I have to give you a trigger warning here. Trust me, the video ends extremely well, but oh my god is the guy holding the camera a gigantic faggot. I’ll have a transcript below. Again, it ends perfectly.
Our video starts off with some father confronting a faggot who stole a flag from his daughter at the Finklethink anti-Vax Rally.
Someone in the background: Come on children. Come on children act like adults.
Cameraguy: This guy stole a flag from a 13 year old. My 13 year old daughter.
Faggot: I stole a flag from you.
Cameraguy: This guy stole a flag from my 13 year old daughter.
Cameraguy: What’s your problem dude?
Faggot: You.
Cameraguy: What about me.
Guy in background: Grow up and grow some balls buddy.
This is basically a fag on fag crime. The father here is such a limpdicked little queer that I’m not sure that I correctly labeled him as Cameraguy instead of Faggot2.
Cameraguy/Faggot2: What is it you don’t like?
Oh for fuck sakes. Imagine someone steals your flag in a clearly political act, and you start asking them why they don’t like you. Grow a fucking sack you faggot.
Faggot: I don’t like men who use 13 year old daughters.
Cameraguy: To hold a flag?
Faggot: No, to do their bidding.
Cameraguy: Okay what’s my bidding?
And instead of actually answering this cucklet he just grabs the phone. The response to this is our brave Cameraguy saying “Poleeeeece please.” And “let go of my phone.”
We cut to a bit later, only to hear our brave Cameraguy say.
Cameraguy/Faggot2: Can I have my gloves back please dude?
You have got to be fucking kidding me. This faggot assaults you, steals your flag, and you’re saying “please,” when talking to him?
Well this causes him to turn around and, sensing that he’s dealing with the biggest bitch in the world, he walks forwards to him and grabs his phone again.
Faggot (Drunkenly slurring): You can have your gloves back.
Father Faggot: Yeah, just leave my gloves please. Thank you.
Father Faggot: Thank you sir have a great day.
Yes, he literally says this to him as he’s stomping his gloves into dirty road slush. JFC.
But this is where it all starts turning around. You see the faggot says something about “this is CALGARY,” it’s kind of inaudible, but then he assaults the Cameraguy again.

Seconds post ankle snap.
And there’s this beautiful moment that I’ll cover in great detail, where you get to hear his ankle snap and he starts whining like a little bitch.
And then the police show up.
Cop: K. You’re under arrest.
Faggot *slurring: My my my ankle’s broken. *inaudible. My ankle’s broken my ankle’s broken.
Cop: K get up.
I know that cop is just a doofus, but I choose to interpret that as a Sam Hyde move.
Cop: Get up.
Faggot: I can’t my ankle’s broken.
Cop: K well sit up.
Faggot: I can’t my ankle’s broken my ankle’s broken. My ankle’s broken look at it.
Cop: K.
Faggot: I’m sitting I’m sitting I’m sitting I’m sitting. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. yeaaaaaaa. I’m so pain ankle. I took somebodies flag that’s it man.
Oh man was the end of that video pure kino. The combination of instant karma, combined with the weird combination of emotions he must be feeling as the severe pain and shock mix with the crushing realization that he is now also going to jail.
I’ve started the above video from the second before his ankle snaps. Pure kino. That sort of almost feminine squeal he does as his ankle snaps. Followed immediately by the cops telling him he’s under arrest and then trying to force him to stand on his snapped ankle.
I can see my ankle it’s sideways hanging.
Shallow breathes of pain.
It’s just a shame that the father is such an irredeemable faggot. I mean holy shit. If I didn’t have to sit through the first minute of that video, it might be the best thing I ever watched.