Canada announced a further round of sanctions against Russia on Monday following a meeting between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his counterparts from Britain and the Netherlands.
Another 10 individuals have been added to the sanctions list. Their names were suggested by Alexei Navalny, the jailed Russian opposition leader and activist.

Alexei Navalny
This site didn’t exist when the last round of Alexei Navalny horseshit picked up, but the cliff notes version is that nobody in Russia gives a fuck about him. I think he polled at something like 2%.
MOSCOW, July 8 (Reuters) – Thirty-two percent of Russians support the extremism ban on jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny’s political network while 27% oppose it, according to an opinion poll by the Moscow-based Levada Centre published on Friday.
Levada, which polled 1,630 people on June 24-30, said 38% had voiced indifference over last month’s ruling that designated Navalny’s groups as “extremist”. It also said that support for Navalny’s activities had dipped to 14% from 20% last September.
I don’t know what “support for Navalny’s activities,” means, but I can’t even find the data for his political party. Rest assured, if they were popular, you’d hear about it.
Navalny is in jail for parole violations over an embezzlement case he says was trumped up. He was arrested in Moscow this year after flying back from Germany where he had been recovering from a nerve agent poisoning in Russia.
Right. I’d forgotten about that. I remember that being just about the fakest and gheyist bullshit story ever. Something about a lab that only produces that particular poison from Russia, so it had to be Russia poisoning the guy. But then also they found a lab that produced that exact toxin two miles away in England. It was all very stupid, and the guy lived through it regardless.
Anyway, back to our original story.
“These sanctions put increased pressure on Russia’s leadership, including Putin’s inner circle,” said Trudeau.
Still noticeably absent from the sanctions list released Monday is billionaire Chelsea football club owner Roman Abramovich. He is a confidante of Russian President Vladimir Putin and has extensive business holdings in Western Canada.
There is literally no plausible reason to not sanction (((Roman Abramovich))). This is, some combination of sanctioning goyim to let jews in Russia get ahead, or just impotent signally bullshit to pretend to be doing something.
The ten Russians added to the list Monday are key media executives and personalities, business leaders and senior officials who, in some cases, also hold powerful positions in Russian industry.
Yes but not the richest man in Russia, who even the CBC describes as “having the ear of Putin.”
Also on the list is Oleg Deripaska, a Russian industrialist with interests in aluminum, mining, airports and energy projects.
You may have noticed Oleg Deripaska from the image I posted previously. He’s got a net worth of $4.8B. So of course you’d sanction him and not (((Roman Abramovich))), the guy with a net worth of $18B, with a direct line to Putin.
The Liberal government has faced increasing pressure — notably from the Ukrainian government — to target Abramovich.
Imagine a man so utterly controlled by Zionist interests, that he won’t even sanction (((Roman Abramovich))) when the Zionist controlled Ukraine Government asks.
Well, you don’t have to imagine anymore.
While the Russian economy and Russian businesses have taken a major hit, there is little sign of any impact on the ground in Ukraine. Attempts to establish humanitarian corridors have failed and 1.5 million people have fled Ukraine to escape relentless bombardment.
The allies say they recognize the disconnect.
I predicted thith. And multiple times I might add. Yet more bloviation from our Privileged Class.
“Yes, I agree with you. The sanctions have not had the desired effect,” Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in response to a reporter’s question Monday. “They have a huge effect on Russia but they are not against the Russians.”
And now our World Leaders are saying outright gibberish that doesn’t make any sense at all.
Trudeau was greeted at 10 Downing Street by a handful of angry protesters waving Canadian flags and calling for the release of Tamara Lich, one of the organizers of the anti-vaccine mandate convoy that occupied downtown Ottawa for weeks.
The protest prompted Trudeau to use a separate entrance.
I’m actually kind of shocked that the CBC propagandists put that in, because it really puts Freedom Democracy in perspective, now doesn’t it? Yes, if you peacefully protest what our parasitical Privileged Class doesn’t like, they will send in police armed with assault rifles, beat you, and then send you to jail. And that’s getting off lightly, since in the US they straight up murdered four Jan 6th protesters, and are keeping hundreds of them in jail in horrible conditions.
Luckily, Emma Watson’s wherabouts remain unknown.
Oleg Deripaska is also a Jew and is hated in Russia just like Roman Abramovich.