I was somewhat off the mark in my last writeup on the trial for Arthur Kollie, the murderer of Jupiter Paulsen. I said that the trial started on September 1st. I think that was just some pre-trial stuff, with the trial actually starting yesterday, September 6th.
A Fargo man accused of killing a young teenager last year is headed to trial next week with his attorney after several attempts to fire the lawyer.
The trial of Arthur Prince Kollie, 24, is slated to begin Tuesday, Sept. 6, in Cass County District Court. He is charged with murder, robbery and aggravated assault in connection to the fatal stabbing of 14-year-old Jupiter Paulsen near Party City in Fargo.
The trial is scheduled to last four days. Kollie could face life in prison if a jury decides he is criminally responsible for the teenager’s death.
And as always the Justice for Jupiter telegram channel has been invaluable to me making sense of this story.
I believe that channel is run by Peter Tefft, who I’ve written about in most of my articles on this subject. If that’s the case then he’s going to struggle to write more during the trial, since he’s been called as a witness.
Prosecutors said they have narrowed down their list of potential witnesses to roughly 30 people. Among those listed are law enforcement, medical personnel, forensic analysts, a sanitation worker who intervened in the attack and Jupiter’s father, Robert Paulsen.
[Peter] Tefft also made the list, but public court documents do not disclose his involvement in the case.
Younggren declined to say why Tefft may testify. Tefft did not return messages left by The Forum.
In one of the more maddening aspects of this trial Robert Paulsen and Peter Tefft are potentially witnesses, which means they aren’t allowed to watch the trial. Theoretically Tefft did speak with Kollie and could testify, but the state doesn’t actually have to call on him. Whether they call on him or don’t, he’s still not allowed to watch the trial, and that will make his reporting on the trial extremely difficult if not impossible.
Justice for Jupiter telegram channel:
April Baumgarten, a reporter at the same paper who lied about the Jupiter Paulsen case and the Tefft family, The Fargo Forum is harassing witnesses in the Jupiter case for comments on their testimony.
April, if that’s even her real name, must not know witnesses can’t talk about their testimony during the trial or maybe she does and she’s lying?

April Baumgarten
April Baumgarten is the whale we see pictured above. I got this image from her twitter account, where the last six pictures she tweeted were as follows.
Let’s see, a picture of her cat, a press podium shot, and then four shitty memes involving celebrities. This is the woman going around harassing witnesses by trying to get them to break the law and give their testimony to her.
Before the Justice for Jupiter Pro-White demonstration every single one of Arthur Collies[sic] court requests were granted. Since the Pro-White demonstration every request by Kollie has been denied.
For more backstory on the NJP protest, you can go here. Robert Paulsen, the NJP, Peter Tefft, and others shone a light on the corrupt and sickening anti-White denial of justice by Judge Irby and the Fargo court system. It’s impossible for us to know precisely how important and impactful that was, but to my eye they had every intention of letting Arthur Kollie get away with the torturing and murder of Jupiter Paulsen precisely because he is Black and she is White.
Technically Jupiter was part Hispanic. I don’t know exactly what that means, but in any case it doesn’t really matter. She was considered White enough to have justice denied to her and her family, at least from the perspective of the Judge Irby’s of the World.
Two posts from the JFJ account shine some light on how the trial is going.
If Kollie is sorry and he wishes it didn’t happen then why did he change his plea so many times and drag this trial out so long? That’s not sorry that’s hateful.
If the psychological exam Kollie took indicated Kollie is lying about being crazy how will they prove he’s crazy in court? Taking the stand in ones own murder trial seems pretty crazy to me.
Arthur Kollie is not sorry for anything other than getting caught. This man was making faces at Robert Paulsen in court, taunting the father of the child he murdered. He’s a completely unsympathetic figure who should be executed. Frankly, he should get the type of execution that was reserved for the most worthless of criminal scum in Ancient Rome. Kollie deserves to be flayed, and apparently this sentiment is shared by most of the Fargo citizens, according to those who are familiar with the forums in the area.
Opening arguments have ended, and the trial is in the jury selection process. This should continue through tomorrow. As of now I’m trying to find a way to get video and other resources of the trial, since Tefft can probably not be relied on due to them forcing him to testify.
>April Baumgarten
Obviously a pig, but so many women are these days; it’s fucking disgusting — of course she’s a nutcase too — women in media and politics also now increasingly education make me recall the axiom ‘give them enough rope and they’ll hang themselves’ — society is giving women the rope and they are hanging it.
Here is a tweet from her on 30 May 2020, i.e. George Floyd:
link — It sounds like there are people trying to protest in Minneapolis peacefully, but officials believe others like white supremacists and anarchists are trying to use the protests as an excuse to create chaos.
Without those ‘white supremacists’ I’m sure all the ‘protests’ in Minneapolis would have been peaceful.