It’s been too long since I wrote about this little e-fag. I’ve always enjoyed it, but felt that after I debunked most of the slander of TRS the main political utility was gone. But a man’s greatest pleasure is to defeat his e-enemies. To drive them off his forums. To take from them the d’nations they possess. To see the fellow e-boys which they cherished in tears. To ride their e-clout to monero currency. And to hold their catbois and sussy squaders in his arms.
I think Genghis Khan said that originally. Not sure. Don’t quote me on that.
Thanks to telegram user Jimmy Tarleton for many of these leads, as well as other users. You know who you are. This is so important because Anglin’s shitty website doesn’t have a search function.
There’s e-begging.
Boy is there ever.
They’ve even got what looks like some custom coded Demographic Countdown sidebar. But I guess Leet Haxxxor weev is unable to code up a search function. Or even use one of the many working plugins already extant.
In reality, the Deadmeme Honeypotter doesn’t have a search function because they don’t want to. This makes absolutely zero sense when taken at face value. Not having a search function is bad for the audience, who can’t search for what they want on your site. But as someone who has a similar project, minus incel freak defending Weinstein garbage, I can tell you it’s annoying for the content creator themselves to not have a search function to easily look at their old work.
The original Hyphen Report didn’t have a search function that worked properly, and it was at the top of our concerns for the longest time to get one that worked. It’s really irritating and it causes you to waste a lot of time looking up your own work. And yet Anglin and “computer genius,” weev don’t have one.
So please, by all means necessary, give me direct links to old Anglin/weev articles that you think might be relevant to the Andrew Anglin is a Biological Failure Series. It saves me an enormous amount of time, and I don’t have to say something like “look, everyone knows that Anglin said doing IRL events was a guaranteed fed honeypot and you should never do them. And everyone knows he promoted Jan 6th.” I’d prefer to have an actual direct quote. But like I said, they deliberately make it extremely difficult to organically find old articles that the e-gremlins have written.
You can send those to me in the chat, or on poast.
And one more thing. You’ll notice a lot of links to old DS articles in this series are now broken. That’s because they changed their domain. You can manually change whatever the prefix is to .cn, and they’ll work again.
With that being said, let’s take a look at Anglin’s views on homosexuality.
People don’t want you to say aloud what “child homosexuality” means.
It means that children engage in:
- Penis in anus ramming
- Eating semen
- Licking anus
- Anal fisting
- Eating poop
There’s no question that homo acts are disgusting to normal people. So thus far, I guess this is okay.
You can’t say that. They don’t want you to say it. They try to act like it is too impolite to say, so we can all just agree to not mention what we are talking about when we talk about “child homosexuality.”
But “homosexuality” refers to a very specific set of behaviors, and not saying what those behaviors are does not somehow change the reality of what we are talking about here.
Imagine your 5-year-old son having a grown man stick his fist into the boy’s anus. That is what Disney is promoting, openly, under the assumption that you won’t describe the nature of the acts they are advocating be done to your sons.
Great, so let’s see what this angry little manlet is promoting.
Catboy Kami: The Hero We Deserved
I’m sorry, what?
In our darkest hour, a hero has risen.
The world is burning. Hell has been unleashed.
But at least someone is still able to make me laugh.
Watch this.
We’ll never know what video he’s referring to, because all I see is this now.
But here you go. This is an actual video of Catboi Kami that one of the Daily Rake readers found.
Do I even need to provide commentary? This disgusting pervert is viscerally repulsive to me. I do not want to watch some faggot deepthroat a sausage FFS.
We have never had a shittier period in all of human history, and it can be difficult to manage, so it really is a great blessing to have Kami doing this for our good.

Pretty sure these guys got banned for this. The Manlet Cult allows for no critical thinking.
Let’s take a closer look at this Catboi Kami fag, starting with his boyfriend. Yes, you read that right, his boyfriend.
You think I’m kidding when I say that this is his boyfriend?
I saw that, so now you have to. It’s my site, I make the rules.
When Catboi Kami isn’t sucking artificial semen out of a dildo, deepthroating sausages, or kissing other men who are dressed as women, he’s busy promoting pedophilia.
