For the longest time I have enjoyed being a part of a political movement that could simply say “post fizeek,” to its opposition, bypassing their arguments entirely. I still do this whenever applicable, most recently on my piece on Warhammer40k. This is what the bugcreature who was assmad about the fascist undertones of WH40K looks like.
Below we see a Warhammer40K Enjoyer.
Need I say more?
I don’t think a political movement should consist entirely of Calvin Klein underwear models. However, any serious political movement should consist of a lot of at least average people, and it’s just a fact that having cute girls around is the best form of advertising one can hope for. This is so true that I felt the need to write an entire piece on this titled “The Political Importance of Good Looking Pussy”, because constantly online e-weirdos were arguing otherwise.
It may be cruel, but it is just a fact of nature that having better looking people who are more sane is an enormous positive to a political movement. It, along with the truth and a heavily censored message that is actually popular, is just about all we have to offer normal people, so we shouldn’t throw this advantage away. Keep all this is the back of your mind as you watch The Daily Beast ripping Fuentes a new one over PedoGate.
A key figure in the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” campaign has apologized after being accused of asking teenage boys for sexual pictures.
Alexander, who has described himself as bisexual in the past, added that he was “battling with same-sex attraction.”
“I apologize for any inappropriate messages sent over the years,” Alexander wrote, adding later, “When I’ve flirted or others have flirted with me, I’ve flexed my credentials or dropped corny pick up lines. Other times, I’ve been careless and should’ve qualified those coming up to me’s (sic) identities during flirtatious banter at the start.”
You know what’s terrible optics? Cute girls with edgy paraphernalia. This right here, absolutely goddawful. That’s not going to go over well with the normies at the local church BBQ.
But what do we have here?
I don’t know about you, but I’m looking a guy who, genetically, is going to be just killing it at the local church BBQ that Alt-Republicans don’t actually get invited to anyway. That face screams “optics”. That he’s interested in grooming fifteen year old boys just confirms that we have a local church BBQ optics megastar in the making.
We’ve now reached the point where I have to explain to the tradhomos what 99.9% of the World intuitively understands. If your political opponents are just pointing and laughing, then you’ve fucked up, and you’ve fucked up bad. Perhaps instead of bringing the hideous groomers into your political movement you could instead have pretended not to be gay by getting a girlfriend.
Because the whole “we’re too pious for pussy,” routine works a lot better when you don’t have your Gayper Generals soliciting dick picks of fifteen year olds.
Also Milo talks to Zach Petrizzo all the time. He also talks to Eric Striker. I was actually surprised to see him texting Eric Striker in November, he says he “talks to everybody.” Typical Jew. Thought you might find that interesting.
Fuentes has taken to the revelations that he vouched for a boy hungry faggot groomer by going on the offensive against everyone in the e-vicinity. I have no idea why he decided to include Striker in this, and only found out about it because Striker, who usually stays out of these sorts of things, actually responded.
Look at this little rat fink.

In Fuentes’ warped mind, Milo messaging the Evil Nazi once to compliment my journalism is as bad as his organization being run by a bunch of queer child molesters.For four years, Nick has taken money from Jewish people to pejoratize me and several others. He has even used his money and powerful Jewish and homosexual contacts to buy off friends and former allies of mine in hopes of undermining and destroying the pro white movement.He is a vile coward who would turn state’s evidence without thinking about it. 0 principles or honor.
Are you kidding me with this analysis, Striker? Nick Fuentes is an absolute cum hunting CHAD who would be my first pick to lead a revolution against the US Government. You could hook his little Mexican balls up to batteries and he’d still never tell you diddly squat, that’s how hardcore he is. Take away the tranny porn on his phone though…

The Milo blurb aged well.
I dunno, fellow Catboi TradTwinks, I’m getting a bad feeling about this.
In both cases, Smiley and Lance were willing to go along flirting with Ali (to varying degrees) without any protest because they thought it would advance their political careers. If you are flirting with adult gay men because you think it’s going to land you a job, you know full well what you’re doing and it’s gross. Sorry but even at 15, I would have never sent nudes to an adult gay man. There’s something wrong there.

