Donald Trump’s calls for supporters to protest his possible indictment by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg led officials to tighten security in New York and Washington and raised fears of potential violence. But Trump’s exhortations were largely met with reluctance from both prominent supporters and the far-right online acolytes who responded to his rallying cry on Jan. 6, 2021.
I haven’t followed Orange Betrayer all that closely for the past few years. There was that funny NFT grifting thing he did, and I got some content out of that. Really, the articles wrote themselves.
Aside from that, not all that much has happened with the King of Israel. He tried taking credit for the muted response by Governor Mike “Israel Uber Alles” DeWine. There’s some stuff about DeSantis in the primaries that I don’t have any patience for. It’s just not that interesting.
Naturally, I treated the news that he might get arrested with next to no interest. I assumed it was fake news, because nothing fun ever happens, and wanted to be woken up when it actually happened. Then I saw that he was, once again, trying to get his supporters arrested and thrown in jail like the piece of shit that he is.

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Luckily, it didn’t work.
A demonstration on Monday organized by the New York Young Republican Club outside the Manhattan court where Trump would be arraigned if indicted drew barely 50 people. Only a handful of supporters showed up outside his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, according to local reports.
For reference, a recent anti-Groomer protest in Wadworth, Ohio drew well over 200 of the good guys, even according to the Ghost of Kiev Hallucinators. Four times as many people are willing to come out and protest boy hungry pedophiles at their local park than in support of the former POTUS being potentially arrested.
Distrustful that protests might be “traps” set by federal law enforcement and without a fixed date or event to rally around, the vast majority of pro-Trump online groups seemed to waver between apathy and confusion, showing very little appetite for organized action. “He’s not infallible and protest is very vague,” one person wrote in a popular MAGA Telegram group. “And what exactly does “Protest, Protest!!!” mean?” another person asked in a different group. “I’m not trying to be a jerk but you’d think he could give slightly more explicit instructions if he really wanted the tens of millions of people who support him to do something effective.”
Blormph’s “go protest for me Goy,” was kind of head scratching. He didn’t tell people where to go or when to protest, which is pretty ridiculous. It’s like he wanted as many of his dwindling supporters to do terribly impotent solo protests, in the hopes that somewhere a Soros prosecutor could nab a scalp on behalf of his (((owners))) after some antifa or BLMers attacked them. Either that or he just 100% doesn’t care and wanted his ego fanned.
While there were the usual mentions of “civil war” and apocalyptic language about using violence to “take the country back” that have become commonplace in far-right channels, polls in these groups asking if followers would protest for Trump overwhelmingly found their members opposed. While far-right groups see Trump’s possible arrest as a politicized prosecution, they mostly advised each other to stay home.
The muted response highlights the lack of enthusiasm for and widespread distrust of mass protests after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, which led to more than 1,000 prosecutions. A review of more than two dozen popular pro-Trump Telegram channels, online forums, and social media groups also suggests that many supporters feel betrayed by what they see as the former President’s abandonment of those who rallied for him on Jan. 6, 2021.
It’s not just that they ralled for him. He told them to rally for him, and he said “and I’ll be there with you.”
There have already been more than 1,000 prosecutions. And the feds are boasting about potentially getting 1,000 more.
Graves said in the letter that justice department officials estimated that another 700 to 1,200 defendants could face charges. That would nearly double the number of criminal cases relating to January 6, Bloomberg noted.
You know who never faced charges? Any of the police who murdered four of the literally peaceful and unarmed protesters in cold blood.
Real shocker how no one wants to protest for this backstabbing faggot. Who I might add also never faced charges despite him organizing the “violent insurrection.”
“Why would I protest for a man that left the [Jan. 6 protesters] high and dry?” one user posted in a pro-Trump Telegram group. “Trump did nothing to help them after they stuck [their] neck out for him.”
“Has he called for protests about these poor guys? No. But he’s calling for us to protest about his arrest,” another person wrote. “It doesn’t sit right with me.” Another user agreed: “He’s right. Trump betrayed the J6 patriots. How can anybody still support [him]?”
