The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has released a finalized version of their updated Standards of Care guidelines (SOC8). Among the recommendations include reducing the age at which children can receive “puberty-blocking” drugs and cross-sex hormones to 9 years old. Age restrictions on surgical interventions have also been relaxed.
In a change from previous protocols, no specific minimum age is recommended as a cut-off point.
Reduxx is a great site. I’ve used plenty of their material before. The cliff notes is that they’re a bunch of former feminists who realized that they hate perverted child abusers a lot more than they hate men. Possibly as a result of not really being right wing they’re a great example of what right-wing journalism should be, but rarely is. By that I mean they don’t resort to fact-free outrage porn, so when they tell you that the tranny lobby is suggesting you put nine year olds on permanently sterilizing hormones you can assure yourself that they are indeed doing exactly that.
WPATH had previously issued specific guidance on age. Hormone treatments were recommended from 14 years old and up, cosmetic mastectomies at 15+, breast augmentation and “facial feminization surgeries” at 16+, and 17+ for surgeries of the reproductive system, like hysterectomies. They had also recommended an age of 18+ for phalloplasties, the surgical creation of a non-functioning penis.
This was already bad. Frankly, it was a good ways beyond acceptable. But then they decided that this was basically genocidal oppression of trans groomers, so they’re backing way the fuck off on the whole pretending to be against child abuse thing.
The new criteria are raising concerns on subjectivity, as they appear to open the door for clinicians to halt a child’s puberty, place them on cross-sex hormones, or offer surgeries dependent once they have reached the period of development referred to as Tanner Stage 2, which occurs between 9-11 years of age.
In a section of the SOC8 guidelines titled “Summary Criteria for Adolescents,” WPATH states that “puberty-blocking agents” may be given to children who have begun Tanner Stage 2, which is reiterated under recommendations for “hormonal treatments.” With regards to surgeries, WPATH suggests a minimum of 12 months of “hormone therapy” before an individual can obtain “gender-affirming procedures, including breast augmentation, orchiectomy, vaginoplasty, hysterectomy, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, and facial surgery.”
Metoidioplasty, in case you didn’t know, is the surgical creation of a penis using your existing genital tissue. Twelve months after turning nine years old they’ll let girls do exactly this, and that’s after they’ve already possibly been hormonally sterilized due to the cross sex hormones they’re given. And this was considered restraint being shown, where the tranny in charge of WPATH had to put his foot down and stop the other trannies from going even lower.
The decision to limit child medical “transition” to Tanner Stage 2 seems to have been at the behest of current WPATH president, Marci Bowers. Earlier this year, Bowers, who is a trans-identified male, stated in a panel discussion for Duke University that children whose puberty has been halted prior to Tanner Stage 2 will never have adult sexual function or experience orgasm.
“An observation that I had,” said Bowers, “every single child who was, or adolescent, who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2,” which is the beginning of physical development, when hormones begin their work of advancing a child to adulthood, “has never experienced orgasm. I mean, it’s really about zero.”

Marci Bowers
Think about the layers of fucked up we’re dealing with here. The argument is that the limit to how young you can go when permanently sterilizing children is the age which you can do this to them… but they’ll still be able to orgasm later in life.
Now, putting aside that many adult troons have immense difficulty orgasming due to the horrific surgeries they go through, these people might as well have “pedophile,” stamped on their heads. Their concern is with the future upcummies of nine year olds that they are trying their hardest to groom into a bizarre and disgusting perversion of nature.
According to the September 15 correction, the following statement was removed from the medical guidelines: “Importantly, for each gender-affirming intervention being considered, youth must communicate consent/assent and be able to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of potential benefits and risks specific to the intervention.”
The old recommendations made it really hard to groom kids, since they had to show evidence that they understood they were permanently sterilizing themselves in order to turn themselves into an unlovable monstrosity. So we just decided to do away with that so we can do our sexual child experimentation without interference from people demanding the children understand the mutilation they’re about to go through.
Largely ignored is the fact the new criteria reflect the stated desires of a castration fetish forum, the members of which were found have been working intimately with WPATH in a Reduxx investigation published earlier this year. The site also hosts child sexual abuse fantasies that involved halting children’s development for pedophilic interests.
For decades, the group has lobbied the American Psychiatric Association for changes to diagnostic terminology. Surveys conducted within the forum on castration fetishism have been published by WPATH in an academic journal and presented at official conferences.
The SOC8 guidelines were created in partnership with academics who have been leading figures in the castration fetish forum for over twenty years. In particular, members of the forum contributed views towards a new section in the guidelines on the concept of eunuchs as a gender identity.
The Eunuch Archive, the forum which is directly named as a resource in WPATH’s newly-released SOC8, is home to nearly 10,000 fictional pornography stories of an extreme sadomasochistic nature.
As previously reported by Reduxx, many of these stories feature a theme of the rape, castration, torture, and killing of children.
You can find Reduxx’s original report here, and they’re not kidding. The gif you see above is also from them, and you can find stories categorized into “cannibalism”, “snuff,” “genital cannibalism,” “furry anthropomorphic,” and many other disgusting and frankly scary fetishes.
In May, Reduxx learned that three of the forum’s top members were academics who had been collaborating with WPATH on the most recent SOC8 guidelines. One of the site’s top administrators is Dr. Thomas W. Johnson, a Professor Emeritus at California State University in Chico. Johnson has been a leading member of the Eunuch Archive since 2001.
Johnson uses the moniker “Jesus” on the forum, where he regularly posts content including videos of genital surgeries which participants use as masturbation material.
No, that can’t be real can it? There can’t be someone out there so perverted that they see these truly horrific surgeries and get aroused by them. I’m just not going to believe that –
Jesus [Thomas Johnson alias] thanks for sharing this link. Found it quite informative (and somewhat arousing as well).
Back to Reduxx.
Johnson has also published research based on surveys he has personally conducted with other members of the Archive. His long-term academic interests have included advocating for the expansion of the “transgender umbrella” to include men with sadomasochistic and even pedophilic castration fantasies. Johnson is credited as a committee member who helped shaped the new SOC8 on the WPATH website.

An unrelated tranny.
Every time I think these trannies can’t stoop any lower, I’m proven wrong. I always knew that there were really mentally fucked up people out there. People who had disgusting urges and fetishes, and would do horrible things to people if they could get away with it.
But it’s one thing for them to be utterly powerless and fractured communities in the bowels of the internet. It’s quite another to see the mainstreaming of these sick and disgusting people. And it’s something else to see the real world harm caused by them to innocent children who are groomed by these sick perverts.
I have no words. I can’t provide a conclusion because it’s too insane for me to fully comprehend. To paraphrase the Matrix, I accept this as real only because I believe myself to be living in a dream, waiting to wake up.
In Sir: “Goodbye my nigia back to the tranny lobby my fucking bitch a-”
That is all.