For the next week or so, I, Dr. Shekelstein, will be away on a much needed vacation. In truth, I have been somewhat neglecting this site recently and focusing on another project. However, I still tried my best to have at least one new article up per day.

That will remain, but don’t expect anything topical in the coming week. I have very limited ability to recreate my normal workflow in the situation I will be in, and as a result, news stories, parody or otherwise, are almost entirely out of question. The same is true for long form analysis pieces on, say, the e-right, or the traffic trannies. I know that I’ve been promising a takedown of Vox Day’s horoscopes for the constantly online, but we’re probably going to have to push that back until after I get back. There’s simply no way to give that the deboonking it deserves until then. 

In the meantime, expect an eclectic mix of (mediocre) short creative pieces, analysis of things such as housing prices, Blackrock, and other things of that nature. I will be pruning and responding to the comments, whether they be laid here, on telegram, or on our recently re-connected Poast account. Thank you for your patience.

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  1. Relax.

  2. Enjoy!

  3. Archived everything that wasn’t so already from October 27th, 2021 all the way to the latest! -D

    1. Muchos Gracias Amigo. Something I should have done a long time ago.

  4. Do you have Daily Rake posters?

    1. No, but perhaps we should.

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