I never thought I’d write about Black Trans Girl In Maine again. My original story, from August, seemed to be as crazy at it gets. One of these trannies was convinced that he got pregnant, or at least wanted you to be convinced. He claimed he got a uterus transplant, which wouldn’t let him get pregnant, and which he almost certainly never really got. His evidence for being pregnant was hidden behind a paywall due to all the “racism and transphobia” he was dealing with.
But apparently the story doesn’t end there. You see, eventually he had to “give birth” to this child. I put “give birth” in quotation marks, because he wasn’t pregnant, and it’s actually unclear if he even has a fake vagina, let alone that he got the uterus transplant that, again, wouldn’t let him get pregnant anyway. Also, finding out any details about this was, as you might expect, nearly impossible. For some strange reason Mr. BlackTransGirlInMaine seems short on documentation.

The father of the child, Sam Hyde.
I received a comment earlier today under this story that filled me in on some of the details.
Absolute circus happening on his Facebook page right now – stolen baby, Karens, police, Trump, racism…then a manicure, recipe, back to drama, fraudulent fundraising.
I don’t have Facebook, so I headed on over to his website to see him writing about this.
Unfortunately he did not pay his domain provider enough to keep the lights on, so it’s time for me to fire up that old Facebook account and see what’s going on.
And what’s going on is that he has acquired an infant.
Seriously, this is a man. He can’t get pregnant. He can’t give birth. And as late as August he was still pretending to be pregnant. Therefore, somewhere between now and then, he must have acquired a baby. Outright kidnapping and then putting it online would appear to be a bridge too far, even for our ridiculous and politicized police force, and it’s not just a one time photoshoot with some random baby.
The photoshoot op was my first thought. It’s still entirely possible that there is an extended op going on with some other party. What we can know for sure is that “his” baby is not a newborn in this picture he claims is from the day of its birth.
So what exactly is going on? We may never know, but a previous commenter on that old piece of ours gives us some hints.
The man’s real name is Dontavis Hines. He has several alternate identities including Malivia Nichols, Truth Speaks and often uses the number 207 in his various handles. Despite his obvious lies, he’s garnering more support than ever on Facebook. People are donating money and baby items through his various platforms and Amazon registry. Meanwhile, instead of being grateful for this twisted windfall, he continues to doxx people in his own “community” – specifically a group of drag queens in his current town of residence. He also insults all of our intelligence and flaunts the legality of representing himself as a nurse (and a travel nurse at that!) while attacking any and all actual healthcare workers who point out his obvious “inconsistencies”.
He was hospitalized in a mental health facility for over a month earlier this year and has twisted this into his “surgical recovery” time for the “uterine transplant and IVF”. Now he is posting that his medical “team” got the due date incorrect. It’s all very embarrassing for his adult followers, but dangerous to anyone young that stumbles across his nonsense.
His “husband” is a woman who has had testosterone therapy and top surgery and is quite likely physically, but definitely mentally and emotionally abused by him. She is seen condemning the white race and transphobia in several videos that absolutely reek of desperation. Bottom line, this guy needs serious help before he kills his partner and/or steals a baby. He is truly that psychotic.

Waddya mean psychotic?
The above comment is from September 8th, when Dontavus Hines was without a kidnapped child. By November 5th he was posting pictures of the child he had somehow acquired. Finding out what happened in between these two dates was truly a test of patience, since this guy is addicted to posting on Facebook.
I’m not sure Dontavus has ever had a meal that he didn’t share with the world, but I’ll spare you his most tedious posts. Most of the rest can be accurately described as “degenerate ramblings,” with some being the most Current Thing I have ever seen.
A tranny who pretends to be a pregnant woman has an OnlyFans that is directed by his “husband,” who is a tranny who pretends to be a man and has no tits anymore. They are in an interracial tranny relationship, and they sell pictures of who knows what to their audience in order to afford playstation games.
Dontavus Hines (Black Trans Girl in Maine) Facebook:
On Sunday, October 16th, 2022, at 4 o’ clock in the morning, I was officially rejected by my entire family. This is the moment where I actually process this terrible experience. I never thought I’d be saying that I was disowned by my family, but that’s what’s happening and I must name it and not ignore it. I most[sic] not pretend that this isn’t happening as to sit with the pain and heal.This did not happen over night. Their hatred towards me has always been deep within in their bones but the more and more I came out and FLOURISHED as the trans woman I am, the more they showed me their true colors.My mom told my husband I was a “whatever” after misgendering me. She might love me in the way that she wants to love me but damn sure has never loved me in the way I needed. Especially when it came to protecting me from my abusive father, who yes I recently tried to help after his house fire. People have always taken from me never to stop and check in on how I might be doing.
The post I quoted is from October 16th, and later on in the post it is implied that Dontavus has already kidnapped the child. I guess his family got sick of pretending with him, and were too disturbed to go along with his charade any longer now that it involved a child who will obviously be serially abused.
