Originally published on October 12th, 2023.
I strongly recommend that you read my article on the May 2021 ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem, specifically so that you can see the completely anemic response by the “woke left,” to Jews nakedly slaughtering the Goyim and stealing their land. Read that first and keep it in your mind.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urges the West to rally around the people of Israel as they did around Ukraine after Russia’s invasion.
“My recommendation to the leaders to go to Israel and I think to support people, just people I’m not speaking about any institutions, just to support people who have been under terrorist attacks,” he says on a visit to NATO headquarters.
Yeah that’s right. You go after those terrorist baby murderers who –
Wait, not those baby murderers! I mean the fake ones who broke out the Baby Beheader 9000 on the poor, innocent and entirely imaginary infant Jews.
Because of that totally real thing that definitely happened we must stand with the actual baby mass murderers of Israel.
Russian President Vladimir Putin broke his silence on Tuesday on Hamas’s brutal onslaught against Israel Saturday, voicing concern at the “catastrophic increase” in the number of civilian victims in both Israel and Gaza.
The Russian leader called the creation of a Palestinian state “necessary” and suggested that the new war between Israel and Hamas demonstrated the “failure” of US policy in the Middle East.
Bro, Russia is just ZOG East. That’s why 99% of the zionists in the world openly support Ukraine.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whose nation was brutally invaded by Russia last year, responded by accusing Moscow of supporting Hamas.
As opposed to Palestine, which has not been “brutally invaded” by Israel.
I really cannot stand editorializing masquerading as news, especially when the editorializing is so absurd.
Zelensky issued a full-throttled defense of Israel the day of Hamas’s shock invasion of Israeli communities, saying “Israel’s right to defense is indisputable.”
Kiev was also lit up with the flag of Zionist oppression.
Previously, Zelensky has called for Ukraine to become a “second Israel.” What he means is that it should be an even more nakedly Zionist occupied country, with the blood of Ukrainians being seen as even more expendable than it already is.
Unsurprisingly, foreign mercenaries are being transferred from ZOGkraine back to the mothership. This is being done by the Ukrainian Government, and makes absolutely zero sense militarily, except when you understand that the Jew racial state is the number one priority of ZOG, and the Ukrainian “resistance” really just existed to murder hundreds of thousands of White People before the inevitable Russian victory. Calling the Golems back to Israel is just cutting that operation a bit short.
It really is amazing how seamlessly ZOG goes from demanding the invasion of Iraq because “muh human rights freedomocracy,” to supporting Ukraine because of the abstract principle that anyone who invades anyone else is automatically evil, to supporting Israel’s decades long genocidal invasion and occupation of Palestine. Zionists change principles more than whores change clothes.
The transparent, blatant, malicious hypocrisy is too absurd to even respond to.
The butthole-left is doing full throated support of Jew nationalism right now.
When it actually matters, they are utterly indistinguishable from the consubversives.
There is a unanimous, bipartisan agreement that the genocidal Jew occupation of the Palestinian Goyim is good, just, and probably worthy of drafting you Goyim into a war to support.
To anyone who doesn’t watch Fox News, this is entirely unsurprising. After all, Chuck Schumer is an extremist Jew nationalist.
“The fact of the matter is that too many Palestinians and too many Arabs do not want any Jewish state in the Middle East,” Schumer told the audience gathered for AIPAC’s annual conference in Washington, D.C. “Of course, we say it’s our land, the Torah says it, but they don’t believe in the Torah. So that’s the reason there is not peace. They invent other reasons, but they do not believe in a Jewish state and that is why we, in America, must stand strong with Israel through thick and thin.”
Above we see the “left wing” rat posing with the “right wing” rat at AIPAC, 2019.
“You can be a Jew and care about Israel and it does not make you any less American,” charged Senator Charles “Chuck” Schumer on Monday evening at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference in Washington, DC. “You can be a Jew and lobby for Israel and it does not make you any less American.
“You can be, all at once, completely Jewish, completely pro-Israel and completely American,” he said.
And back in 2010 he literally said that he believed God put him on a mission to be the guardian of Israel.
Sen. Chuck Schumer told a New York radio station last week that after the Obama administration hit Israel hard on its settlement policy, “I called up Rahm Emanuel and I called up the White House and I said, ‘If you don’t retract that statement you are going to hear me publicly blast you on this.’”
He added that there were two groups within the White House. One would give Israel the usual pass and the other wants the US to put pressure on Israel (and Palestinians).
“We’re pushing hard to make sure the right side wins and if not we’ll have to take it to the next step,” he said.
He concluded that God, himself, deputized him to be Israel’s man in the Senate:
“You know, my name …. comes from the word shomer, guardian, watcher. My ancestors were guardians of the ghetto wall in Chortkov. And I believe Hashem [Orthodox for God] actually gave me that name. One of my roles, very important in the United States senate, is to be a shomer — to be a or the shomer Yisrael. And I will continue to be that with every bone in my body …”
Schumer was joined by zionist manlet Jerry Nadler and other openly zionist members of congress.
Then there are these quotes from Reps. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Eliot Engel (D-NY), and Anthony Weiner (D-NY) to the Zionist Organization of America that is currently organizing opposition to President Obama and to any negotiations with Palestinians. Its leader, Morton Klein, is well-known for the hate speech he directs at Arabs and Muslims. If ZOA was a Muslim organization, these same members of Congress would be demanding that it be investigated for its hate rhetoric but, for these extremists, 30 House members show up for their banquet.
“Settlements illegal? – ‘they’re not as far as I’m concerned…There’s no immediate prospect of a (peace) settlement that can be enforced.’…”
Israel is the ‘best ally the United States has in the Middle East, but I would argue the best ally in the world.’…If US pressures Israel ‘you’re going to hear it from me.
