For a window into the truly beautiful and moving family friendly shows being put on across the globe, cast your eyes at whatever the hell this is.

Who could possibly be opposed to children watching an obese middle aged man twerking in his underwear?

Or a guy with a bunny mask showing his junk to children?

Or a guy in a penis/vagina suit simulating sex with himself?

Bigots, that’s who. Bigots with their disgusting pedophobia.


Family-friendly drag events across Canada, many hosted by municipal libraries, have been targeted by a deluge of hateful comments and threats during Pride month, prompting multiple police investigations and renewed concerns about the safety of the LGBTQ community.

More than half a dozen libraries and drag performers, from Saint John to Victoria, reported being inundated online and over the phone by homophobic slurs and, in some cases, threats of violence.

Will these pedophobes ever leave us in the AIDS community alone? All we want is to be left alone with your children. Is that really so much to ask?

Drag Story Hour events are popular at many libraries in the country, and usually feature a performer in drag reading children’s books about inclusion. They are often held in collaboration with local LGBTQ associations and have caused only minor controversy in the past. 

But amid a surge in anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and policies in the U.S., and a conservative movement in Canada increasingly influenced by right-wing politics south of the border, the all-ages drag events have turned into flashpoints of anger.

Is it really accurate to say that tranny story time is popular at many libraries? It would be more truthful to say that many libraries put the pervert shows on, which are objectively unpopular. The combination of the pedos upping their brazenness and more and more people finding out about this has lead to the backlash. 

In the comments, library staff were, among other things, accused of assisting pedophiles and threatened with lawsuits. Their personal information was also circulated online.

Wonder where those bigotphobes got that crazy idea?

The surge of hate appears to have diverse sources. In Saint John, for instance, past and aspiring candidates with the People’s Party of Canada were among those who circulated misleading images on their social media accounts to suggest a story hour event at a local library earlier this month wasn’t age appropriate. 

One image was from a 2019 burlesque show in the U.S., the other was from an adult drag performance in April.

The posts spurred a long string of hateful comments against the performer, Alex Saunders, whose drag persona is Justin Toodeep. 

What am I even looking at?

Well Alex Saunders aka “Justin Toodeep,” apparently. He’s been whining about getting imaginary threats online.

Saunders says they sent more than 40 pages worth of screengrabs of the comments to Saint John police, including one that said it was time to “light the torches,” and another that called for Saunders and a fellow performer to be burned alive.

Saunders says they were told that there was insufficient evidence of a direct threat to pursue charges. 

“[It has been] very scary and weird and I really have been trying to put on a brave face for my community, but I had a full-blown, crying, didn’t-want-to-leave-the-house meltdown,” Saunders said.

And yet I’ll bet there were plenty of constantly online fags who would have “helpfully,” told these people that fighting against the tranny antifa groomers in any way would mean that the government would simply van you and that’s that. It’s almost like people telling you that there’s this hyper-competent and motivated regime in place that has complete power to destroy your life on a whim are your enemies trying to discourage you from fighting them.

On True North’s Facebook page, posts about the event received more than a dozen homophobic comments, many accusing drag performers of pedophilia, a long-running trope in anti-LGTBQ rhetoric.

Hey Siri, show me a pedophile.

Also, remember this guy?

It’s such a shame that the pedo-community has to deal with the long deboonked trope of being a bunch of disgusting pedos all the time.

The CBC article continues on with some examples of the groups that were posting online about this. Organizing a protest, like NJP does, like John Doyle of APU does, and the Proud Goys do, is far more effective than simply posting online. Nevertheless, it does show how utterly astroturfed pervertism is. Nobody who isn’t a complete NPC with brain damage likes these people, and there is an opportunity, when we get larger, to lead the fight against them.

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