The Smollett trial has finished, with him being found guilty on 5 of 6 charges of disorderly conduct, due to lying to the police. You can read our article on the conclusion here.
I was in the process of writing multiple articles per day, trying to both soak in the absurdity of this trial. A trial where “no really, the Nigerians are KKK members,” might have taken second place in absurdity to the defense lawyer pretending the judge assaulted her before crying in court.
I was compressing multiple days in order to get you the audience caught up, but unfortunately the jury concluded one day too soon. I couldn’t finish the final installment, so I’ll breeze over that before providing analysis.
Below we pick up midway through Smollet’s defense team making their case.
Black Enterprise:
Former Empire actor Jussie Smollett testified in his defense Monday saying that he and his accuser spent drug-fueled nights together at a gay bathhouse.
Smollett, 39, testified that he and Abel Osundairo met at a nightclub in the fall of 2017 and shared cocaine together. The actor also said he and Osundario also went to Steamworks Bathhouse in Chicago and where the pair continued to do drugs and make out with each other.
Uh oh Osundairo. You will remember from previous installments that they claimed to not be ghey themselves.
“We were in a club, you go to the bathroom, go to a stall, do a bump, do a bump and then just kind of keep going in and then we went to the bathhouse,” Smollett said on the stand according to the NY Post. “We did more drugs and made out.”
Smollett added there was “touching and things like that” but the pair didn’t get sexual until their next trip to the bathhouse.
“We went alone this time. We got a private room again, we did drugs and made out a little bit and this time, we masturbated together,” Smollett said.
I’m trying to process what exactly the attraction is. I can sort of see masturbating with some girl in the ninth grade when she’s not willing to have sex, only to later realize what a bizarre and awkward experience that was. I have no idea what the attraction would be to masturbating yourself as a team in front of other people, gay or otherwise, when you’re pushing 40.
I mean, why Jussie?
That was the last truly juicy bit from the trial. That Smollett claimed, with some evidence, that at least one of the Nigerian KKK members was doing cocaine with him, making out with him, and masturbating with him.
It’s gross, but that’s just who we’re dealing with.
In any case, Smollett was found guilty on 5 of 6 counts of disorderly conduct for lying to a police officer. Should have been 6, but that’s not all that important.
What is important is that he was not himself charged with hate crime charges. MAGA hats, KKK robes, and the general tone of the attack was clearly designed to slander White People at his personal and racial gain.
Remember Waukesha? Getting hate crime charges for BLM activists is a real battle. This was the main thrust of the NJP Waukesha BLM Christmas Massacre Protest was.
Before I get into the analysis, the entire Jussie Smollett Fiasco is unambiguously a victory for us. (((Rahm Emmanuel))) and the like would very much not enjoy having to clean up this retards mess. This is why he was brought on trial, but also why he almost certainly will not get prison time.
“For the next three weeks, these 26 Chicago officers spent 3,000 hours of time costing the city well over $100,000 for a fake crime that never occurred,” Webb said. “And by the way, a fake crime that denigrates what a real-hate crime is and to use these meanings and symbols that are so important in our society. It’s clear why the police would take it seriously.”
I quoted this exact article in my last piece, but it’s important enough to show again. The narrative that Globo Homo Schlomo is using is “these laws were set up to oppress Whitey, and this fucking retarded niggerfaggot is making them into a joke.” They don’t say that explicitly of course, but that’s what they mean.
So they had a balancing act, where they love fake anti-White racial slanders, but they need to be a lot more plausible and less ridiculous than “fucking Nigerian KKK members.” Smollett being charged with anti-White hate crime charges would send too strong of a message. Smollett not being charged at all would encourage too much of this nonsense, and they’d face serious legitimacy issues. So they charge him with a relative slap on the wrist, where he will probably be sentenced to community service.

Republican Tim “all gums” Scott.
I don’t think that the “lynching legislation,” they passed has ever been used for anything, but it’s the thought that counts. Contrast Smollett’s utterly fake hate crime with the actual real hate crime committed by BLM activist Darrell Brooks, murdering 6 White People and injuring 47 others in Waukesha. You can read about that story here.
While the anti-lynching laws might essentially be joke legislation, White People through (((Sheldon Adelson’s))) GOP can’t even get fake pro-White legislation. If you are curious to what an actual populist political party would look like, I refer you to the website of the National Justice Party, which you can see here.
I need to stress again, the entire Smollett Fiasco is unambiguously a victory for us. He could not have acted more in our interests if we had paid him. That smarter people like (((Rahm Emmanuel))) have to scramble to come up with the fake narrative that what Smollett did was bad, not because Whitey was slandered, but because the goyim will take hate crime charges less seriously in the future is all the evidence you need to see that what Smollett did was massively harmful for Globo Homo Schlomo.
Pour yourself some champaigne tonight, and raise your cup to Jussie Smollet. A man who has done more for White People than a thousand online e-celebs.
I’m thinking we should normalize the term “Smollett,” for anti-White slander masquerading as hate crimes.
Could also have been Lyin’ Kang
[…] pretends that blatant anti-White slanders are to be treated as […]