Aid to Palestinians until the Palestinians return to the negotiating table, we should not give them another dollar, another shekel…A lot we need to do & ZOA is doing it…We are patriotic Americans when we stand up for Eretz Israel.
Let’s check in with Nancy Pelosi.
Servatives inform me that she’s a bleeding heart “leftist” who would definitely side with the filthy Goyim brown hordes. Here she and (((fellow leftist))) Chuck Schumer can be seen at AIPAC in 2019, no doubt ready to tell those “right wing Jews” to heck right off.
Nancy Pelosi: I have said to people when they ask me if this capitol crumbles to the ground, the one thing that would remain is our committment to our aid, and I don’t even call it aid, our cooperation with Israel. That’s fundamental to who we – fundamental.
Here she was in May, 2021, denouncing the Goyim fighting back against the naked racial cleansing of East Jerusalem.
Washington Times (May 12th, 2021):
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi late Tuesday condemned “escalating and indiscriminate” rocket attacks by Palestinian militant group Hamas, saying they risk civilian lives amid a fierce exchange of airstrikes in the region.
“Israel has the right to defend herself against this assault, which is designed to sow terror and undermine prospects for peace,” the California Democrat said.
“Every civilian death is a tragedy that we mourn. Hamas’s accelerating violence only risks killing more civilians, including innocent Palestinians,” Mrs. Pelosi said. “The recent inflammatory provocations including by extremist forces in Jerusalem have exacerbated the situation, and restraint must be shown by all to de-escalate the crisis,” she said. “Let us all pray that the situation will be resolved immediately and peacefully.”
Thanks, Nancy.
These days she can be seen siding with Indigenous People, as long as they aren’t the Indigenous People of Palestine of course.
I don’t think I have ever seen such a concise example of the blatant double standard on behalf of Jew Supremacy. A bunch of tweets seething about the Indigenous People of Palestine filthy subhuman Goy Cattle fighting back against their genocidal occupiers, then a tweet supporting stealing Whitey’s taxdollars to give to aboriginals because we just always respect indigenous people, except in Europe and the Middle East, of course.
Here in Canada the major political parties are following in lockstep with the narrative put out by the genocidal occupiers of Palestine.
In a shocking move, zionist crypto-fag Poilievre condemns the sadistic murder of children by the Israeli occupiers.

Just kidding, actually he supports it whole heartedly, as does every “leftist” installed into a position of power throughout our occupied countries. The “leftist” Macron might be the absolute worst of the shabbos Goyim.
He has banned anti-genocide rallies throughout all of France. Normally the playbook is to simply get some antifa scum to attack the protesters, then unevenly enforce the law, and maybe designate the legitimately peaceful protesters as terrorists, as the consubversives here in Canada did with the Proud Boys. Instead, the ZOG of France skips straight to the “just make it illegal” stage.
A quick reminder that BLM and antifa riots are pogroms. They are state sanctioned and encouraged violence done against White People, and must be seen as such. The Government could easily shut these legitimately violent riots down as they shut down pro-White rallies such as Charlottesville, and pro-GoyimNotBeingGenocided rallies, as they do all throughout the Zionist Occupied Regimes. Instead, they promote them.
Finally, if you were thinking that the antifas might be condemning Israel, think again. I’ve already covered antifa zionists, and they never miss an opportunity to outright support Jew land theft and mass murder, or condemn the Goyim fighting back against that.
For example, here we see spiteful mutant Vaush condemning Hamas. Apparently the Palestinians should just make YouTube accounts where they redpill the normies on Israel. Oh wait, they can’t, because anyone who isn’t an obedient shill gets as censored as we are.
I haven’t bothered watching more than the first ten seconds of his video.
The Palestinian People deserve better than Hamas, and if you pretend that what Hamas does is representative of Palestinian Liberation the only people you are aiding and abetting is Israeli nationalists.
Here are the top comments.
Vaush is such a viscerally repulsive mutant that it’s not worth my time to go and find the inevitable quotes of his where he excuses the murder of Russian civilians. As I said many times before, everyone who is on YouTube is simply an obedient little Goy who is there to run an op on people, in this case it’s being entirely subversive to the cause of “Palestinian Liberation.”
It’s only a matter of time before the few as of now uncensored voices calling out zionism on twatter get labeled as “Hamas supporting accounts,” and censored there as well.
Oh, and I almost about “left wing” institutions firing their Golems left, right, and center for tepidly opposing Israeli genocide.
The president of New York University’s student bar association, Ryna Workman, who uses the pronouns they/them online, is facing massive blowback over their divisive pro-Hamas statement in an online newsletter.
Workman began the Newsletter by declaring their “unwavering” support for the Palestinian resistance effort. They went on to accuse Israel of committing historic violent atrocities, including genocide, that allegedly motivated militants to kill innocent civilians in the Jewish country. Ryna Workman who identify themselves as non-binary wrote:
“I want to express, first and foremost, my unwavering and absolute solidarity with Palestinians in their resistance against oppression towards liberation and self-determination. Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life. This regime of state-sanctioned violence created the conditions that made resistance necessary.”
It doesn’t matter that you’re a Black Trans Womxyn of Colour. Criticize the genocidal state of Israel, and that position that Schlomo installed you into will vanish with the snap of Schlomo’s finger.

Ryna Workman
You live under a completely totalitarian and evil zionist occupation. Everyone who pretends otherwise is lying, and entirely your enemy. Everyone who pretends that “leftists” are standing en masse with Palestine is simply trying to get one over on you. To the extent that any of the individual Golems tepidly support the victims of Jew occupation, they are quickly revealed to have been, at best, disposable middle managers on behalf of our (((oppressors))).