He’s allegedly quoting his brother here in the previous post from the same day. There is no real evidence that this is a legitimate quote, although it’s very believable. But still, when did he acquire the child?
Scrolling further shows him whining about “Karens” at Walgreen. He claims the reviews on their front page are “horrible and life threatening.” Normally I’d argue that he miswrote something, but I actually believe that he thinks his life is in danger because someone left a positive review or something.
Have I mentioned that he has a bajillion posts, all of which are disturbing in some way?
I did find confirmation that Dontavus had changed his already fake name from Malivia to something else.
And I found about a billion posts in the “schizophrenic troon,” category. Or maybe Facebook is trying to holocaust the trannies by tricking people into hitting the like button instead of the heart button.
I even found multiple posts from early September where he showed off his hawt body, complete with no pretend baby bump. Surely, we must be narrowing in on the post where he pretends that he had to give birth, right?
Well indeed we are, kind of. This is his announcement of his baby. And to make a very long story short, fuck you if you want pictures, evidence, or even the specific day that it occurred. It was just “a very special day,” and it happened sometime in the past eight months. The very next post is the following.
My posts are going back to PAID-ONLY patreons as TODAY, 9/11/2022. You will only be able to access my work and writings by becoming a paid member at $25/month. There will only be one tier on PATREON and my website (www.blacktransgirlinmaine.com) will only show full posts related to my “Dear You” series and other community engagements.As far as posts about Baby X, motherhood, transness, antiracist education and how to take action, these particular topics will be listed on my website with EXCERPTS ONLY, guiding you to my PATREON for FULL ACCESS.I became a SAHW this year and will now be adding SAHM to the credentials.My husband encouraged me to focus on my writing more and my business and I think it’s a lovely idea. So, that’s what I’m going to do and of course I need your support. As of now, I have 27 patreons paying me to write and have access to my work. I want to triple that number by next Summer and I believe that with the appropriate support and allyship, we can make this happen.
Most of the comments under the baby post are congratulatory, although I did find these two that managed to slip through the cracks. In short, Dontavus has cultivated a weird online cult very similar to the diaper fetishist community. In said cult, you get points for being as gullible and insane as possible, to the point where “no, I don’t need any evidence of this man being pregnant and giving birth, bigot,” becomes not just a valid thing to say, but as natural as fish is to water.
Remember, two days after this he was posing with his body clearly fully recovered from his “pregnancy.” Six days after that I find a post where he feels the need to clarify that his trans-husband is not the real mother, with him being the real father.
It’s just amazing how little scrutiny these insane perverts give to a claim that is scientifically impossible. One day Dontavus is a man. The next he’s a pregnant woman, and then, sandwiched in between food pics, he’s suddenly given birth. No pictures are necessary, but if you could give him some money to fight against homoqueerphobia of Whiteness that would be mucho appreciato. After all, he’s only got 27 SIMPs, and those are really rookie numbers. We’ve gotta bump those up.
Of course, it is entirely possible that his abused partner didn’t carry the child to term. On september 25th, he posted a very disturbing video of what looks like an artificial womb.
The doctor fondles it for about thirty seconds, just to let the horror of what you’re about to see sink in. He then takes a knife to it, and all this weird yellowish fluid leaks out. Finally the child pops out, fully grown.
Now I don’t mean to be nasty to any couple who need to conceive this way. A lot of medical procedures are gross. But in the context of this child being artificially grown so it can be the abused plaything of an insane tranny…
It really make me wish someone would pull the plug on this simulation. I don’t think I can take any more of it, and I’m eager to go back to reality.
UPDATE: The artificial womb thing appears to be pure science fiction. I should make that clear, and say that it’s most likely that Dontavus impregnated his “husband” and “he” gave birth. I think the video may be a C-section. I was too disgusted to watch closely.
This is some luciferian body horror stuff right here
Now he and the “husband” are detransitioning so they can go to church. You can’t make this sh*t up. In the last week, he announced he was getting divorced and was afraid his husband was going to kill him, only to completely backtrack and decide the next day that they were going to work things out. Then he went off on white people who were commenting about his safety and staying in an “abusive” relationship. Then he got a job and quit after literally one day because someone was using their white privilege against him. Now he’s posting pics of him as Dontavis and his husband in one of his wigs wearing way too much makeup, stating that they are detransitioning out of fear for their lives and because they won’t be accepted at their new church if they’re trans. The life I fear for is this baby’s. Dontavis is obviously psychotic. God only knows how he got this child that they refuse to give a gender and will not acknowledge is half white. I really hope someone calls CPS before someone is killed.
It really is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen.