We’re going to get into this later on, with the unironic shilling of Kanye West, but I’m going to just say that I must be hardwired differently than these e-weirdos. Like, I don’t have to hide my secret appreciation of Kanye West because I’m trying to get into the KKK, and they don’t approve of that kind of thing, I think he sucks and his music sucks and I literally never listen to it. Similarly, I’m not hiding my attraction to cartoon 10 year olds. That doesn’t get my dick hard, and it’s gross to even talk about.
There’s a time and a place for posting real photos of gorgeous women, and I do it occasionally in various pieces of mine. Posting drawings of beautiful women is another thing, and I’ve never done it, but it’s not that unusual to be an eccentric enjoyer of the female form.
Posting a pic of some cartoon 10 year old girl and calling everyone else gay for not being aroused by it is fucking weird. Stop being weird and start being normal instead.
Back to the manlet.
Yes, this goes far, far beyond simply telling students that it is good to do rimjobs on men. These lessons all involve personalizing it and asking children as young as five to “explore their sexuality.”
Cool, so let’s see how Catboi Kami is exploring his sexuality.
That’s the gayest thing I’ve ever heard and I’ve had a guy say he loves me while I fucked him in the ass.
AA: Just imagine that this is now completely normal and widely accepted.
Yeah, good thing disgusting and extreme faggotry isn’t promoted in the Manlet Cult.
“Fucking traps isn’t gay.” – Guy promoted by Andrew Anglin’s “Christian Catboi Cocksucking Corps.”
Although I’m going to post a few more messages of this guy, because, hilariously, he thinks the Manlet Cult is too gay for him.
“Faggots are more Chad than Groypers.” – Catboi Kami, paraphrased.
And he’s unironically right.
Imagine a movement more homosexual than being homosexual.
Well, you don’t have to imagine anymore.
It gets better, because he’s also correct when he shits on them for having terrible optics.
You can’t have it both ways, either you attempt to make change through the system (which is what his suggested goal was last time I checked) or you opt out of the system and basically start getting militant. – Catboi Kami.
Imagine being such a bunch of women hating incel freaks that a guy who sucks semen out of a dildo on camera has to come in and school you on how “unoptical,” you’re being in the eyes of the electorate.
Hold on, let’s take another look at that video.
This is the guy who is, correctly, pointing out that these guys have no mainstream appeal.
Alienating half the population is basically political suicide. – Catboi Kami
As others have pointed out, Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP got slightly more of the wahmen vote than the men. Meanwhile we have Gaypers unironically posting shit like this on 4chan.
And check out this other post I saw on 4chan from one of these anonymous losers.
Oh just kidding, that’s Anglin posting that on the front page of his own website. But he has some excuse for why doing this incredibly offputting garbage doesn’t turn off wahmens. I mean, it turns off everybody, but he’s so lost in Loserville that he thinks this kind of shit appeals to normal men, but we’ll just ignore that for now.
Warning, extreme wall of text incoming. Feel free to skip all but the bold parts.
Please, understand: there is a lesson here. CatboyKami is saying everything plainly, and all these women are fascinated by him. Because he’s masculine, huge, alpha and has unflinching confidence.
Not all of us can be 6’4″ with a shovel jaw and jacked. But we should understand that this is what women respond to. They DO NOT respond to pandering, as feminist neo-Nazis claim and other cuckold “right-wing” groups claim. You will notice when observing so-called “right-wing feminists” that they are all fat, ugly people with horrible posture.
BTW, Anglin whined on his incel forum about how I was focusing on his looks, and this was a feminine strategy. But it’s not worth breaking out the Contradictions of the Manlet Cult just for that. Just know that Anglin looks like this.
You know what, never mind.
Contradictions of the Manlet Cult.
- Focusing on people’s looks is effeminate, and instantly discredits the argument.
- The 99.99% of the World’s Population that wants Weinstein in jail are just overweight feminist neo-nazis. No proof of this is necessary, and their looks instantly discredit their arguments.
As individuals, they believe their only strategy for getting women is to pander to them. That may or may not be true, I don’t know because I’ve never been a pathetic fat piece of shit.
But that absolutely does not apply to groups or politics. If you pander to women, what will happen is that they will come in and control you. They will progressively force you to take on their agenda, which is primarily to see how far they can push you. All groups that allow women entry into them as equals end up destroyed by women.
