Only about 3 in 10 Americans believe transgender women and girls should be allowed to participate in female sports, according to a new poll from the Washington Post-University of Maryland, which comes a week after Louisiana became the 18th state to pass a transgender athlete ban last week.

Only 70%? Those are rookie numbers. We gotta bump those up.

It’s also funny, because you know some small percentage of people answered yes for the above reason. I might have done the same when I was a teenager. And why stop at sports? The reason we have female specific activities is because wahmen suck at pretty much everything except being adorable.

What? It’s true. Why do we have female only chess events? Are women physically incapable of picking up and moving the pieces? No, it’s just that their little female brains aren’t very good at thinking.

I’m not saying I could beat the women’s chess champion. I’m just saying that about a hundred men could. And that’s just active players.

Don’t take this as me hating women, or even disliking them in the slightest. Actually, I’m something of a fan. I’m just saying that they suck at sports and can’t compete with men at pretty much anything. 

Hell, men are even all the best chefs. Pretty sure if we had some female chef competitions, you’d be getting some trannies winning those too. Ironically, the one thing that they can never beat women at, or even compare, is that which they desire the most.

Above we see the woman. Radiant in all her glory. When she smiles, we smile.

Also these things exist.

The poll—which surveyed 1,503 people across the country between May 4 through 17—found 55% of Americans don’t believe transgender women and girls should be allowed to compete in high school sports.

Almost 60% of those surveyed were opposed to transgender women and girls’ participation in college and professional sports.

If you’re wondering where the discrepancy is between 30% of Americans supporting this, and 60% of Americans not supporting it, that’s because every poll has that “not quite sure,” option. You can literally ask people if they’d like to get their eyeballs screwed out with a rusty screwdriver, you will still get people doing the “I dunno, not sure I have enough information to make that decision for myself,” routine. 

Americans were less likely to oppose transgender women and girls’ participation in youth sports, with about a third of those surveyed saying transgender women and girls should be allowed to compete, while 17% said they did not have an opinion.

All of the propaganda, and Globo Homo can’t actually get people to support men in female sports. They can kind of get people to grin and bear these horrible monstrosities, but seeing them beating girls at sports serves as a trigger issue. It’s an obviously unfair outrage that serves as a rallying cry for normal people.

The poll comes three months after Lia Thomas became the first known transgender athlete to win an NCAA swimming championship, sparking a renewed debate about transgender women’s participation in sports.

I’ve featured Liam’s face throughout this piece. You can read more about him here

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