I just wrote a bit on TPUSA hiring some extremely high quality pussy to shill rehydrated Benny Shapiro takes on whatever. If you don’t want to click that link and read it for yourself, you can find a picture of this little angel right here.
Flat out adorable.
At the end of that piece I dunked on the Manlet Cult a bit, because why not?
I mean it’s just such easy content.
But there’s a point I want to make here that goes deeper than simply “LMFAO these guys are fags.” One of the things that killed feminism wasn’t so much any particular arguments, it was that, with the rise of the internet, you could see who the actual feminists were. At that point, it was pretty undeniable that feminists were 400 lbs facially hideous social rejects, and no young women wanted to identify with that.
In contrast, we had a whole host of babes in the alt-right back in the day.

Look at the absolute angel in the bottom right corner.
And then these losers came along, and were mysteriously uncensored long enough to steal our audience.
And they said that vagina people were no good very bad and probably evil.
And through pure coincidence, they are all under the height of 5’7.
I’ve made a very similar point to this in another post. These people are biological failures, and their politics are downstream of that. The Andrew Anglins of the World don’t hate wahmens because they read Schopenhauer, they hate women because they’re short and hideous, and they’re angry at women for rejecting them sexually.

Seriously, he looks like a ****ing alien.
But normies, for all their faults, can instinctively see the same thing. If everyone in your gay, constantly online sausagefest is a hideous loser, no women want to join, and neither do any decent men. Remember, what killed feminism was just pointing out how ugly and deranged those cunts were. And leading feminists were pissed at this effective rhetorical tactic.
Ugly people, male or female, are the absolute worst advertisement you could possibly have for your political movement. In contrast, good looking people are the best advertisement you can have.
And frankly, hot girls specifically are the best recruiting tool in existence. It’s probably better than money.
This girl above might be a nutcase, but I’m pretty sure she’d convert more normal men to fascism than any tens of thousands of articles written by the incel freaks over at Gamer Uprising.
There are a lot of cute girls out there with mental illnesses. If you can’t get any of them interested in your political movement, it means you’re a bunch of faggots.
I mean, maybe literally, but also figuratively. The correlation between people being interested in something and hot girls being in it is so strong that you can tell how healthy your political movement is almost purely by the numbers of hawt babes. This is the ultimate bellweather.
Here’s Tila Tequila. And here’s a bunch of antifa assblasted that she went on Fash the Nation in 2016 with Jazzhands McFeels and Halberstram.
No really, this actually happened.
You can find a link to their old interview with her here. It’s more meta-hilarious than actually hilarious, but Ms. Tequila comes on around 1:22:00.
Tila Tequila is… kind of a nutcase.
But she proves my point even more. In 2016 she went on a podcast literally called Fash the Nation. That’s because the alt-right was nice and hot back then, and calling yourself Fash the Nation is fun and edgy in a way that the sterile freaks in the Manlet Cult either never understood, or didn’t actually care about.
I don’t have any moral outrage over how someone looks. And, especially with women, I always feel terrible pointing out them not being super pretty. It’s not a moral failure to be overweight, have a weird bone structure, not know how to dress yourself, and generally not have won the genetic lottery. All I can really judge someone on is their character.
But having said that, I do care how people look, because appearances are important. If everyone in your political movement looks like the wahmens above, nobody is going to want to be associated with them. This is why the Hollywood portrayal of natzees tends to be stupid, ugly people. Ralph Fiennes here is the exception.
Portraying your enemies as stupid and pathetic losers is what any smart person does, so of course the Mixed-race Mexican child saviour of the HuWhyte Race goes and does this entirely unprompted.
And these faggot losers go around openly calling themselves incels, as if not being able to get laid is something you should be proud of, and make a serious part of your identity.
Hunter Wallace coined the term Loser Nationalism, and I think that’s a great term for these people. They might have a small audience online, but that’s it, that’s all they’ll have. And they congregate other losers who want a community of people just like them to hang out with. Political goals will always be secondary to that type of crowd, because they are aware, deep down inside, that they have no real appeal to normal people.
But this is actually fine from the perspective of a grifter. A normal man in his mid thirties, with three kids and a full time job, is never going to be watching a four hour Juan Fuentes stream. As a result, he is not there to be grifted off. If you don’t actually give a fuck about real political victories, you can do what you want to maximize superchat donations. And if that means appealing to the constantly online loser crowd, you go and do that.
But while most people can’t articulate what I’ve said above, they understand it to be true. The Manlet Cult are a bunch of fags, end of story. They aren’t winning any elections, and aren’t even bothering running, since they know that people would take one look at them and say “what a bunch of fags.” Literal faggots have chirped these spiritual fags for being unlikable catty bitches.
Also, I’m pretty sure they’re actually fags anyway, just look at their own art.
Getting back to hot girls, people want to be doing the things that hawt babes are doing. That’s why advertisers pay hot girls tons of money to shill their product. They do it BECAUSE IT FUCKING WORKS.
As if to prove my point for me even more, I was watching a video on the benefit of doing planks. And as I was typing this piece, I went back to that video, and this was the model they used to demonstrate planking. Real mystery why, huh?
That I have to explain this to people on the internet is a facepalm moment for me. Everybody in real life gets this, but then there’s this annoying little Cult of the Manlet that thinks that not having women in your political movement is a good thing. This faggot loser shit is so prevalent that there are some people who think that you need to defend having women in your political movement. You don’t. It’s good. You should do it more.
A serious political movement will have people of all sorts in it. NEET incels sure, but also parents with 10 children. Old women, young men, whatever. Everything.
If you are promising people that you are going to bring the propagandists who lied us into Iraq to justice, or stop child trannies, end anti-White school curriculum, stop trillion dollar multinational corporations from censoring everyone, or any other actual serious political goal, you are going to attract all sorts of people. Real politics appeals to people almost regardless of their life situation. Chasing away a woman who supports you because you’re an incel loser who hates women isn’t normal behaviour, and I’m never going to tolerate any garbage like that in this Nice White Neighbourhood I’m building here. All this “woman question,” stuff is retarded loser shit that doesn’t need to be entertained.
Normal People are aware that if everyone in your political movement is some constantly online 5’4 hideous NEET with nothing going for them in life, it’s not a real political movement. This incel shit is pure garbage to a real political movement that actually wants to win elections. That’s not to say that you yourself need to be a 6’5 shredded Chad, only that your politics shouldn’t only appeal to people who are romantically stunted.

