It’s been a while since our last ClownWorld Overdose, but this morning we have a two-parter of pervert shenanigans.

Boston Globe:

A former member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives has been charged with distributing sexually explicit images of children.

Not just any former member, the very first tranny! Let’s see what this brave representative of the common man looks like.

Boy is he ever sexy! I am shocked, SHOCKED, to hear that he was caught with CSAM. That’s never happened before with these people.

Stacie Marie Laughton, 39, of Derry waived arraignment Friday and was placed in preventive detention after she was charged with four felony counts of distributing child sex abuse images, according to New Hampshire court records.

Not content to merely have the child sexual abuse material, “Stacie” was caught trying to pimp that sweet sweet child rape photography off to his friends. How absolutely incorrigible!

And to think that this face would be capable of that…

Nashua police announced Thursday that Laughton was arrested on a warrant after detectives investigated “a juvenile matter” at “a local facility.”

Sergeant John Cinelli declined to elaborate on the case against Laughton, and a police affidavit filed with additional information to justify Laughton’s arrest remained under seal Friday afternoon in Hillsborough County Superior Court’s southern district.

Nashua police announced separately on Thursday that Lindsay Groves, 38, of Hudson had also been arrested on felony charges involving child sex abuse images. Nashua detectives investigated allegations that Groves “had committed crimes involving underage children,” then they notified federal Homeland Security Investigations, according to the announcement.

Lindsay Groves was also a part of the child abuse. Let’s see what Lindsay looks like…

Wow, “she” really looks, genetically, like she can outbench me by a couple hundo. These two gorgeous gals make a wondrous pair, don’t they? Like Bonnie and Clyde, but more horrifying. 

Our investigative reporters are getting rumours that they’ve found the other two ladies involved in this sick scheme.

The original story doesn’t explain exactly what was going on. To answer this question, we turn to


A New Hampshire woman was arrested Thursday for allegedly taking explicit photos of children at the Tyngsborough daycare where she worked. 

Groves was employed by Creative Minds in Tyngsborough. Between May and June of this year, Groves allegedly took nude images of children and sent them to a person she was previously in an intimate relationship with. 

Groves used the childrens’ routine bathroom breaks to take multiple photos in a private bathroom and then sent the photos to the other person via text message, prosecutors said. 

Investigators reviewed Groves’ cellphone and found more than 2,500 text messages between Groves and the other person, prosecutors said. The messages included discussion about explicit photos and the transfer of said images. Included in the messages Groves allegedly sent were at least four sexually explicit images of children who appeared to be between the ages of three and five. 

First tranny state representative, and maybe the first state rep caught with child sexual abuse material. We’re here. We’re queer. And we’re going after your toddler’s rear.

On to our next story.

Daily Mail:

Four kids aged five to 10 have been taken into care after first responders found them hidden in a squalid Boston apartment surrounded by sex toys and drugs where a black trans woman was dead on the floor.

The BANG thread where I found this story was titled “prepare to overdose on confirmation bias.” Even after being warned, I still wasn’t quite ready to have my worldview so utterly flattered and pampered like this. Also, I love that it’s a dead Black trans womxyn of colour. Reminds me of something.

Emergency services found the unidentified woman’s body after an unconscious person report was made at 11am on Saturday morning. They reportedly found six adults who appeared to be men dressed as women inside, who were uncooperative and denied having children at the home.

The children were found jammed together in a cramped room, surrounded by filth and a stench permeating the air, hidden by an adult man reportedly wearing a wig. 

City Councilor Erin Murphy told NBC the partygoers attempted to stop a responding firefighter from finding the kids. 

‘When he opened the door, he saw four children and what I believe are two adults in the back room, and it was really disturbing to him,’ Murphy said to NBC. ‘They just seemed scared.’

‘There was hoarding, a lot of uncleanliness in the apartment, lots of sex toys and drug paraphernalia all over the place,‘ Murphy said. 

The children were immediately removed from the hazardous environment and transferred into the care of child protective services, where medical professionals assessed their physical and mental condition.

It is unclear what the relationship is between the adults and children found in the apartment.

Boston Police are classifying the incident as a death investigation resulting from cardiac arrest and no arrests had been made as of Wednesday.


No arrests have been made?!

A bunch of perverts who are clearly taking illegal drugs are hiding four young children in a cramped backroom so that first responders can’t find them, they can’t or won’t explain what their relationship to the children is, and there’s a freaking dead body on the floor. No arrests?! Not one?

Later on in the story they quote the mayor of Boston as saying that one of the men wearing wigs claimed to be the father of the kids was at the scene. I’m getting flashbacks to those two prominent fag privilege and BLM activists who were not just raping, but pimping out their two adopted young boys. Those kids clearly need to be removed from his custody immediately, before some sort of negligence charges are filed at bare minimum. 

Police say the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families was called due to the apartment’s condition, and investigated the incident. 

Council President Ed Flynn, said the discovery was ‘inhumane and horrific’ according to the Boston Herald. 

‘This underscores the need for oversight into BHA inspections and eviction practices, security efforts in developments and protocols to ensure children are safe in every BHA apartment.’

Boston City Council is expected to meet a week from today to discuss the situation, find out what occurred and how to improve living conditions in Boston’s public housing. 

A bunch of drug abusing faggots throw an all night party, bringing along four children between the ages of 5-10. One of the trannies dies, and the police claim that:

According to the police report, alcohol and drug consumption were not suspected, however, the dead body was transported to the Medical Examiner’s Office intake specialist, Lindsey Cadwell for further inspection. 

Let’s do a recap. The trannies and other assorted perverts desperately try hiding the children they brought to the drug party from the first responders, who describe the scene as deeply disturbing, in part because there’s a dead guy on the floor. One of the drag perverts claims to be the father of the children, and is not punished in the slightest for exposing them to all night drug parties where anus hungry trannies are getting high off of who knows what, and one of them dies. In fact, there are no charges laid for any of this. City Council is now talking about how to improve public housing more generally, instead of “why are groomers allowed custody of children, and how much rope do we need for these ones?”

If it didn’t happen, it would be unbelievable.

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  1. Trannies are like niggers, only they specialize in destroying little kids. Niggers gonna nig, trannies gonna tran – just another day in clown world.

  2. Pedophiles are a protected class, just like in the Weimar days.

    To fuck with a pedophile is like fucking with a cardinal during the peak of the catholic church’s power. Unheard of.

  3. […] ClownWorld Overdose 9: First Tranny State Rep Arrested for CSAM While Children Found in Dead “… […]

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