You could almost hear the collective thud of EU hearts sinking on Sunday night as Viktor Orban made his victory speech.

You could hear the crinkle and strain in my pants as my erection grew. I’ll tell you that much.

“Our win is so huge you can see it from the Moon, never mind from Brussels,” he gloated pointedly.

The oy veying was heard eminating throughout the universe. Aliens are on their way to earth right now. And if they’re anything like AI, you know what that means.

A self-styled illiberal democrat, Hungary’s prime minister has repeatedly clashed with Brussels over rule of law issues, like press freedom and migration.

Hold on, let me go check out these “press freedoms,” that our parasite class cares so much about.

So the EU believes that they should shut down the press of political parties who get too uppity. But also Viktor Orban is a big meanie because something something press freedoms.

And let’s go take a look at free speech freedoms more broadly.

Oh it’s nonexistant. Yeah you can miss me with this whining about how you, the censorship activists at the BBC are being weally hawd dun bai because Orban won’t let the WMD Liars push pervert shit to children.

They’ve fallen out over Moscow too.

That’s why there was so much international attention on Hungary’s election.

Orban is famed for his warm relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He buys a lot of energy from Moscow. But so do many other EU countries.

It’s more the similarity critics see between the two men. Both, they say, are disdainful and dismissive of Brussels, of political opposition, of questioning media, of the LGBTQ+ community.

I’m a bit this close to just becoming a full time Putin/Orban shill. 

Of course Orban is no Putin. Though an election billboard on Hungarian highways, sponsored by opposition parties, suggested as much.

But… they lost. Big time. So I guess whining that Orban was like Putin wasn’t exactly the winning strategy that these Globo Homo Schlomo enjoyers were looking for.

Numerous populist, nationalist, or right-wing politicians with a penchant for strong man (or woman) politics, have admired Putin over the years – or sought to emulate some of his traits. Think Italy’s Matteo Salvini, France’s Marine Le Pen, the US’s Donald Trump.

What’s not to like? Oh sure, he’s not perfect on the JQ, and he’s basically a semi-corrupt civnat boomer. But I have to say, #ourBoomer has potential.

In fact, Hungary signed up to Western sanctions, which came thick and unexpectedly fast, via Brussels.

But at the same time opponents back home complained Hungarian state media was churning out propaganda-like news, “Russia-style” about the war in Ukraine.

Yeah who could forget when the Russians pretended that video game footage was them downing Ukrainian Aircraft? Oh wait, the opposite happened.

Most state and private media in Hungary have been taken over by Orban allies during his last 12 years in government.

Loyalists head up key institutions across the country in business, academia, media and NGOs too.

Viktor Orban showing everyone how it’s done. Get elected, and then immediately replace all these parasites at all these institutions. NGOs, courts, media, business, academia, police, etcetera. You have to wage war against the privileged class, and utterly remove them from power. Anything less than that is pointless.

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  1. Ah! The Day of Tay! Excellent times!

  2. “Rule of law” – oh my, ho ho ho – insert “sensible chuckle” meme – ho ho ho…

  3. The shutdown of was only an april fools stunt, with the intent not only to play it as a joke but also to test the waters among unknowing readers in case such an event were to actually happen (which is highly likely anyways).

    Here is the article in where they explain this further:

    ”No, Nordfront is not permanently shut down by the EU. Today is April Fools day”.

    Its unfortunate that these kind of assumptions may hurt the credability of your site, as is the reason you didnt draw premature conclusions in regards to the Bucha incident. I understand though that one cant always refrain from making such mistakes at all times.

    Love your site. Keep up the good work!

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