Boy I sure am detecting a pattern here.
A New York City jury returned a verdict on Wednesday finding that the U.S. Navy veteran who sped his Honda Accord through three blocks of Times Square in 2017, killing one tourist and injuring at least 20 others, was not responsible for 24 counts of murder and assault.
After roughly six hours of deliberation beginning the afternoon prior, the 12-member jury ruled Richard Rojas, 31 was “not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect.”
Wednesday’s verdict concludes the long-delayed trial five years after Rojas drove maroon Honda Accord south along Seventh Avenue in the late morning on May 18, 2017, before making a U-turn and driving onto the sidewalk between 42nd and 45th streets, hitting many pedestrians along the way.

Richard Rojas
We see time and time again this pattern where non-White terrorists are allowed to commit extreme acts of violence against White People, or even just people more generally, and then the privileged class tries their hardest to get them off scott free. We are seeing this currently with Arthur Kollie, the Liberian career criminal who tortured to death a fourteen year old White Child Jupiter Paulsen. We are also seeing them attempt to pull the same trick with Darrell Brooks, the BLMer who intentionally drove his car into the Waukesha Christmas parade, murdering six and injuring almost fifty more.
The crash killed Alyssa Elsman, an 18-year-old tourist from Portage, Michigan, and also injured her 13-year-old sister Ava, who testified as a prosecution witness at Rojas’ trial five years later. Ava Elsman recounted her injuries from the attack to the jurors: broken ribs, collapsed lung, a compound leg fracture and other damage that kept her off her feet for months.

Alyssa Elsman, top left.
Alyssa was a beautiful woman, cut down in the prime of her life by this animal. And the jury here decided, almost certainly due to racial animus, that she, her sister, her family, and Our People more broadly will be denied justice.
In his closing, prosecutor Alfred Peterson conceded that Rojas was having a psychotic episode, including hearing voices, at the time of the rampage. But Peterson argued Rojas showed he wasn’t entirely detached from reality by maneuvering his vehicle onto the sidewalk and driving with precision for three blocks until he crashed.
“The defendant made a decision that day,” the prosecutor said. “He made a choice. … He went to the ‘crossroads of the world,’ a high-profile place where everyone knows there’s lots and lots of people.” Once there, he was “in full control of his car,” Peterson added.
Peterson, a former Marine captain, showed jurors a sequence of grisly crime-scene and hospital photographs of individual victims of the Times Square rampage, detailing the injuries each suffered. “There is no doubt that he was operating that car and he was able to perceive everything that was going on around him,” Peterson said. “He had substantial capacity, not just surface knowledge, of everything he was dealing with that day,” the prosecutor added later.
At least the prosecutor appears to have given this a proper fight. I don’t know if any psychologists signed off on this terrorist having a real psychotic episode, it isn’t stated in the article. I don’t doubt that they could find a psychologist to lie in any case. Even still, I would be more than a little interested in seeing the racial composition of the jury.
It is possible that in this one case, Rojas truly was a run of the mill schizophrenic. But we know how this trick is pulled, and there’s little reason to assume any authenticity, especially in a New York courtroom.
UPDATE: New York Post has a much better version of this story.
Alyssa’s father blasted Roja’s insanity defense during the trial, telling The Post last week, “they’re trying to make up stories.”
“I think, honestly, they have no defense and they’re trying to make up stories and he was on drugs,” Thomas Elsman said, adding, “No he wasn’t … He knew what he was doing, he knew what he did.”
His daughter Ava, who was 13 at the time, was also injured by Rojas’ attack and testified in detail about the horrific experience, telling the jury, she was “just trying to lay there [and] not die.”
Elsman added: “You killed my daughter and my other daughter has scars for the rest of her life, let alone she doesn’t have her sister with her so that’s it, that’s it.”

Thomas Elsman
You know what, I’ve changed my mind. Apparently the defense was also making up stories about how Rojas was on drugs, except that he wasn’t.
Defense attorneys said Rojas had become paranoid since he was kicked out of the US military and even prosecutors conceded the driver was hearing voices at the time of the rampage.
Prosecutors “conceded,” that, did they? Just like how the prosecution “conceded,” that Arthur Kollie was crazy, despite a court psychologist finding him clearly sane. Just like how the prosecution “conceded,” that Darrell Brooks was crazy, and didn’t fight his insanity plea. I’ve changed my mind on this Alfred Peterson. He should be disbarred and thrown in jail.
Rojas, a Bronx resident, had several run-ins with the law before his rampage including a May 2017 arrest where he put a knife to a notary’s throat and claimed the person stole his ID.
He joined the Navy in 2011 but his service ended in the wake of a 2012 arrest where he allegedly beat up a cab driver he felt overcharged him. He was court-marshaled and spent time in a military prison when the Navy took jurisdiction in that case.
Richard Rojas is an absolute turd. He’s the scum of the earth. And yet, despite him supposedly being insane, he was allowed to walk free all this time. His history does not show any serious evidence of mental illness, only the life of a petty criminal.
“Everything went black but I heard the engine running,” she said. “I could hear people screaming and running but it was all black.”
Her mother, Jyll Elsman, broke down on the stand as she remembered seeing her older daughter Alyssa’s lifeless body on the sidewalk.
“She was just laying there and she wasn’t moving,” Jyll Elsman testified. “Her eyes, I looked into her eyes and I knew she was dead. They were staring off into space. There was no life.”
Another victim’s pelvis had been separated from her spine.
The discovery of a murdered child is an unspeakable wound on the soul for any parent. And to have the insult added on top of this that you will be denied the barest semblance of justice is simply too much to endure. Previously in this article I hypothesized that they had gotten some psychologist to diagnose Rojas as insane. In reality, no such examination ever took place.
Judge Daniel Conviser, who oversaw the case, ordered that Rojas be held while he drafts an examination order for psychiatric evaluation. A hearing on the matter is set for Thursday.
A report will be presented to the court on his mental condition, which will determine whether Rojas is committed and in what kind of facility.
He could be found to have a “dangerous mental disorder,” which would mean he’s slapped with a mandatory commitment order to a secure forensic facility, according to state law.
If he’s found mentally ill but without a dangerous mental disorder, he’d be issued a commitment order to a civil psychiatric center.
But if he happens to be found free of disorder or mental illness, he could be discharged or released with a set of court-ordered conditions.

Alyssa and Thomas Elsmann
Richard Rojas murdered Alyssa Elsmann and seriously injured twenty three others, including paralyzing at least one other victim. Then the prosecution “conceded,” without any medical examination that he was insane, and thus allowed his insanity defense to go unopposed. Then the jury decided that the families of the victims simply did not deserve justice, and gave Rojas a verdict of guilty, but not responsible through insanity. And if he comes back from his psychological examination being perfectly sane he will not be sent to jail, he will instead be a free man. Free to murder again.
I’ll leave you with a quote from the mother of Alyssa Elsman.
In a message on social media, Jyll Elsman slammed the jury’s verdict.
“Really the only thing I have to say is if this had happened to any of the juror’s children — would they still have said ‘not responsible’?” she wrote.
[…] Richard Rojas: Non-White Terrorist Given Insanity Defense […]
This system is run by evil parasites. If the victim was a Jew, it would be the death penalty, yet we are told over an over again that it is Whites who have the privilege, despite all objective evidence to the contrary.