Obviously, if we are pushing a political agenda, we need women to support that agenda. But we do that with power, not pandering. If you have a political group with a bunch of guys like Kami, you’re going to have women begging to just be allowed in your presence. They won’t care what your politics are.
So… why do you have a movement entirely filled with guys who are, honest to god, bigger losers than anyone I know in real life?
Okay fuck it, I’m breaking it out.
Contradictions of the Manlet Cult.
- You can have the most offputting rhetoric in the entire world. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you have sexy male models in your political movement, and wahmens are going to be lining up to be a part of it.
- It doesn’t matter that the Manlet Cult is full of facially hideous overweight spergs who are all below the height of 5’7, and annoying in every which way. All that matters is having the exact right talking points and explaining to Boomer Cons that there are too many Mexicans in the US, (((Paul Singer’s))) GOP won’t win anymore, and then you’ll get socialism.
Women do not understand politics, or care about them, because politics deal with the larger society, and every woman on earth views herself as the center of the universe, and the only thing in the universe that matters. When women talk about right-wing politics on the internet, they do it for attention and money. When they join right-wing groups, they do it so they can manipulate the men involved. They will play men off against each other, make them jealous, make them fight, and just use whatever group they are allowed into to bring a bunch of attention on themselves.
Women are exclusively drawn to power. Being handsome and physically strong is the most immediate visible sign of power. Handsomeness in men is always denoted by things that indicate high testosterone. Read this article.

Women reading this after seeing pictures of these dweebs.
Women who support you will support your politics. That’s it. There is no woman who will not completely change every stated view on politics she has if she is getting vaginal tingles. And if there is one thing on earth that never, ever caused a woman to have vaginal tingles, it is “respect for women.” A man who openly respects women is announcing that he is low status and cannot get women without “being nice.”
People will claim that I “push women away from the movement,” and there is nothing stupider than that claim. That claim is made by pathetic, weak, beta males.
Most importantly: we do not need “women in the movement.” That’s stupid, and usually said by people who want to turn right-wing politics into a dating club, because “maybe with Nazism, I’ll finally get laid.”
What we need specifically is white women supporting our agenda, because some asshole made it legal for these stupid bitches to vote.
My agenda has always been to get men fit, strong and confident, and have women lining up around the block for the privilege to support their agenda. It’s a scientific fact that women vote based on their sexuality, just like they do everything based on their own selfish desires.
This isn’t complicated, and if you don’t understand it after having had it explained to you in such simple language, you have some kind of problem with your own masculinity, which is affecting your basic perception of the reality of the woman problem.
Ah, it’s finally over. Yeah, nothing gets us those “vaginal tingles,” like the Manlet Cult, that’s for sure. I guess that’s why Beardlet spends his late 30’s opening up Charmander packs to an audience of tens.
As a bonus, here’s someone who made a cutup of the Catboi Kami date. Fuentes is flirting with him the entire time. It is somehow gayer than I ever imagined.
And here’s Anglin explaining how important it is to die for Christ.
Casey did not have significant faith in God. You have to believe that if you do the right thing, God will protect you. You can never think about the consequences of doing the right thing. Ever. If you think about the consequences, then you are considering not doing the right thing. And that is something you should never consider. The right thing should be done without consideration of anything beyond “God will protect me.”
And here’s another article from the Catboi Cocksucker Promoter.
But in the event that it does not happen quickly, those of us who have followed God’s word, and left this Babylon system, need to be prepared to defend ourselves if they come for us.
The devil’s time is short.
And these people will all die. All of these people who have denied the Holy Spirit of God have committed irredeemable sin, and they will die, and they will go to hell.
God Wills It.
Contradictory Beliefs of the Manlet Cult.
- Work out.
- But lifting is a cope.
- Catboi Kami is the hero we need right now.
- We must all follow in the Lord’s word.
Remember goyim, openly talk about terrorism, before voting Republican. Suck catboi cock, and do divisive pro-Catholic horseshit. Nothing matters, and die for Jesus. Get shredded, but lifting is a cope. Don’t report antifa to the feds, but record private conversations with pro-White activists and give that to the feds instead. Optics, optics, optics, and be a swastika tattoo’d midget e-loser freak that brags about being an incel.
I mean the list just goes on and on. I’ll have to do a recap at the end of all this.
[…] Andrew Anglin is a Biological Failure: Part 15, Suck Cock the Trad Way For Jesus […]