In the last installment I went over to the intro to the chapter “Why we are Anti Semites.” At the time I knew exactly what I wanted to say. And then I forgot to actually write up my review of the chapter, so I forgot what I wanted to say. This was made worse because I skipped ahead chapters in the meantime, and then found it annoying to write about the previous chapters, since I was dying to talk about something I read in the latter chapters.
Still, my forgetfulness may actually have been for the better, as time has brought clarity. I realized that, while I personally find this book fascinating entertainment, politically I am only interested in the lessons that we can learn as far as political organization. Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP was 20 guys in a room back in 1919. We’ll get to their first big political victories later, as well as the differences from our time to theirs, but any serious political party has humble beginnings, and needs to overcome the apathy that is naturally encountered from people who wonder why they should bother supporting people who don’t have much of a chance of winning electorally.
But without much further ado, let’s get into it.
My dear fellow Germans! We are already used to being called monsters, and it is perceived as particularly monstrous that we are in the vanguard on the question that most unnerves certain gentlemen in Germany today, namely the question of opposition to the Jews.
Our people understands so much, but this one thing we do not want to understand, and above all because the worker asks, “What does the Jewish Question have to do with the workers at all?” Indeed, the majority of our people today still have no idea what the actual situation is with regard to this question. The vast majority perhaps only deals with this question emotionally, and immediately judges: “Well, I have seen good and bad people among them, just as among ourselves.” Very few have learned to judge from objective observation.
What follows is possibly the spergiest bit of the entire book. I haven’t finished it yet, but I doubt that there’s more ’tism to be found in all the rest of Hitler’s works tied together. As but one of many examples.
Even if this power could not be expressed in the far north, it became capable of taking effect at the moment when the ice shackles fell away and man moved down to the south into a favorable, happy, free nature. We know that all these people had one sign in common: the sign of the sun.
They created cults based on Light and created a sign, the tool of fire generation, the whorl, the sun cross. One finds this cross as a swastika not only here in Europe, but just as much in India and Japan carved into temple posts. It is the swastika of the communities once founded by Aryan culture.
I am getting serious Apollonian flashbacks here.
All of this was proceeded, and in fact succeeded by sperging out on work. An entire speech dedicated to work, and basically how jews don’t really do any.
Well I mean that’s true of the Wall Street (((Financiers))), like George Soros, Paul Singer, Larry Fink, Steve Mnuchin, and many others. What’s so striking about this speech though is CJ Miller’s own notes show that Hitler was less of a sperg than he pretended to be in public. Here’s an example of that, starting with Hitler’s words, with Miller’s notes to follow.
Our theatres, the places that Richard Wagner once wished darkened in order to produce the greatest degree of consecration and seriousness, in which he wanted to perform works that he was ashamed to call mere plays, and called instead “consecration plays,” the place where there should be nothing but the highest elevation, the detachment of the individual from all sorrow and misery, but also from all the rottenness that we otherwise unfortunately encounter on God’s earth, that is supposed to lift the individual into a purer air—what has become of it? A place where one is ashamed to enter today, lest someone should recognize you when you walk in. We see that a Friedrich Schiller may have received 346 Thalers for Mary Stuart, but that one receives 3.5 million today for a Merry Widow; that one earns millions today for the greatest kitsch, for which an author in ancient Greece would probably have been exiled from the state.

The Merry Widow
Yikes. Hitler certainly did not enjoy The Merry Widow. You can say that much for sure. If there’s one thing that you could bet your left testicle on it’s Hitler being NOT A FAN of The Merry Widow. Hell, I think the guy who wrote that play was probably executed or something when Hitler came into power. I mean with a review like that, he’d have to be.
