An arrest has been made after a woman was allegedly pushed onto the subway tracks at Bloor-Yonge subway station on Sunday.
She wasn’t “allegedly pushed onto the tracks.” She was clearly and obviously pushed onto the tracks by this nasty little antifa.
No, they don’t have to say “allegedly,” when the facts are this undeniable, and they wouldn’t say “allegedly,” if this was some “hate crime” that they could pin on Whitey. If some pervert wearing an AIDS decal was pushed onto the tracks, they would not say “allegedly pushed onto the tracks.” This might seem like a small detail, but it isn’t. The premeditation is obvious and undeniable.
Police informed CityNews a train arrived seconds after a 39-year-old woman was pushed onto the tracks by another woman on the station’s westbound platform. The victim narrowly escaped critical injuries when she was able to roll and press against the platform as the train went by.
The victim was treated in hospital and survived.
The woman alleged to have committed the act fled the scene shortly after. A photo, believed to be of the female suspect, was released.
A suspect was brought into police custody on Monday when an arrest was made around 6:30 p.m. at Finch GO Station in North York.
Police identified the woman as 45-year-old Edith Frayne of Toronto. She has been charged with attempted murder and will appear in court on Tuesday.

Edith Frayne
Yes, this is the woman, Edith Frayne, who is responsible for the attempted murder of this other woman in what appears to be a random attack. This is what people who ride the subway or bus have to deal with on a regular basis. The insane human detritus who, most of the time, don’t do anything. But occasionally they’ll push you onto the tracks for some combination of reasons that even the most talented psychologist couldn’t properly understand, other than that they are absolute scum.
Toronto has long considered the protective doors, which separate platforms from the track until trains arrive. But the devices are not included in the TTC’s 15-year capital plan. Pizey-Allen told CityNews only $12 billion of the $37-billion, the multi-year capital plan has been secured so far.
The solution to the problem of mentally ill criminals shoving people onto the tracks is apparently to install doors in the area making it harder for them to do so. Then they’ll have to resort to simply stabbing you with used needles, or any number of other semi-random acts of violence that our public spaces are infamous for.

Shelagh Pizey-Allen
For the record, they don’t actually explain who Shelagh Pizey-Allen is. In fact, they don’t even mention her or use her full name before the above paragraph I quoted, which is the very last paragraph in the entire piece. This is incredibly sloppy propaganda. In short, she’s a typical antifa cunt who I previously documented whining about “Black and Indigenous,” riders being targeted more for law enforcement (because they break the law more when riding the subway). She left out that last bit because she’s an anti-White who wants to victim blame.
The incident left riders worried about safety.
“It’s very very scary,” said Shelagh Pizey-Allen of TTC Riders. “But it’s also not new and we are so glad that the woman is alive.”
At Bloor-Yonge subway station Monday she noticed a heightened awareness among passengers.
“A lot of people are kind of moving cautiously and had their backs against the wall,” Pizey-Allen said.
“It struck a nerve, because people can relate to that feeling of being afraid on a crowded subway platform.”

Shelagh Pizey-Allen, again.
Why are people afraid on a crowded subway platform you piece of garbage? Is it because the local wildlife will occasionally push you onto the tracks because they think it’s funny, or they’re so misanthropic that they lash out this way? Because I think that it is, and the solution is to throw these people in jail, not do “catch and release.”
“The TTC has looked at including platform edge doors on new subways stations like the York University extension but they didn’t get included in the end because of cost,” said Shelagh Pizey-Allen from TTC Riders. “It would take time and money to retrofit stations but one thing we should absolutely do as soon as possible is make sure all new stations are being equipped with platform edge doors.”
It is estimated installing barriers in older stations would have a hefty cost.
“Retrofitting would cost about $1.35 billion and it’s not funded in the capital budget,” said Pizey-Allen. “If we’re building stations from scratch, why not include these right from the get-go?”
$1.35 billion. That’s not a typo.
I debated whether or not to write this piece. After all, I’ve written a lot about crime in public areas, especially on transit. However, the fact that these antifas have absolutely nothing to offer anyone needs to be hammered time and time again. They want to open up “safe injection sites,” because they want as many White People hooked and dying of opiates as possible. They want “catch and release,” policies for criminals, because they want your commute to be as unsafe and unpleasant as possible. They whine about poor, oppressed criminals of colour being given a tiny amount of the justice they deserve, because they’re anti-White.
In exchange, they propose that we spend billions, literally billions, installing doors so that the mentally ill criminals will just have to commit all the other crimes against you that they already do. You’d think that you could spend on tenth of that money on policing. Or even spend literally zero additional dollars just ending the pro-criminal policies. But that would be fascism, and mustache man bad.
Anyway the Toronto Sun gives a list of all the people who’ve been pushed onto the tracks in just the past three years.
There have been incidents in the past involving people pushed onto tracks.
Last fall, a suspect was arrested after a man was pushed onto TTC tracks and hit by a train at Bloor-Yonge station the afternoon of Nov. 26.
One man with a package bumped another man and an argument started, police claimed at the time.
The man with the package was then allegedly pushed onto the tracks and hit by an oncoming train.
A 26-year-old man was arrested and charged with aggravated assault.
The victim was treated in hospital.
On Nov. 18, 2019, another rider escaped injury after a suspect tried to push them onto the tracks at Bathurst Station. The victim was on the eastbound platform walking towards an exit when they were approached by a man who abruptly stepped in front of them.The attacker allegedly grabbed the victim by both arms and pushed them towards the tracks.The victim was able to break free, leave the station and contact police.The attacker also fled the station. On June 18, 2018, 73-year-old Yosuke “Yoshi” Hayahara was killed after 56-year old John Reszetnik pushed him into the path of a train at Bloor-Yonge station.
Reszetnik pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in Jan. 2021 and was sentenced to life imprisonment without possibility of parole for 14 years.
Here is a video of a brave, oppressed civil rights activist of colour getting a running start before pushing a MONSTER of Whiteness onto the New York subway tracks in revenge for Jews enslaving his ancestors or something. Not Toronto, but ClownWorld, or rather CrimeWorld, has gone international.
Anyway, the comments under that Toronto Sun article are illuminating.
The judicial tyranny in this country is a sick joke, and all the crazies running around assaulting people is a matter of policy. Policy that, I must add, is supported by the very same people who want to ban you from driving a car, because “muh global warming.”
I’m picking up the traffic soyboys series again by the end of the week. Right now I have to push out a lot of content relevant to the real world activism we did over the weekend. Having said that, I took the bus to get there and back, and even though this was an inter-city bus that you had to pay for, I still had the typical sketchy experiences with these people. I’ll go over that more in the piece itself.
I wonder how the official response would be different if those judges were the ones being pushed onto the tracks by the free-range mental patients?
Judges taking a bus? Lol!