We’ve got some absurd propaganda coming down the pipe right here. But as always, I’ll happily be your propaganda translator.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said early Wednesday that Russia’s demands during negotiations are becoming “more realistic” after nearly three weeks of war, but added more time was needed for the talks, which are being held by video conference.

Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky
Translation: Zelensky’s constant calls for a No Fly Zone have fallen on deaf ears for so long that he realizes he’s completely fucked. As a result, he’s taking peace talks seriously. It’s kind of like the Reddit Tranny Brigade‘s cold shower of reality, albeit less dramatic.
Earlier, Ukraine said it saw possible room for compromise Tuesday, even as Moscow’s forces stepped up their bombardment of Kyiv, and an estimated 20,000 civilians fled the desperately encircled port city of Mariupol by way of a humanitarian corridor.
Translation: Zelensky is going to be doing the sort of compromising that you can only find on Adult Only sites. Vlad the Bad is going to get 100% of what he wants, because he has literally all the leverage. However, this will get spinned as him settling for something. It’ll be retarded, but so was the Assad Gas Baby hoax, and they loved that so much they did it twice.
The leaders of three European Union countries — including Poland, a NATO member on Ukraine’s doorstep — visited the embattled capital in a bold show of support Tuesday, even as large explosions thundered across Kyiv before dawn from what Ukrainian authorities said were artillery strikes, as Russia’s assault on the capital appeared to become more systematic and edged toward the city centre.
Translation: The Russians have finally accepted that they can’t just blitzkreig their way to Total CivNat Victory. Instead they’re doing the encirclements they’ve talked so much about, maneuvering their artillery in place, and simply enjoying their complete stranglehold on the position. It will take many grueling days before Kiev falls, but its fall is just a matter of time.
In a statement that seemed to signal potential grounds for agreement with Moscow, Zelensky told European leaders gathered in London that he realizes NATO has no intention of accepting Ukraine.
Translation: The cucking begins.
“Every night is a horrible night,” he said through an interpreter, as he outlined how Russian attacks are devastating cities and infrastructure. Kyiv is being “shelled and bombed,” he said, while people in Mariupol live without heat and power and face increasingly dire shortages.
Translation: Russia is absolutely destroying Ukraine in this war, to the point where they’ve had to abandon all the retarded “here’s how Ukraine can still win,” propaganda, because that’s going to look really outrageously stupid when Kiev falls. Instead they’re seemlessly pivoting to some atrocity propaganda.
It has been difficult to independently verify casualty figures, but Zelensky said in his address to MPs that 97 children have been killed in the war to date. The UN said close to 700 civilians in Ukraine have been confirmed killed, with the true figure likely much higher.

Typical CBC propagandist, not the one from this story.
Translation: A maximum of 700 civilians have been killed in this conflict.
Fox News said its video journalist, Pierre Zakrzewski, and Ukrainian journalist Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova were killed when the vehicle they were in outside of Kyiv came under fire.
The attack came two days after Brent Renaud, a documentary filmmaker and another veteran of covering war zones, died when Russian forces opened fire on his vehicle.
Remember goyim, no matter how awful propagandists are as a group, these two Fox Jews whores could well be wonderful people. I mean it’s unlikely, but let’s not be celebrating their deaths in the comments.
A Canadian man who was injured when a military base near Ukraine’s western border was struck by Russian missiles on Sunday says there was no warning of the attack.
Hunter Francis of the Eel Ground First Nation in northeast New Brunswick says there were no air raid sirens before the missiles hit.
The former Canadian Forces member, who arrived in Ukraine last week to volunteer in the defence against Russia, says the bombardment lasted about 30 minutes and left him with shards of glass and metal in his right hand and his nose.
It’s literally a member of the Reddit Tranny Volunteer Brigade that I just finished writing about. Turns out these guys get one taste of a losing war and NOPE it right the fuck out.
During a meeting in Rome with a senior Chinese diplomat, U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan warned China against helping Russia.
Translation: Dying Empire threatens literally entire rest of world. Rest of world decides to disinvest from Dying Empire.
I’m not an economist, but things look to be getting really bad for the US dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency. You can’t be the spazming retard bully that is the US, while not expecting other countries to start trying to ally with someone else. Going after Russia by itself is one thing. Going after China as well is retarded. The propaganda was that Russia has a relatively small economy at $1.5T/year. But China is the world’s largest economy. So you’re simply forcing China to solve any of the problems you put on Russia.
This is the problem with a completely anti-meritocratic soyciety. Eventually incompetent and stupid people get put in charge, and are so idiotic that they’re self-defeating.