Balenciaga is facing major backlash over its latest childrenswear ad campaign.
The Spanish fashion brand, which recently made headlines for cutting ties with Kanye West over his antisemitic statements, is now going viral for all the wrong reasons. Social media users are perturbed over a recent photo shoot featuring children posing with teddy bears dressed in leather harnesses and fishnet ensembles. On November 19, one Twitter user shared images from the photo shoot, writing, “Balenciaga using photos of little girls playing with teddy bears dressed in bondage gear on their website. Lovely.”
I was actually forwarded these pictures by someone last night. It looked real to me, but it just seemed too crazy for a fashion brand to have kids posing with BDSM teddy bears.
Sadly, I understimated clownworld. They had multiple images of children posing with creepily sexualized teddy bears on their homepage and instagram account.
Even more insane, another image, seemingly of a purse, has a piece of paper with text written on it.
The text allegedly refers to reproduced court documents from a very well known child sexual abuse material case in 1996 which established that implied “child pornography,” was legal speech.

Image rotated counter clockwise to the above.
It’s one of these stories that’s simply too crazy to believe, but these images have since been deleted from Balenciaga’s website. Plenty of people saw them there, and to add to their guilt, Balenciaga deleted their instagram as well. Or rather, they deleted all the images. The screenshot below of their channel was circulating online.
This is from a little while ago, as they now have nine posts, the latest from less than 24 hours ago as of time of writing. Nine posts, and 14.3 million followers. No announcement was made for their deletion of all their previous images. They are continuing as if nothing ever happened.
The other six images I didn’t screencap are in the same vein. Adults posed in a non-explicit and fashionable way. The same is not true for the Instagram of the creepy photographer Gabriele Balimberti. He deleted the two child abuse images, but he has plenty more images of children, often with teddy bears, on his instagram page as of right now. As of now the oldest image on his instagram is the two men on the couch, from three weeks ago.
He deleted the two most recent pictures, although you can see them still up there when this woman made a video about the scandal.
If anyone knows how to look at pictures someone deletes off their instagram that would be amazing. I would love an archived link of this insane pervert shit.

He also deleted the image on the left. It’s too blurry to see how sexualized it was.
Balenciaga was recently in the news for dropping Kanye West over backtalking Schlomo. They also got assblasted at Elon Musk taking over twitter, so they left.

This is actually from a week ago as of time of writing.
This is a corporation that acts politically on behalf of the (((ADL))). It is also a corporation that uses sexualized images of children to sell BDSM gear, and has references to child sexual abuse material in some of these images. These two things are related.
It would be terrible, but understandable if they accidentally hired some pervert photographer who told them he’d be having kids model adult clothes, only to have him pull of some gross shit like this. It’s truly beyond the pale to have these disgusting images received, paid for, approved of by many different people, and then proudly used to sell product as representative of the image conscious brand of a fashion corporation. A fashion corporation that dropped Kanye West because they just couldn’t take being associated with a filthy goy with a big mouth.
Point out that Hollywood is run by zionist kikes? Can’t be having any of that. Be a pedophile who loves images of toddlers being sexualized? Welcome to the Democracy Class.
Not every member of our parasite class is a pedophile, but they don’t mind having those types around them, or even representing them and their brand.
While I could not find an “early life” for the CEO of Balenciaga, I am sufficiently confident that his physiognomy will leave no doubt in the minds of anybody who frequents this website.