Canada’s assisted dying laws should be expanded to include minors, a parliamentary committee has recommended in a report tabled in the House of Commons.
After hearing from nearly 150 witnesses and reviewing more than 350 briefs on Canada’s medically assisted dying (MAiD) program, the special joint committee of MPs and senators concluded that minors deemed to have the appropriate decision-making capacity should be eligible for assisted death.
If you can’t legally decide to take a dick, then you can’t legally decide to literally kill yourself. This garbage has gone completely off the rails here. It is undeniably far less harmful to literally be raped than to kill yourself. Then we have statutory rape. Of course anyone having “sex” with children should be immediately executed, whether or not the child consents. It gets more murky when dealing with post-pubescent ages, but very often age discrepancy relationships are the result of grooming, especially when homosexuals are involved.
Everyone understands that children can’t consent to some things. These people even agree, but then these disgusting politicians turn around and say “oh but deciding to kill yourself? Yeah no problem. Ten year olds are responsible enough to make those decisions.”
In the end, the committee agreed that many factors can influence a minor’s decision-making capacity, therefore it “believes that eligibility for MAID should not be denied on the basis of age alone.”
But also said access to assisted death for minors should be restricted to those “whose natural death is reasonably foreseeable.”
They’re really pushing the medically assisted suicide thing, especially for White People. Of course in some cases a child may be terminally ill with extreme pain. But even then, the child cannot consent to death, especially because there are plenty of drugs that can be used at the doctors discretion to relieve pain. I don’t find a compelling argument for allowing this, as opposed to medically induced stupor.
Secondly, it’s just unbelievably creepy to even say such things, and I desperately want to know who specifically was on this commission, because it’s disturbing. It’s extremely viscerally repulsive that anyone would be so interested in this, and one can only assume bad intentions.
The report also recommends better engagement with Indigenous communities and persons with disabilities about how Canada’s assisted-dying program works.
Something that is confirmed with them bloviating about muh engagement with muh aboriginals. As is often the case with the butthole-left, they’re just anti-Whites and perverts, so they should never be given any charitable interpretations here. They just want to kill kids.
When she’s not praising God for her magic Jesus X-Ray vision into the demon realm, she’s calling for a public lynching of vaccinated non-Christians in Canada, including Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.
You know – seditious, cult shit.
She hates vaccines. And with her 9th-grade education and history of mental/emotional illness, who can blame her?
Big if true. Let’s see the evidence they give for it.
So Dean Blundell, a total retard, says something that has no relationship to reality. Jaime Sale, a gold medal winning figure skater, is basically on the QAnon-tier online right plantation. However, she’s at least getting to the “let’s just kill all these people,” which is based. Throw Larry Fink and Jonathan Greenblatt in there, and I’ll support her for office.
This isn’t Jamie’s first dip into the “Let’ s hang vaccinated Canadians and Politicians. She was a HUGE supporter of the Ottawa Convoy MOU that called for the hanging of Justin Trudeau.
She’s also been a regular on ‘Nuremberg” trial Twitter: a group of religious extremists for Christ who want to hang doctors, politicians and parents who vaccinate their kids for sullying God’s most incredible creation: the human body.
Oh, babygirl. I was with you there darling. I was in your corner. I was ready to fight for you as the new MILF in town. The top tier Canadian MILF.
I’ll still side with her against Dean Blundell and all the absolute human detritus who are assmad at her. This good Canadian Girl has been politically mislead, but I see a serious contender for MILFWaffen, Spinner Division. She might be 45 now, but I’m sure there are some older PATRIOTS who’d like to take this little cougar into the corner of the rink and put her into the arabesque position.
Almost as an aside, Jaime Sale won Olympic Gold in Salt Lake City, 2002. I know I said that already, but it is the only time in Olympic history, to my knowledge, that gold has been shared. She and her partner, David Pelletier, originally came second, but then after protesting, they were awarded shared gold with the Russian team.
The Russians, Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze, had a very difficult routine. They skated well, but Anton had a noticeable slip around 1:30. Then Elena didn’t quite stick the landing around 2:20. There have been many who said that they actually deserved the gold medal anyway, due to the higher degree of difficulty in the routine. I find that highly dubious.