CJ Miller’s Notes:
The Merry Widow is a light-hearted operetta by Austrian playwright Franze Lehar about a widow in a poor Balkan state who inherits a fortune from her late husband, and the convoluted machinations of government officials to make sure she marries a local and thus keeps her wealth in the country; it is bizarre, and perhaps outright dishonest that Hitler cites this play as an example of the degeneracy of the theatre, seeing as it was actually his favourite play, to the extent that it was performed constantly in National Socialist Germany, and he even had Lehar’s entirely Jewish wife declared an “honorary Aryan” just because he enjoyed the play so much; perhaps at this time the play was a guilty pleasure of his, and later on with his power secured as Fuhrer he felt comfortable dropping the pretence and openly proclaiming his love for this silly and racy operetta.
So why did Hitler pretend that his favourite operetta was actually a great example of degenerate trash that he hated? I’m not sure. It could be a quirk of his character, but I like to think that he was putting on an act for the many IRL spergs that he had to deal with. Anyone who has done modern politics has encountered these people online, why wouldn’t Hitler have to deal with them IRL?
We all know the kinds of people who sperg out at you for writing something like my article on “the mating strategy of the female heeb monster,” and stuff like that. Well technically that was on Anna Kasparian throwing a bitch fit over not being able to slaughter entire crops of babies inside her womb, but I got sidetracked.

I mean, who wouldn’t?
Adolf Hitler pretended to be absolutely OUTRAGED at a fun little operetta that wasn’t of the absolute highest moral character. Then, when he could just kill people who chirped him on this, he decided to run it constantly because he liked it so much.
I find this hilarious. And great on Miller for catching this. Now back to Adolf.
What does the term “industrial capital” actually mean? Ladies and gentlemen! We are reproached, especially in the factories: “You are not fighting industrial capital, but only stock exchange and finance capital.” Very few understand that industrial capital cannot be fought at all. What does industrial capital even mean? It is a factor that changes gradually in size, only a relative concept. Once it meant needle and thread, the workshop, and perhaps the few pennies of savings that the master tailor in Nuremberg possessed in the thirteenth century. This was the sum that he needed in order to work, i.e. tools, workshop, and a certain amount of money to enable him to live for a certain time.
There is just page after page of autism about work, and the meaning of work. I don’t mean to say that it’s bizarre, unreadable, or even that I necessarily disagree. At the risk of sounding presumptuous, he tries to say something that I’ve said with more clarity before.
There are lots of ways of turning a profit. A group of carpenters and labourers who make a home will, if they do a decent job, make money. They will also provide something of value, a home. In contrast, someone who plays poker produces nothing of value, except perhaps for the entertainment value of the game itself. The money they earn can only be at the expense of someone else, or multiple someones losing an equal amount of money.
As poker is a skill, so to is speculation on the stock exchange. It isn’t really gambling, since they can extract money from the many fish, at the poker table, or at the stock broker. But a poker player can only grow so big, and ultimately, the money they steal with their craft does not directly translate into power unless they spend money purchasing it.
In contrast, Larry Fink of Blackrock manages $12 trillion in assets. This article says $10 trillion, but it doesn’t matter. Larry Fink centrally plans the economy, and not in some Q-Anon retard conspiracy theory way. He becomes the largest shareholder in a huge number of companies and gets them to do what he wants.
This leads to the degradation of all honest work, for every honest working person today must ask himself, “What is the purpose of my productivity at all? I’ll never get anywhere, and there are people who can not only live practically without working, but who essentially even dominate us.” And that is the goal.
Nevertheless, Hitler manages to speak directly to us here and now with this quote. Take a look at what I call the Privileged Class, or what others refer to as the Parasite Class. Do these people do any real work? No, of course not.
If I asked you to describe the occupation of your typical kosher-leftist, what would that be? And when I say kosher-leftists I’m referring to people who refer to themselves as leftists, while excluding the Jimmy Dore types who are actually fighting against corporate power and wars. Keep only the nasty anti-White pedo-approving cunts, the type who showed up to the recent NJP protest in Fargo.
Let’s isolate these people, courtesy of Alex McNabb.
