On December 5th, 2020, I wrote a story on my old site about the Canucks anthem singer, Mark Donnelly, being fired. I didn’t bother porting it over, since it seemed so topical, but it’s become relevant again.
It appears the Vancouver Canucks have fired their longtime national anthem singer in response to reports he will be singing at a rally organized by COVID-19 deniers and anti-mask advocates.
On Friday afternoon, the Vancouver Sun reported that Mark Donnelly had agreed to perform at a Saturday event in Vancouver protesting COVID-19 restrictions.
Not long after, hockey team owner Francesco Aquilini tweeted at the newspaper to request a change in the headline from “Canucks anthem singer” to “former Canucks anthem singer.”
Before I get into it, I remain mystified why the CBC thinks that every single sentence deserves its own paragraph break. I’ve never understood this, and while it doesn’t have anything to do with the story it’s just too weird not to point out.

Opera singer Mark Donnelly
Anyway Mark Donnelly is an opera singer who gets plenty of work. He’s also a fairly well off man, at least according to networthpost, where his net worth is estimated at 11 million. So sure, this isn’t awful as some blue collar guy getting fired from his job by some Antifa Capitalist-Colluder, but this definitely is yet another reason to hate Billionaires as a group.
The pettiness of this parasite is on full display as he class-signals his allegiance to Globo Homo. According to Canadian Business, the Aquilini family has a net worth of 3.3 billion dollars, making them the 27th wealthiest family in Canada. What you get with all that money is a totally classless asshole gloating about firing an employee. What I hear, and what his friends hear, is Aquilini screaming at the top of his lungs how distant he is from the filthy peasant Mark Donnelly, who doesn’t understand that Black Lives Matter massings do not spread Covid, but Christmas does.
Donnelly is a fixture at home games for the Canucks, but his political views have also attracted controversy in the past.
In 2012, he sang the national anthem for an anti-abortion caravan as it passed through Vancouver.
In fact, Mark Donnelly is a pretty decent man. He’s the father of 9 children, and an anti-abortion activist. At one point, he ran in essentially a primary for the Conservative Party seat in South Surrey-White Rock, which is where I am from, and ran on a more socially “conservative,” platform.
I strongly doubt he was paid any money to sing the national anthem for the Anti-Abortion Caravan back in 2012, and I strongly doubt he was paid any money to sing the national anthem for the Anti-Covid Bullshit Rally that happened [when this article was originally written].
Besides all that, he has a great voice.
There’s the backstory on this Francesco Aquilini cunt, and brings us to yesterday, when we find out that either his ex-wife has been ripping his eyeballs out in divorce court, or he’s a serial abuser of children.
Four estranged adult children of Vancouver Canucks owner Francesco Aquilini have all alleged that he physically and psychologically abused them when they were young, a B.C. Supreme Court judge heard Tuesday.
The disturbing allegations came to light during a hearing over whether Aquilini is obliged to continue paying child support and covering university expenses for three of his children. They include claims he beat a sleeping child and threw a five-year-old across a bedroom.
Aquilini has denied the allegations of abuse, the court heard.
One child recalled an incident in which they say their father began beating them while they were sleeping and continued to beat them until they woke up. Another remembered being punched in the stomach by Francesco Aquilini.
In the most lengthy passage Hunter read for the court, one child described their father becoming angry with the children because they were being too loud in the family rec room.
“The respondent [Francesco Aquilini] then forced all of us upstairs into our individual rooms, went to each room to physically abuse each child. I saw the respondent throw another child — at that time five years old — across the room,” the affidavit says.
“I locked myself in my bathroom. The respondent broke the lock and was throwing his body at the door to come in and beat me. I called the claimant [Tali’ah Aquilini] and asked her to hurry home, stating I was scared the respondent would kill me, and I was worried that he had already killed my younger siblings.“
These are all allegations, and it’s not my job to get to the bottom of this. This could all be slander of Aquilini, although if it is then it’s certainly well done, with the now grown children all getting their stories straight. So either he’s getting raped in divorce court by his greedy ex-wife, or he’s a serial child abusing soyboy.

Tali’ah Aquilini
Either way it’s nice to see people like this suffering, at least a little bit, and it’s always nice to be reminded that our enemies are simply bad people. Not misguided, not confused, shitty worthless people.
For those tired of Globohomocanada, and want some real Canadian content, look up ‘My Self Reliance’ on YouTube — he’s building a log cabin by himself in the wilderness of northern Ontario, where he intends to live an off-grid life — his motive remains a mystery.
[…] dailyrake.ca/2022/09/29/vancouver-canucks-billionaire-globo-homo-enjoying-owner-getting-raped-in-div… […]
Ah yes, just another day in the family disintegration court system.
I hope Aquilini got frog-marched out of his house by cops executing a DV Order, and had to spend a few nights sleeping in his car – he can see how the other lower half lives.