Jaime Sale and David Pelletier were the last skaters, just after the Russians, and they nailed their admittedly easier routine. They knew that they won gold, until they got robbed by the judges and were given silver. Then, after an investigation, this was overturned and they shared the gold medal in one of the weirdest podiums of all time.
Frankly, the Russian figure skater, Elena, was a real cutie as well. I have to side with the Canadian snatch here, but the Russian’s are really sending some top notch cooch, if I’m being honest. Frankly, you’ll see that a lot amongst figure skaters. It’s probably the event with the highest amount of quality gash at the Olympics.

Look, I want pretty girls on the television, I just want plausible deniability for the right vibe and figure skating does that for me. No judging here. This is a judgement free zone.
Anyway, Jaime Sale is now doing the Canadians For Freedom bit. It’s not what I would like to see, but you could end up worse. If worthless filth like Dean Blundell don’t like you then you’re doing something right.
Honestly I’d be okay with executing the people behind the covid 19 vaccines which didn’t work, and caused a lot of heart attacks and strokes. most vaccinations were coerced they are like “you don’t have to get the shot but if you want to keep your job you have to get the shot”
This is just like Harvey Weinstein saying “you don’t have to suck my cock but if you want to work in Hollywood you have to suck my cock”
Plus the polio vaccine and all of these vaccines were invented by Jews and do seem to cause autism. My sister didn’t vaccinate at all, my cousin did all the vaccines and his kids don’t talk at all, and when they get mad they head butt the sidewalk hard as fuck.
If we eliminate the Semite from the earth, we would have to kill a lot of doctors. I appreciate good doctors but at least half of them are bad. My dad and sister were injured by medical malpractice.
Anyone that went along with the clot shot coercion can die at whatever level they are at. Including my dads boss who made him miss work for 2 weeks without pay because he wasn’t vaccinated even tho he wasn’t sick.
As well as all the cunts who won’t let you get ivermectin even when it’s prescribed by a doctor, despite many studies showing it to block covid from entering host cells, because phizer wanted to sell their dangerous avermectin derivative. Which was just copying ivermectins method of action but they had a copyright on it.
My dad had his intestine perforated by a doctor during a routine colonoscopy. The procedure took like 5 hours to long, but the doctor told us everything is fine, and didn’t think to mention he perforated my dads duodenum, and spent 5 hours stitching it up, with the wrong type of sutures.
Then I drove home for 2 hours with my dad in the most pain he has ever been in, in his life. Other than my dad’s sister dying in a plane crash, this was the only time I’ve seen my dad cry. We went to the hospital and they were pissed at us “why didn’t you mention a surgery on your duodenum? There is nothing on his record..”
When we explained what happened and they realized there was medical malpractice they clammed up like a bunch of crips being asked about a murder by a detective. They didn’t wanna have anything to do with justice or stopping medical malpractice.
My sister’s case is even worse. She had to have a C-section to deliver her child, and they forgot to strap her legs to the gurney, and whilst her abdominal muscles were cut clear through, and there was nothing to support her spine, both her legs fell off the gurney, this happened twice before the faggots strapped her legs to it properly.
My sister is in a wheelchair now and can’t pee most the time and needs a catheter.
Doctors are fucking demons half the time. I know because I did 6 years towards being a doctor and they teach you just as much about social justice and leftist shit as they do about medicine. On the mcat you have to answer questions on why only white people can be racists.
So I support good doctors, and I’m grateful I have had good ones in the past, such as when I was run over by a car as a kid. But I’d never shy away from executing doctors because a large portion of them absolutely would have it coming.
Medical malpractice kills more people than car crashes in the USA.
Hey can I please have your telegram ID? I have something which might interest you
You can post in the Daily Rake chat. Don’t ask for anyone’s ID here.
Chat? Where’s that?
Anyway I gotta leave for wagecucking now. Drop me a mode for communication preferably private and I’ll contact you on 8 hours approx
he has information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton
She’s got that kathy lee gifford look – decaff lady, decaff..
.She’s always smiling… “Yes, she’s Demented”.
Why are you insulting a very based White woman?
Elena is much more fuckable