It’s common sense, but still nice to see. Then again, it’s not really clear what other reaction there could possibly be. It’s just a fact that Trump did absolutely nothing for the protesters who he ordered to the capitol. He went and played golf while they were arrested, and then called them terrorists.
I know that a lot of Boomercons can’t be made to see reason, but at this point there’s no reason anyone could possibly want to protest for Blormph. Even if you somehow still support him, then you’d be left with the impression that protests are totally worthless and dangerous. And when your protest is for Orange Faggot, that’s objectively true.
Many of the narratives in right-wing circles online have centered on warnings that the federal government is trying to stoke violent protests by Trump supporters so they can arrest them, according to an analysis shared with TIME by Logically, a U.K.-based tech firm that tracks online misinformation. Far-right groups have warned followers that any protests could be a “setup” or “Deep State traps” to draw our Trump supporters. When the British far-right YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson asked his more than 218,000 followers on Truth Social “Is the potential protest against Trump being arrested a J6-style trap?” more than 85% responded “Yes.”
It sure is, right down to Orange Potato telling you to do it.
Again, it just doesn’t make any sense at all to do anything for Blormph. For the chumps who still somehow support Blormph, they have to conclude that protests are useless, and only a truly violent insurrection will change anything. For everyone else, there is no point to protesting Orange Chimp because he’s obviously a narcissist with nothing to offer you. Frankly, I’m a little miffed that he wasn’t arrested. Not surprised, just disappointed.
On online messaging groups and forums, Trump supporters discussed alternative ways to protest, with many urging people to withdraw their money from banks, organize national work strikes, set up prayer groups or fly American flags upside down. “Don’t expose your back, because Trump does not have yours,” one user on a pro-Trump social media group wrote. “And he never will.”
I’m trying to make this more humourous, but Trump disgusts me right to my core. I have toiled away with this site for well over a year, making almost no money despite many people demanding I let them pay me directly. And to see this fucking faggot grifting $300 million from his most loyal supporters and then leading them off into prison is something else. I would love to watch Donald Trump being tortured to death in prison.
None of the prominent Trump supporters who played key roles in organizing rallies and protests in the past stepped up either, with many of them publicly declaring they were staying out of it. “I’m retired,” Ali Alexander, a right-wing activist and key organizer of the 2020 “Stop the Steal” rallies that led to Jan. 6, wrote in a post on the Telegram messaging app. Alexander said he had spoken to Alex Jones, a prominent conspiracy theorist involved in the Jan. 6 rallies. “He’s not protesting either. We’ve both got enough going on fighting the government,” he wrote. “No billionaire is covering our bills.”
Ali Alexander and Alex Jones have had enough.
When you’ve lost those two, you’ve lost Grifter-America.
Its so crazy how they ‘oy vey’ over Jan 6th, they always ‘oy vey’ over fake things. If Jan 6th had been a total massacre, in which the trump supporters skinned alive every single person in the entire city of DC cartel style, and then bulldozed and burnt down every building in the city, I would just have thought:
“oh that’s nice, you reap what you sow. You can’t expect to cut America’s throat forever and get no consequences.”
Yet these media hysterics expect us to give a fuck about a literal peaceful unarmed protest that was organized by the president, and they say it was worse than pearl harbor or 9/11. I suppose it was worse than the holocaust, because several people actually were killed in the jan 6th fiasco, whereas the holocaust existed only in the hearts and minds of masochistic rat people. I don’t consider DC to even be part of the USA, it’s more like a deadly xenomorph style parasite that must be removed from the body in order for the body to survive.
I could not have said it better myself.
Blormph didn’t organize anything and Jan 6 was clearly fake horse sh*t all around.
The message was the point, and the message was “we’re gonna do some nasty shit in and around the fake virus so look what happens if you try to oppose us”
And all this fake “Rumpt will be arrested” garbage says one thing, blownut is still their man for fake opposition and still their man for the next fake erection.
The whole Jan 6 thing is as impotent as a maltese eunuch, just like the canadian trucker thing. Look, unless you’re gonna whack-the bastards I don’t wanna hear about it – go write a letter to your senator while farting in the wind.