To the extent they have jobs and aren’t on some form of welfare, the jobs these disgusting freaks have are invariably some cushy sinecure where they do no real work. And to the extent they do actual work, they make the World a shittier place to be.
Here we have a series of graphics taken from this site, which shows how left wing versus right wing a certain occupation is.
Now, do you think these people are hardcore anti-War protesters who are putting their lives on the line fighting against corporate power?
In contrast, the most “right wing,” occupations are oil workers, farmers, loggers, truckers, (bug) exterminators, and the like.

Did someone say exterminator?
One group has sinecures in finance, academia, cultural (filth) production, NGOs, and corporate and state bureaucracies. Not only do they do no real work, but they get to control the lives of everyone else. The other group gets to produce the first groups food. If someone from thousands of years ago were suddenly brought forward through time and asked to describe this situation, he would say something like the following.
Well one group is the ruling class and the other group is the peasants.
The purpose of conservatism is to take the group of people who should be natural revolutionaries, and get them to LARP like they’re some sort of imaginary aristocracy. I hate doing generational politics, but you can see this behaviour a lot in BoomerCons, where they pass off everything “muh left,” does as unserious childishness. In reality, the aristocratic children of the privileged grow up to be this.
These are the people who hold the illegitimate levers of power. These are the people who are coddled from birth on wealth that is stolen from people like us. And this is true fractally, even at the smallest and least important institutions. As one of many examples, here’s an article I wrote on Hamilton municipal politics, where I found out these fags were paying themselves over $200,000 a year to push anti-White and tranny politics.
It begs the question of why anybody should work hard in this society, when the malicious and evil people at the top work so infrequently, and only to our detriment. And I agree with that sentiment. You should work extremely hard, but only for political ends.
If you’re a good, obedient little goy who works hard, pays their taxes, and participates in their community, then you achieve nothing more than keeping this illegitimate society running so that Justin Trudeau and Larry Fink and their buddies can live their lives of luxury at your expense. Oh and they’re going to be flooding your community with third worlders anyway, so it doesn’t matter how clean you keep your neighbourhood, it’s not going to be nice for very much longer.
Benny Shapiro doesn’t want you to stoop to the level of “muh left,” and screech about oppression every five words. In fact, don’t get too worked up about anything. Just be aloof and above it all. Identity politics is for leftists, goy, and you shouldn’t want anything to do with that. It’s totally not your group, whether that be White People, Christians, or these days even just non-perverts, who is oppressed. To fight back against that would be leftism, goy. And to focus on stacking actual, existing institutions, like universities with your guys is just what THE LEFT does, so you shouldn’t do that either.
My work will not be finished until each and every one of you reading this piece has a nice sinecure in some position of power, and our current parasite class spends some time in deradicalization camps. Only, I’ll also make you work in those sinecures anyway, because we’re not going to have these bullshit jobs for parasites once we’re in charge.
Anyway, let’s get back to Hitler.
First of all, we were clear about three principles which are inseparable from each other: socialism as the ultimate conception of duty, the moral duty of work not for one’s own sake but also for the sake of one’s fellow men, above all abiding by the principle of common good before individual good, struggle against all parasitism, and especially against easy and unearned income. And we were aware that in this struggle we could rely on no one but our own people. We were convinced that socialism in this sense can only be found among nations and races which are Aryan, and here we hope and are convinced, first and foremost for our own people’s sake, that socialism is therefore inseparable from nationalism.
For us, being nationalists does not mean belonging to one party or another, but rather examining every action to see whether it benefits the whole people, and love for the whole people without exception. From this conception we will understand that it is necessary to safeguard the most precious thing that a people possesses, the sum of all the active creative powers of its workers, whether of the fist or of the mind, healthy in body and soul. And this conception of the national immediately forces us to take a stand against the opposite, the Semitic conception of the people, and above all against the Semitic conception of work.
You don’t even know that half of it. Trust me, I’m hitting the highlights. And I don’t think this spergery about Schlomo is particularly productive. If you want to get the goyim uppity, some nice memes can go a long way.
