An 80-year-old Washington state woman was permanently banned from her local YMCA pool after demanding that a transgender employee leave the women’s locker room, she told local media.
“I saw a man in a woman’s bathing suit watching maybe four or five little girls pulling down their suits in order to use the toilet,” Port Townsend resident Julie Jaman recalled of the July incident to Seattle radio show host Dori Monson on Friday. “I asked if he had a penis and he said it was none of my business. I told that man to ‘get out right now.’”
The incident occurred on July 26 at the Mountain View pool, which is a City of Port Townsend facility operated by the Olympic Peninsula YMCA, according to local news outlet Port Townsend Free Press.
Jaman said that she was alerted to the trans employee being in the women’s locker room while she was showering and “heard a man’s voice.”
Let’s take another look at this tranny.

Supposedly this is the actual YMCA employee
Aca-scuse me? This fucking elderly probs HuWhyte Supreemacist Bigot has the nerve. No, not even the nerve. Not even the audacity, but rather…
the temerity…
…to accuse the above platonic ideal of a woman of not being a real woman just because she has a penis. She ought to be ashamed of herself.
The Port Townsend Police Department told Fox News Digital that no official police report was filed, but the department provided an incident report on the matter.
The incident report details that Jaman “had an emotional response to a strange male being in the bathroom” near young girls, and is hoping to not be “trespassed” from the pool, according to a phone call an officer had with Jaman. The report also noted a phone call from the YMCA detailing that Jaman was reportedly in the facility’s locker room “screaming” at an employee and “refusing to leave.”
Strange? Male? The FUCK!?
What will us trannies need to do to get the love and peace and access to little girls changing rooms that we deserve? Is that really so much to ask, to not be genocided by being denied our inalienable rights to creep on twelve year old girls because that’s what gets our female penises hard? To answer my own question, it’s 2022.
Erin Hawkins, the marketing & communications manager for the Olympic Peninsula YMCA, told Fox News Digital that the permanent pool ban followed a build-up of incidents where Jaman violated the facility’s code of conduct. She said the permanent suspension was not solely due to the singular incident in the women’s locker room last month.
Multiple incidents, eh? Well it’s theoretically possible that Julie Jaman, the elderly lady who stood up for the little girls when no one else would, is also an obnoxious old lady who whines about a lot of things. It’s also possible that the only rules she’s broken are these trannies little crybully regulations where not kissing their asses means that you’re turning them into a lampshade.
“Julie Jaman was permanently suspended from the Mountain View Pool due to her repeatedly violating our Code of Conduct, specifically, using disrespectful words or gestures toward YMCA staff or others; abusive, harassing and/or obscene language or gestures toward YMCA staff or others,” Hawkins said in comment to Fox News Digital on Monday.

Julie Jaman
Turns out it’s the latter. Julie Jaman is a Based Grandmother. She saw a bunch of creeps, or at least one creep, perving on some little girls, and she took a stand against it.
Jaman told Monson that she was suspended from the facility despite having “a great relationship with swimmers in the pool.”
Jaman told local media that she had been a member of the pool facility for 35 years and has lived in Port Townsend for about 40 years. She has voted for Democrats during her life, she told the local outlet, and considers herself an “XX woman,” referring to her chromosomes.
She added to the Port Townsend Free Press that she recoiled at being naked and showering in a room with a person born male. She added that the “momma bear in me” came out when she saw the individual near the young girls in the bathroom.
Julie Jaman is far from the first woman that I have encountered who described themselves as left-leaning their entire lives, and then it got to this and it was a bridge too far. Because when you realize that you’re not getting the anti-war part of the “leftist agenda,” nor are you getting a single thing economically, you start to realize it’s just child abusing perverts. Like, that’s the whole thing with the modern kosher-left. It’s just anti-White perverts who want access to your children’s buttholes.
And to catch a “hot” peek at your naked eight year old daughter so they can jerk off their female penis to it afterwards.
Based Grandma