As always, follow Cooper on Telegram here. And the indentation blocks are my own additions.
What is the deal with Edmonton becoming a haven for Black rapists? Back in October I covered an unprecedented cucking committed by local cops, wherein they took down a DNA profile of a black that almost killed his victim. In the same city just a week ago, another Rapist-American almost abducted an 18 year old woman; this took place in broad daylight. Well perhaps this latest fuckhead reads supreme court decisions as our highest court has just sharply reduced the burden laid on sex creeps.
We really have a habit in this country of covering for non-white decision-making, which tends to be very poor. As an example we can refer to the 1999 Gladue case, which I’ve written about. This time the supreme court intervened for the sake of one Eugene Ndhlovu. Far from being a Kunta Kinte-type, this nigga is more of a Cunt-a Can’t-eh, meaning he could not score pussy. Of course, what a black cannot earn, he must take. In 2011 Mr. N. attended a “highly sexualized”, “Jersey Shore DTF (down to fuck)” party. He believed he had free license to grope women at party, which he proceeded to do before finger-popping another sleeping girl. When she awoke and asked him to stop, he did not do so initially. Now, first of all, yes, this sounds like an extremely degenerate function. I certainly hope you are all keeping your ladies away from this shit. However, I am going to White knight for the females involved and say they did not deserve Mr. N’s unwanted touching.
Before I get into why this case has popped back up I want to briefly check out Ndhlovu’s sentence. The incident took place in 2011, but he was not convicted until 2015. When one looks at recent National Post coverage of the case, it is written that Eugene “served a two year sentence and probation”. This implies to me that he spent two years in jail. Not so! Actually, it was only six months, the same jail sentence given to Brock Turner for doing the same thing, which resulted in international outrage. I don’t want to delve into the Turner case, I am just playing hypocrisy bingo. The excuse was made that Eugene was in a bad place, being he was an academic failure and an alcoholic. I would say that, as a native of Zimbabwe, the “bad place” for him to be was in this country at all.
The reason that Ndhlovu is back in the news is that, contrary to 2011 legislation enacted under Harper, he is to be taken off Canada’s sex offendor registry. Anyone who commits multiple sexual offenses is supposed to be registered for LIFE. However, the judge who oversaw Eugene’s case refused to add him to the registry, and the supreme court has just ruled that the automatic registration itself is unconstitutional. Funnily enough, the two confirmed jews on the court, Wagner and Moldaver (I am not sure about Kasirer), ruled against the decision, “partially dissenting” to it. They wrote that the mandatory lifetime registration is “overboard”, but did not rule it unconstitutional. This, to me, is a smart move considering that this outcome should outrage pussy-hat-wearers and respecters. You’d think this much of an egregious action would be a step too far. Unfortunately, I have yet to see backlash from the left. Perhaps this will just be another example of libtard cognitive dissonance, as they pick nogs over women on the diversity totem pole.
The rate at which the kosher-left is just straight up choosing Negroes over Womxyn is surprising even to me. The same is true for troons over womxyn, as the numerous examples of trannies in female sports shows us. Women don’t like this, but women were never a real privileged group.
The news of this decision is about a month old. I hope you’ll excuse my tardiness being that I wanted to read a little more about it. Not the case law, though, but the various reactions to it and how they fit into this thing of ours. Much credit to Western Standard columnist Lee Harding; he wrote a series of articles regarding the case’s fallout.
Ontario Lawyer Rob Talach had some choice comments on the decision. Talach has a history of working with sexual abuse claims. He said that the registry is a good tool for LEOs’ and that “this is not golf, [offenders] don’t do it once and sell their clubs”. Talach revealed that in Ontario victim surcharges (paid by an offender to that province’s Victim Services) are regularly waived by judges. Talach foresees this becoming the default for sexual assault cases given the supreme court verdict. In fact, he guarantees it.
More from Talach:
“Stop any citizen on the street and ask them if they think our criminal justice system is working, you’re going to overwhelmingly get the answer, ‘No, it’s not.’ And this decision doesn’t help with that”’
“When people cry and moan about this is the state against me, and poor me, I would say the criminal defense bar, collectively, has greater numbers and resources versus our underfunded public prosecutors. So you just get a slow grind over time. There’s more money and energy to appeal sentences versus that crown attorney who’s already got 200 other files to deal with”.
“So, this is just the long effect of the Charter [of Rights and Freedoms]. We’ve got more and more exceptions, more and more bleeding hearts, more and more pro-offender law”.
Former RCMP Supt. Larry Comeau also had comments related to the Charter:
“There can be no doubt the Charter of Rights has gone overboard to protect the rights of those involved in criminality, while ignoring the rights of their victims. Many sex abuse victims suffer a lifelong battle to recover and this ruling re-victimizes them!”
“The Charter of Rights and Freedoms — the title an oxymoron — made the weakest defence lawyers wealthy doing legal aid, while perpetrators of crime gained rights, with their victims being thrown under the bus and abandoned!”
This is exactly the type of rhetoric we need. JUSTICE is the biggest thing that is distinctly lacking in the West. I find that this talking point works across political lines, and we ALWAYS have the moral high ground on it. When you take these issues and clearly link them back to seemingly innocuous/progressive legislation, that’s when things start to click for the layman.
I simply cannot agree more with Cooper here. An even better example of this is the Stabocaust, where an Abo with 69 criminal charges was “somehow” out of jail, whereupon he went and stabbed almost thirty other people, most fellow Abos, murdering eleven of them. They’re dead as a result of these soft on BIPOC crime policies. These fake moral policies result in people being murdered.