Crazy but hot Ukrainian Azov Battalion chick.
The best way to advertise your political movement is through aesthetics. Pointing out that feminists are fat ugly broads destroyed feminism. Pointing out that the people pushing tranny stuff look like literal demons is also pretty good.
You really do not need to give people any sort of complicated arguments for why they should do the opposite of what these creatures want.
The opposite is true in the other direction.
We used to be able to dunk on our political enemies by doing nothing more than showing people a picture of them. “Post fizeek,” might have been a meme, but there was a lot of truth to it. The soyboy meme is also real.

Is this America First?
We used to be able to dunk on those losers all the time. SJW Cringe Compilation vids were a legitimate alt-right recruitment tool way back in the day. And now it’s crucially important that people understand we have nothing to do with the Manlet Cult, because they’re as anti-social and embarrassing as the most pink haired SJW ever was.
Let me cleanse your pallet of that by getting back to that Aidar Battalion girl for a moment.

Vita Zaverukha
Here’s a quote of this girl.
‘I promote Nazism, terror, genocide,‘ she wrote in December last year. ‘For all this, I’m not a bad person. The justification is the “War for Peace”. If you go bringing the work to the end, only in this case, justify my actions would not. Winners are not judged.’
That’s pretty fucked up. I mean the outright promoting genocide part, especially against Russians. I mean, just take a look at those Russians.

“W-would you genocide me, anon?”
But if there’s anyone who can make 80IQ calls for genocide fashionable it’s going to be this broad.
I tell you, if every hawt girl started writing on Facebook that they support nazism, genocide and terror then that’d pretty much be it for Schlomo and the Rabbis of Zion overnight.
If the same was said by every guy that looks like this…
Then not so much.
That’s just how reality works boys.
They usually straw-man the sensible position of “sure, why can’t we have wahmens” by claiming that we’re going to have women as intellectual leaders and other leadership positions like EU countries.
You could even have that, provided they actually deserved to be there. The World No: 1 Wahmen chess player is Hou Yifan. She had a peak rating of almost 2700, was 55th in the World at one point, and is still top 100. Women will never be the best at pretty much anything, but the idea that you can’t have competence from a woman is absurd. These manlets take the feminist garbage about a woman being “just as good as a man,” and then go way too far in the other direction and end up in Loserville.
It’s unlikely that you would have women as intellectual leaders or in other high up leadership positions, but if putting a woman as the leader of a political party meant that we could win more elections, I’d happily do it. And I’d enjoy the nasty whining of the spiteful mutants all the more.
Fantastic article, kudos!
Thank you Fran.
Thank you. I’ve only been saying this for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS. Perhaps, because you are a man, people will listen.
I think people, where we define people as including the not constantly online already completely get this. If you try to explain to some normal guys that having hot girls, or really women of all types, in your political movement is bad they’re going to start looking around at each other and wondering why this weirdo is going on about this. It’s just internet people who think this is a point of contention.