I appear to have missed a boatload of seething at a certain NHL player named Ivan Provorov. From what I understand, he refused to be touched with the taint of MonkeyPox, and I say that with all possible meanings.
A hockey agent says an NHL player’s refusal to take part in his team’s LGBTQ+ Pride Night warmup is an indication that more work needs to be done to make the sport more inclusive.
Philadelphia Flyers defenceman Ivan Provorov did not participate in pre-game warmups Tuesday night when the team wore Pride-themed jerseys and used sticks wrapped in rainbow Pride tape.
“I respect everybody’s choices,” Provorov said after the game. “My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion. That’s all I’m going to say.”
Bayne Pettinger, a Toronto-based NHLPA certified player agent who came out as gay in 2020, said he was disappointed by Provorov’s decision to use his platform for “essentially a protest” that sends a message to hockey fans and his teammates who did take part in the warmup.
“[It] just says that, ‘Hey, it’s making it about me,'” Pettinger told CBC’s All Points West. “I found it selfish and frankly disrespectful towards the the gay community.“
I found it disrespectful towards the MonkeyPox Community, and I liked it.
But selfish? No, this was a man bravely stepping up to the corporate state complex and saying no. The support from the people is immense. The support from the Privileged Class and their Golems… not so much.
I recognize the fattie on the right in the first clip. I think his name is Sid something or other.
Sid Seixeiro, that’s it. His rant is worth watching for its totally unhinged “How DARE you, how ABSOLUTELY dare you,” energy. Incidentally I found the original video of theirs after uploading my version. The comments are universally supportive of Ivan Provorov, as you would expect.
Then the next sports “journalists,” are a trio that I’ve never heard of. He’s the one who literally tells him to Go bACk tO RuSSiA and fight in the war since he doesn’t enjoy AIDS.
Above is another snapshot of the anger. Unfortunately for them, Provorov’s coach, John Tortorella, has his back.
Tortorella apparently got carried away. He was later quoted as saying that a certain someone else ‘did nothing wrong.’ I understand the sentiment when you look at Gary Bettman’s face, but we have to keep the optics better to appeal to the normies.
Gary Bettman and the anti-White NHL – who just finished an all-trans “all star” game that ended in disaster – were undoubtedly seething. But they didn’t want the bad optics of forcing him to recant for his sins, because of the reaction of the fans.
Jaime, can you zoom in on that?
Jerseys for Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov have sold out online days after the 26-year-old refused to wear a gay pride-themed jersey for religious reasons.
Both NHL Shop and Fanatics have listed Provorov’s jerseys as “almost gone,” and there are no longer any men’s jerseys with his name and number available.
On Fanatics, the defenseman is listed as having the most popular men’s jersey, women’s jersey, and sweatshirt, and his Branded Backer shirt is being advertised as the most popular seller related to the Philadelphia Flyers, according to the online store.
I haven’t been following the NHL at all as a fan, and last wrote about them when some cuckservative whined about Alexander Ovechkin. I only vaguely recognized the name Ivan Provorov, but he’s a solid top 4 defenseman for the Flyers, who I learned has an adorable puppy that’s apparently famous on TikTok. No really, that’s about it.

Cute kitty too…
And that’s probably about as much as everyone else who’s buying his jersey knows. He’s just a guy who plays in the NHL and stood up to the AIDS empire. That he is a solid, but not spectacularly good player makes it even better, since it makes him more relatable.
And boy are the people seething at him ever intolerable. Below are the comments from that YouTube short.
The Provorov situation is example #159,384 of the free market being fake. When people are given the option, they overwhelmingly support normal people over the spiteful mutants. That’s why the people are not allowed a choice whenever possible. That’s why all Hollywood is pushing POZ. If one of them were to not do that, they’d get filthy rich, just look at Ivan Provorov.
That crazy eyed (when the eye white is showing all the way around the iris – look out) shovel nosed kike is a terrific marketing tool for Fascism! What a loony tunes heeb.
FYI you can call the NHL and voice support. Leave a message along the lines of “I can believe the NHL is pushing FAG Day!!! That’s the disgrace!”. Anyone can do this.