The Charter, I think, is something that we will have trouble using for our own purposes going forward. Any provision for free speech in section 2b that could be in our favour (see R. V. Zundel, 1992) have been erased with various hate speech laws. The recent conviction of Travis Patron shows us just that. Any notion of fair play that may have been present (though waning) in the 20th century is now forfeit. We are dealing with complete, institutional ZOG power. The Canadian public at large does not object to “shutting it down”. Whether this is due largely to ideological underpinnings or ambivalence does not matter much.
Disagree with this. Travis Patron’s legal defense was cowardly and stupid. I’m not saying he deserved anything that he got, and I’m not saying that we live in a free speech utopia. He is a victim, but boy did he ever make it easy for them.
Speaking of folks who have the time and money to appeal things (as per Talach’s comments), let’s look at Ndhlovu’s representative, Elvis Iginla. [N]iginla’s main argument against automatically registering a multiple-time offender is that “sexual offences range from one end to the other”. He put forth the notion that, in light of perceived low risks of re-offending in some cases, the registration of sex offenders should be up to judges’ discretion. I did a cursory glance at sexual recidivism and did not find any definite conclusions. A good summary of the issue can be found here.
What I can tell you for sure is that this country saw 34,200 sexual asssaults reported to police last year, an alarming 18% increase from 2020. Even more concerning, StatCan research suggests that this tally only accounts for 6% of actual assaults. This further muddies the water with regards to recidivism. With such an increase, we should absolutely be bringing the hammer down on rapists.
This fits in with the general increase in crime, especially murder.
Iginla claimed that the stress of restrictions which come with sex offender registration “affect [registrants] emotionally and psychologically to the point where you make them more likely now to commit a crime”. This is the most obvious type of cope. He further stated that monitoring all multiple-convicted sex offenders is a waste of resources. This anti-broken-windows thinking was expanded upon in the supreme court’s case-in brief: “It is, moreover, unclear how SOIRA could even prevent a sex offence. Det. Hove provided only a hypothetical example where the police used the database to intercept an offender after witnessing some suspicious behaviour.”
So, affirming Iginla’s note that “the registry is not [a] punishment” (hard disagree), the court is basically saying that only a Minority Report outcome is worth infringing on a person’s rights. Well, maybe that’s exactly what is needed, a MINORITY report. Considering blacks and natives make up a vast proportion of the incarcerated, let’s just monitor them instead. StatCan promised to start collecting race-based crime data over two years ago. Personally, I’m happy to see the results. Let’s get on with it!

Elvis Iginla
Well, you might say we have the whole picture here, but I’ll give you a bonus commenter’s takes since you’ve got this far. Lee Harding also spoke to Calgary lawyer Alain Hepner. Now I’m not sure who solicited this interview. Hepner does not seem to have any real connection to the case. It appears he might’ve just reached out for the opportunity to run his mouth. Hepner is concerned that someone could be caught up in all this who is “in his 50s or 60s…probably a businessman with a family [who] did something he would not have”. Who is this guy representing, Harvey Weinstein? That might not be far off; we’ll get to it soon.
In more real terms Hepner gave another example: “I had a client who was convicted of a much more serious offense [than Ndhlovu]. But, he couldn’t get a job, he couldn’t get credit. He couldn’t … had problems with driver’s licenses, he came to see me doing everything we could to try to get his name off, there was no way”. Spare me the sob story, my guy. Wignats get blackballed harder for speaking truth to power. When Alain speaks of a “much more serious offense” I struggle to fathom how a deviant convicted of such a thing deserves mercy. I found one portion of the interview strange simply because of the way it’s written:
‘Hepner welcomed the decision, which he says corrected a “travesty” and an “enormous intrusion” on offenders’ privacy, which in some cases he did not believe was deserved.
He said this was already recognized in the justice system and sometimes the justice system accommodated leniency to keep an offender off the registry as the law would have required.
“You see things that appear to be an injustice, that we have to work around what the legislation tells us to do,”’.
The way I read this is that a judge refusing to add an offender to the registry (as with Ndhlovu) is not an isolated incident. It speaks to a precedent of judicial activism that saw either a lessening of charges or more explicit violation of law. Hepner may be referring to how things USED to be, prior to 2011 (when judges had discretion). It is hard to decipher what is being said based on the tenses used.

Alain Hepner
Either way, Alain Hepner is jumping out of his boots at this decision, and why wouldn’t he? Just check out buddy’s past exploits:
- Temple B’nai Tikvah Synagogue
- In charge B’nai Brith League of Human Rights (Calgary Lodge)
- Member Education Committee of Calgary Jewish Academy 1991 – 1994
- Member Board of Directors – Jewish Family Services 1979 – 1980
So there, you have it: sex crimes are at their highest rate since ‘96. The limited justice Blacks face for such offences has been yet again curtailed. Hand rubbing intensifies; the dreidels keep on spinning. Here is a boomer comment from one of those Western Standard articles. Hope it cheers you up a bit:
For readability’s sake, I wrote about Moldaver being a supreme court justice in the present tense. To be clear, he was just replaced by Abo Michelle O’Bonsawin. This was much to the chagrin of Jew Ari Goldkind. You can find his reaction midway through this video.
The Charter – hahahahohoho! Only the vaxxed have Charter rights. It’s also great for releasing violent morons back into the community. Other than that, biggest joke ever! Hahahahohoho!