, has admitted that the band will take matters into their own hands all the while playing the media for more coverage of these ‘racist Whites.’
Just last week, a Mi’kmaw fishing vessel was destroyed in a suspicious fire at a wharf in the community of Comeauville. According to eyewitness testimony and cell phone pictures that I have seen firsthand, a common practice for some of these indian fishermen is to sell whatever lobster they can make a day’s profit and go buy liquor while dumping what they can’t sell in the forest to rot. This is my on the ground investigation so take that for what you will.
Around 200 White fishermen stormed the fishery grounds trashing lobster catches and torching a vehicle in the compound while the impotence of the RCMP was put on full display from a group of energized Whites sick of seeing the lobster populations and environment being destroyed by these Abos.
EDITORS NOTE: While I’m not advocating anything, never fall for the meme of the invincible government. The police may be entirely political in Canada, as well as being entirely militarized, but they are also the biggest pussies in the land.
The most recent development (in October 2020, when this was written) is a ‘suspicious’ fire set in Middle West Pubnico, the same facility that was stormed by the 200 White fishermen. This is pure speculation at this point but the possibility needs to be acknowledged that this could have been a self-set fire to continue to spur national and now international news coverage. Whether or not this investigation angle will be pursued only time will tell, but the Chiefs have already admitted that they will do whatever is necessary.
Twenty years of watching poor indian fishing practices, no persistent regulation, special privileges, slanted news coverage and millions of dollars of investment, the White fishermen have had enough and I stand with these families who’s multi-generational livelihood and familial income is at stake. This is the struggle of rural whites against the federal and provincial government as well as the national media and these irresponsible Aboriginals.

The fire in Middle West Pubnico, the facility stormed by the White fishermen.
Now you know more then you probably ever would know on an ongoing Nova Scotia lobster dispute. And of course, here come the boycotts of the White Man’s lobster.
Kourosh Rad removed three items from his menu, including the lobster mac and cheese, lobster sliders and a lobster sandwich.
The items are still listed but with a note: “Currently not offering lobster due to violation of Mi’kmaq’s treaty rights.”
Rad said he had never considered where the restaurant’s supplier acquired its lobster, but he’s now looking for a Mi’kmaw fisher who can provide fresh lobster.’

Kourosh Rad
Thanks, Kourosh. I don’t know what sort of mystery meat I’m looking at, but it got itself some free publicity for urbanite liberal yuppies who want an excuse to take pictures of their food and put it on social media, now with even more obedience signalling.
‘RCR’s Hospitality Group, which owns six restaurants in Halifax including East of Grafton Tavern, Cut Steakhouse, Shuck Seafood and Raw Bar, Waterfront Warehouse, The Arms Public House and Agricola Street Brasserie, also removed lobster from its menus Monday.
‘Dear Friend, a restaurant and bar in Dartmouth, N.S., took lobster off its menu on Sept. 22 — only five days after the fishery’s launch — to show solidarity with the Mi’kmaq.
Owner Matt Boyle said the restaurant has received “a significant amount of hate” since then.
But Boyle said sometimes the principle is more important than the profit.
“I’m a bit disheartened and appalled — embarrassed a little bit, as well,” Boyle said. “I just think that there’s other ways to peacefully resolve these issues than violence or vandalism and alleged racism.”
The restaurants plan to keep lobster off the menu until the dispute is resolved.’

Matt Boyle, the weasel in question.
EDITORS NOTE: I’d like to thank Northpoint for doing this work, and I’m glad that my site can be used to get this message out.
Personally I think I could go my entire life without ever hearing one of these fags go on about “principle over profit,” ever again, especially when I’ve been censored for fact checking war propaganda. It’s just such a whiny faggot thing to say when you’re agreeing with the power structure.
And yes, this guys business should go under, and we should get our act together so we can put pressure on people like this, now and in the future. He’s admitted that he doesn’t really give a shit about his customer base, because they don’t like it, he’s doing it because being anti-White is more important than profits. This is also an admission that he could have simply paid his workers more this whole time, but the kosher-left is anti-White pedophiles who have complete and utter contempt for working people.
[…] dailyrake.ca/2022/05/28/introduction-to-the-fiery-nova-scotia-lobster-fisheries-dispute/ […]
To my knowledge Maine doesn’t do this tribal shit with it’s lobster conservation. However, I would not at all be surprised if there were groups pushing for it there. They will likely cite the same bullshit “noble savage” lie too.