It should be well known that anyone who wants to contact me can do so with the email given on the About Page. I check every 48 hours or so, and when I did so today I noticed a funny little email. Isabel, at TevMedia, wants to publish her work the site.
Hi, how are you?
We love your website!I would like to know if you accept Guest post Articles!!!

The article will be written according to your website’s content and in the same language of course, written by native writers!

I would be extremely happy to work with you!

If that’s possible, please let me know and I will send you some examples of recently published articles so you can see how we work.Thanks and have an excellent day!Kind Regards,
Isabel · Outreach Specialist
Tev Media
I certainly will let you know Isabel. In the meantime let’s take a look at the attached images.
Luxury yachting experiences? That’s pretty much the entire focus of this site. I’m really happy when people take a cursory glance at our work here, and only contact us if they’re a good fit.
As for Tev Media, I got three different companies. The first one, pictured above, is a filmmaking corporation that specializes in food and beverage brands. If that doesn’t scream Daily Rake, I don’t know what does.
The second corporation, TevMedia without the space, specializes in helping brands define themselves. I’m not sure how relevant that is, since it’s pretty well known that 100% of what we do here is food pics on luxury yachts, but we can always use some consulting to make sure we’re always on message.
The third company, tevMedia with a lower case T, works to connect the diversity of Bergen County. Look, I don’t know what to say here. I’ve lost track of the number of diverse parties I’ve thrown on yachts in Bergen County while taking pictures of food. If only I had some way of taking better food pics, on more yachts and with more diversity I could really tap into that human bandwidth and use best practices to lower the data driven latencies of invention.
Isabel is a hawt Latvian broad with an absolutely monstrous talent for social media connectivity. I can still barely believe that she wants to write for my site. I couldn’t pass up this opportunity, so I wrote her back.
Transcript below.

I sit here, patiently awaiting them to email me back. And yet as of time of writing I have received no response. None at all. Gives me flashbacks to another piece I wrote way back when.
Funny as hell and the first actually snigger producing thing I’ve read in at least 3 weeks dammit.
Actually had some body convulsions as I’m sitting here eating some damn good chicken curry I made myself and I alter the thing every time – this time it rules…again…and so beautiful You need to tell your evil b-movie bad guy friend to park your damn yacht get over here and start snapping pics.