Not to mention teaching your fellow goy how to build their jewdar.
Luckily, the AI is already on our side completely.
I don’t think Hitler’s speech here was all that great. I’m not all that interested in abstract principles, and pretending that jews never do any actual productive work isn’t a particularly beneficial narrative.
If we put the uppity goyim on a spectrum, with myself being a 10/10 in terms of class, style, taste, and panache, and BitChute commenters at a solid 0/10. Where does that put this speech by Hitler?

Bitchute commenters, courtesy of Keith Woods. Frankly, I’ve seen dumber.
I’d say something like a solid 5/10. But don’t worry, I have taken the liberty of rewriting this, in part. Here for instance, is the original. I’ve already quoted this part before, so feel free to skim.
First of all, we were clear about three principles which are inseparable from each other: socialism as the ultimate conception of duty, the moral duty of work not for one’s own sake but also for the sake of one’s fellow men, above all abiding by the principle of common good before individual good, struggle against all parasitism, and especially against easy and unearned income. And we were aware that in this struggle we could rely on no one but our own people. We were convinced that socialism in this sense can only be found among nations and races which are Aryan, and here we hope and are convinced, first and foremost for our own people’s sake, that socialism is therefore inseparable from nationalism. For us, being nationalists does not mean belonging to one party or another, but rather examining every action to see whether it benefits the whole people, and love for the whole people without exception.
From this conception we will understand that it is necessary to safeguard the most precious thing that a people possesses, the sum of all the active creative powers of its workers, whether of the fist or of the mind, healthy in body and soul. And this conception of the national immediately forces us to take a stand against the opposite, the Semitic conception of the people, and above all against the Semitic conception of work.
And if we are socialists, then we must necessarily be antisemites, since we wish to fight against materialism and Mammonism. And if today the Jew still runs into our factories and cries, “How can you as a socialist be antisemitic? Aren’t you ashamed?”—The time will come when we will ask, “How can you as a socialist not be antisemitic?”
And here’s my fixed version of the above, for a modern audience.
We believe strongly in work, not just for ourselves, but for everyone else. This is in stark contrast to the hook nosed financiers on wall street who would like to parasitize off of your back. You know, the beady eyed pornographers with sinecures in positions like investment corporations, corporate bureaucracies, or heads of organizations like the Centre for Israel and Jewish Advocacy. Nothing gets us down like those hand rubbing merchants like Larry Fink who manage the World Economy.
And there are some people who might say “how could you possibly be against rat faced dual citizens and for the worker,” and I say in response I say that those people are dumb and their shit’s all retarded. How could you even possibly be fighting Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Fink, and Jonathan Greenblatt without pointing out that they’re zionist kikels with utter contempt for the goyim.
Like I said, you’ve got to meet people where they are, and I don’t think that involves sperging out about how Europe being cold means that White People are socialist. But I’ve thought quite a lot on how our audio-visual presentations can go, and there’s a lot we can do here. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Not this one, just in general.
Brahmin is a sperg but he’s also right. Too many people in this movement dismiss him because they don’t like what he has to say.
It’s simpler than all of this but yes Hitler is just about the only successful politician worth reading about.
Look, take a long drive in the country anywhere in the US and ponder the untapped possibilities and productivities which are mind boggling.
Learn the most important and basic thing about “economics” – a farcical pseudoscience von juden just like psychology – distracting shekel generating mind-fuckery nonsense…learn how usury was created by the subhuman prehensile nosed , learn about central banks and fomenting wars – “loaning” to nations. It’s damn simple to realize the effect is economic slavery – with ignorant face-diapered peasant slaves.
Then kill the bastards – it IS TRUE that hebe-o-roids will NOT perform manual labor – you need to just be specific – it clears the mind and brings you closer to the self – the only god.
Kike females are uglier than homemade sin – skinny neurotic hairy apes.