His “husband” Noah was very obviously heavily pregnant this summer and it can be seen in the videos in June where they are at the bar harbor retreat where Nicole was murdered by her bf. (That is a whole other tragedy.) The pregnancy announcement video you can see Noahs mother turn to Noah and say “you’re pregnant?” I cannot believe people think this broke fool was flying out of country and having a uterus implant and then having it removed that easily. One you need a donor uterus typically from a cadaver. A person has to basically be on bed rest and ingest mountains of meds to keep the body from rejecting it. They certainly arent out twerking and starting fights in the mall. Males do not have the vascular nor muscular structure to support growing a human (not to mention hormonally.) One simply does not plant a uterus into a body like a sack and think you can grow a baby. I cannot believe anyone believes this lie. Dante makes enemies wherever he goes, even his own family. A professional victim. He can’t go into a store without having some imagined injustice happen to him. He stays in Maine showing open contempt for white people but he won’t leave because he knows how to work the system here. He surrounds himself with people who he can manipulate. Noah is an abused partner. Dante/Malivia is an narcissist and ego maniac. Noah carried that baby. Noah is the mother.
His “husband” Noah was very obviously heavily pregnant this summer and it can be seen in the videos in June where they are at the bar harbor retreat where Nicole was murdered by her bf. (That is a whole other tragedy.) The pregnancy announcement video you can see Noahs mother turn to Noah and say “you’re pregnant?” I cannot believe people think this broke fool was flying out of country and having a uterus implant and then having it removed that easily. One you need a donor uterus typically from a cadaver. A person has to basically be on bed rest and ingest mountains of meds to keep the body from rejecting it. They certainly arent out twerking and starting fights in the mall. Males do not have the vascular nor muscular structure to support growing a human (not to mention hormonally.) One simply does not plant a uterus into a body like a sack and think you can grow a baby. I cannot believe anyone believes this lie. Dante makes enemies wherever he goes, even his own family. A professional victim. He can’t go into a store without having some imagined injustice happen to him. He stays in Maine showing open contempt for white people but he won’t leave because he knows how to work the system here. He surrounds himself with people who he can manipulate. Noah is an abused partner. Dante/Malivia is an narcissist and ego maniac. Noah carried that baby. Noah is the mother.
The name at the bottom of the baby delivery photos is Dr. Ignacio Perez Tomasone, an OB/Gyn in Argentina, who posted those photos recently to demonstrate a rare C-section in which the baby was inside an intact amniotic sac. Typically the amniotic sac would have burst during labor or during the course of the C-section, but in 1 in 80,000 births (according to the accompanying article), the baby is actually delivered inside an intact sac, which is then opened by the surgeon to get the baby out. So, although these photos look kind of creepy and like there is some kind of artificial womb, they are real. And not Dontavus’!
Thanks for this comment. A lot of good medicine looks gross to normal people, but it’s nice to see that it’s not an artificial womb, just a normal birth.
Unfortunately, Dontavis (now going by Truthh with two “h’s” and also “a black body in Maine”) does have a biological child in his care. He impregnated Theresa (Noah) the good ‘ole fashion way because he has a penis and she has a vagina. Theresa delivered their daughter, Xia, on November 5th, 2022 (via c-section at Maine Medical). CPS has been a constant as they were evicted (in January by Theres’s mother, Lydia Pohl-Graham) and also investigated in December after an ER nurse called due to concerns that they exhibited less than the basic skills to deal with their child’s respiratory illness. Ultimately, they did not remove the child and Dante played the victim once more. The church they were briefly attending gave them $2000 and many more sheeple continue to donate to his numerous scams enabling them to take a fairly lavish vacation to South Carolina and another to New York City a few weeks ago. He met with some of his family (mother, sister, cousins), though he remains estranged from his father and brother. Priorities are in poor order (unsurprisingly) as their car is in a constant state of disrepair yet he spent hundreds on tropical drinks and dining. When they returned to Maine they promptly utilized the Bridgton food bank! Dontavis also created a fair bit of drama at his most recent employer, Bridgton Hospital, accusing them of racism before “fleeing for his life”. He was obviously terminated from his tech position after his ridiculous theatrics. There is a Facebook page dedicated to him under the name “Dante Heinz” that has additional details and also showcases how delusional his supporters are. It’s a very concerning situation for that innocent child to say the least.
UPDATE: Dontavis physically abused his “wife” Theresa shortly after purchasing a firearm in Maine under the name Truth Nichols. They then all fled the state (baby and dog in tow) and are currently residing at the Motel 6 in Carson City, Nevada. Dante has acquired his CNA license, also under the name Truth Nichols, as he works a travel contract in a long term care facility. Theresa is also pregnant again. Just what this dysfunctional “family” needed. Another child to emotionally wreck.
He actually posted on his “Black Body in Maine” FB page that his daughter’s birthday is in November. So he lied about giving birth overseas in September and going apple picking the next day 🙄. He also has a page under Truthh Nichols and posts their pics of the baby and his family reacts. Lots of pics of him with a shower cap on his head and beard stubble. I think he’s presenting as male to be accepted by his family?