Both of them also have in common that they remained in contact with Ali for years after the fact, well into adulthood. Why was Smiley asking Ali if he would be at AFPAC or Atlanta Stop the Steal? Why is Lance inviting Ali to after parties at a bar in Fort Worth after CPAC in 2021? Why is he playing “let’s make a deal” with Ali as recently as December?In both cases it was also gross for Ali to flirt with or solicit pictures from teenage boys. It goes without saying that as an adult you shouldn’t be gay and you also shouldn’t be engaging in quid pro quo with teenagers. And an adult has more responsibility than a teenager. That behavior is wrong, obviously.
It literally is Anglin’s defense of Harvey Weinstein, but for groomers.
It would be ridiculous to privilege this attack on the victims of homosexual grooming with a response, so I won’t.
Your underage butthole must be sacrificed so that Fuentes can continue to never primary a single Republican ever or do anything remotely political in any way, shape, or form. We’ve got to give mystery meat faggot pedophiles access to your butthole by installing them in powerful positions inside of the Alt-Republicans No Girls Allowed Club where they can leverage said positions to get dick pics from fifteen year old boys. To do anything else would be completely unserious wignattery.
I’d never heard of this Andrew Wilson character before, but he had a debate with Wurzelroot, someone I had heard of but never actually seen before, and Wilson ritualistically slaughtered him. It helps that Wurzelroot is very offputting and almost intentionally annoying. For example, he does this cringey “erm nope,” thing three times in a row. I focus on this, because it never gets old pointing out the terrible optics of the Optics Groomers.
Right after saying that Wurzelroot says the following.
Wurzelroot: So Milo and Ali were never Groypers. They were never a part of this fully, right. They were always people – political assets to be used. They were always people uhm who had connections and were useful.
Andrew Wilson: What in the world are you talking about, Wurzel?
I was going to write a long bit ranting about Milo and Ali represented the Alt-Republicans connection to the real Republicans, and how this discredited their entire thing. But Andrew Wilson has better political instincts than I do. Sometimes “lol bro WTF are you talking about,” really is the best response.
Normally I hate debates, but my goodness was this one ever one-sided for the good guys. It helps that all the facts are on Andrew Wilson’s side, but debate skills are also a real thing, some combination of rhetorical tricks and charisma. Wilson has it, Wurzel does not. In fact he is a totally repellent character, who even stops the debate around the 7:30 mark to pull an Ethan Ralph. He responds to a superchat and says “I’m just making money man.”
Ignoring that fag, the entire debate revolves around Nick’s claim that Milo tried to drug and rape him. After thirteen minutes, it almost seems like Andrew Wilson corners Wurzeltard and makes him admit that it was a joke. However, in typical Gayper IronyFag fashion, Wurzel shits all over himself for thirteen minutes and leaves open the possibility that maybe Milo did try to drug and rape little Juan Fuentes.
Fuentes himself appears to be leaning into these allegations. I hopped over to his telegram channel and saw him reposting someone named “Dr. Benjamin Braddock.” In fact this is the last thing that Fuentes has posted, as of time of writing.
Said tweet is unironically praising Fuentes for being a sexual assault survivor.
The Gaypers are taking it seriously.
The rest of the commentary is just laughing at Fuentes.

Last one from Mr. Metokur.
But I’m sure Fuentes will pull out the “I was only pretending,” line whenever it’s convenient. Then he’ll go back to “no but srs I was drugged and raped.” He will oscillate between these two contradictory states from now until the end of time. These are the Duplicitous Homo Maybe Drug Rape Cover Uppers that are known for their good Christian optics at the local church BBQ.
Fuentes attempts to own Marjorie Taylor Greene by showing a picture of her posing with Ali Akbar. Gee Nick, it’s almost like politicians pose with people. I must have missed the point where MTG gave Ali Akbar access to children’s assholes, and tolerated him soliciting dickpics from minors for years. But then again, she posed for a picture with him one time, so that’s pretty much just as bad.
I got most of these memes from RedPillGangTV. If you’re into the e-drama stuff, and Fuentes Alogging specifically, there really is no better place.
There is also the one and only Mr. Metokur, who now goes by Jim on Poast. As for myself, I’m bowing out.
Remember kids. Christ is King. Pussies are gross. Catboi cocks are delicious. And most importantly, dickpics from fifteen year olds are pure kino. Also Milo raped me but it’s no biggie. Optics optics optics, and no girls allowed.
“Internet personalities” are as real as a faggot wizard gameboard piece wielded by a tight-shirted maltese eunuch who can barely hold up his stinky feminine italian cigarette…. and certainly even gayer.
They enter the cognitive neurons of a sane working (and partying) human? Not So.
In the Court of the Optic King.
Murdoch-Murdoch was kinda right.
[…] PedoGate Part Trois: Little Tradcatboi Nicky Fuentes is the Gift to the Butthole-Left that Just Keep… […]
I’m only surprised by the fact that Fuentes and Yiannopoulos weren’t doing the same things as Alexander.
Milo? Definitely. He just has better OpSec.
Fuentes? If he had been doing that, it would have already leaked by now.
But we’re only in April, so who the hell knows what we’ll know about Nick before the year is out.
[…] don’t like to write about e-drama, but the recent pedogate implosion of the Catboi Cult wasn’t entirely e-drama, especially with police reports being […]