There were two main figures in organizing the Finklethink Convoy. One was Benjamin Dichter, a gay jew supremacist. The other was Tamara Lich, some “Maverick Party,” grifter, who I first covered here

Fox Jews:

CBC News reporter David Cochrane wrote in a tweet: “Convoy organizer Tamara Lich was arrested Thursday evening by Ottawa police and also remains in police custody. Both she and Chris Barber – who was arrested earlier – are expected to be charged criminally, according to sources.”

A clip showing Lich being detained by Ottawa police was also shared on social media by an account which is seemingly associated with the convoy.

“Tamara Lich has been arrested, but we will continue to #holdtheline,” the tweet containing the footage read.

Look, I support the peasants doing this, I really do. After all, I’m literally the only person trying to get hate crime/terrorism charges against the antifa Dave Zegarac, who ran over four of these protesters in Winnipeg on February 6th.

So if there’s anyone reading this who’s confuzzled, I’ve said from the start that this protest was useless at best. And you know it’s useless, because the organizers are more interested in their stupid grift than they are pressing the police when one of their own, or in this case four, are literal victims of terrorism.

Lich, who started the GoFundMe account which raised millions for those participating in the convoy protest and was later halted, said in a tearful clip shared to social media on Wednesday that she was anticipating the arrest. Thanking those who stood alongside her, Lich said she is “ready” and “not afraid.”

Imagine if this was for something more real important than Covid-19 bullshit. I would happily get arrested fighting for the protesters who got literally run over by a car, or a dozen other serious issues. But I’ve been to these events. It’s a social club for anti-social losers.

Barber, who is a senior convoy leader, is expected to face criminal charges according to the CBC. He has previously said in a press release that politicians have declined to engage in “serious dialogue.”

The arrest comes after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act on Monday, which gives the government power to clear protests by towing vehicles, and even more direct measures such as freezing personal bank accounts.

“These blockades are illegal, and if you are still participating, the time to go home is now,” Trudeau said. “This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting peoples’ jobs and restoring faith in our institutions.” 

I feel for Tamara Lich. I think she’s kind of an idiot, but well meaning, which is far more than I can say for (((Benjamin Dichter))). But I’m tired of the Justin Trudeau’s of the world winning. People are entitled to serious, and effective political action. Not poorly thought out cuckservative whatevers.

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