I was in the middle of writing another article on a totally unrelated matter, when I saw this.

But before we get to that, let’s check in with the local politicians. 

Vancouver Is Awesome:

Vancouver’s Jewish community gathered at Schara Tzedeck Synagogue on Oak Street Monday night under the watchful eye of at least two police dog units as it marked the unprecedented terrorist attack by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023.

The event, attended by hundreds of people, was closed to media but various political delegates attended, including BC NDP leader David Eby and BC Conservative Party leader John Rustad, who both denounced Hamas.

“One year after the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack in Israel, the pain and sorrow is still deeply felt in BC. Today, we remember the victims, pray for the safe return of hostages, and stand firmly against violence and its glorification, striving for lasting peace,” Eby stated on social media site X.

“Today, we mourn the horrific atrocities of October 7th. I am asking BC’s political leaders to stand with our Jewish community and condemn any “celebrations” of the attack,” added Rustad, likewise.

“This call comes in response to recent demonstrations where members of the organization and their supporters chanted ‘we are Hamas and we are Hezbollah’ while burning Canadian flags and calling for ‘death to Canada, death to the United States, and death to Israel,'” Rustad stated.

“This kind of hateful rhetoric is wrong and has no place in our province. We stand together against violence – and the glorification of it. And we strive for peace,” added Eby.

Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau also issued a statement: “On the first anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, we mourn the devastating loss of life in Israel, including Canadian citizens, and we continue to mourn the ongoing losses, and the hostages who have not returned.

I remind you that the closet case above penned this statement below.


Premier David Eby and Kelli Paddon, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity, have issued the following statement on Transgender Day of Remembrance:

“Today, we join people in B.C. and around the world in remembering the transgender, gender-diverse, non-binary and Two-Spirit people who have been killed in acts of violence and those who have taken their own lives due to a lack of support and acceptance.

“We also recommit to ending transphobia and supporting members of the trans community by taking actions to make life safer for everyone. 

“There is no place for transphobia in our province. We continue to speak up against hate and to support our transgender, gender-diverse, non-binary and Two-Spirit friends, family members, neighbours and colleagues. All people deserve to live their lives knowing they are safe and loved. This is the British Columbia that we strive for and believe is possible.

“Our government is determined to lead by example. Last year, we became the first province in Canada to amend provincial laws to remove outdated gendered and binary language, and one of the first provinces to make it possible for people to get birth certificates without gender markers. B.C. is also a leader in providing gender-affirming health care through Trans Care BC, and we continue to expand and improve our services to address gaps in health-care services experienced by trans and non-binary people.

“We also continue to support education that promotes safe, caring and inclusive schools to ensure students learn to value diversity and everyone feels like they belong.

“We were the first B.C. government to raise the transgender flag on the legislature lawn, and we do so again today in honour of those we’ve lost.

“Everyone has a responsibility to condemn transphobic violence, and everyone has a right to be their true self without fear. We will continue to work hard to ensure this is the reality for all transgender, gender-diverse, non-binary and Two-Spirit people in our province.”

The only thing these puppets hate more than trannyphobia and gendered pronouns, are the people fighting against the Palestinian Genocide. That “hateful rhetoric” needs to go. 

Meanwhile, Samidoun’s director Charlotte Kates, an international organizer of the group, was set to appear in court Tuesday.

Kates was arrested last April after an April 26 demonstration, at the gallery, wherein she called Hamas’ attack “glorious.”

Kates is alleged by police to have committed public incitement of hatred and wilful promotion of hatred. Kates signed an undertaking not to attend any protests, demonstrations and assemblies. Kates agreed to appear in court for a hearing on Tuesday.

Vancouver Police Department recommended charges to Crown counsel.

This is the same Vancouver Police Department that refused to press charges against some tranny who assaulted two members of our anti-groomer protest in Vancouver. This is the same VPD that refused to press hate crime charges when multiple churches in Vancouver were defaced or outright arsoned after the Gravocaust Slander. The email they give you to report hate crimes, is literally called “vpd.diversity@vpd.ca,” for fuck sakes.

These are the same people who made international news after pretending that some sixteen year old accidentally leaving a trail of rubber on their “Pride” crosswalk was a “symbol of hate.”

These are not “communists” or “left wingers.” The Brave Boys In Blue are zionist property. The Canadian Jewish Congress, literally set up their “hate crimes” department, and they’ve spent far more time harrassing “White Supremacists,” than activists speaking out against the Palestinian Genocide.

The RCMP is Canada’s national police force. The Vancouver Police are technically not related, but they are on the list of “Hate Crimes Task Force members,” proudly displayed on the RCMP website.


The Hate Crimes Task Force was launched in spring 2022 under the Chiefs of Police National Roundtable, a forum established by the RCMP to bring together senior police leaders to discuss policing and public safety issues of importance to Canadians and the policing community.

Co-chaired by the RCMP and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, the Task Force was created in recognition of the prevalence of hate crimes and incidents in Canada and that more could be done within the policing and prosecution realm to respond. Its mandate is to increase awareness of the scope, nature and impact of hate crimes and incidents among police and the Canadian public.

This is the first thing you see when you click on the Canadian Race Relations Foundation’s website.

It took me less than one minute to find an August 30th announcement celebrating the establishment of the “National Institute for People of African Descent.”


The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) welcomes the Government of Canada’s announcement to establish and fund the National Institute for People of African Descent. Congratulations to all those involved in the development of this important initiative, and to the Caribbean African Canadian Social Services (CAFCAN) who will be leading this crucial work.  

$7.25 million of your taxdollars are going to this. Presumably more to come later.

In February 2024 the CRRF released Reflection on the first decade: Black Canadian leadership at the UN Forum for People of African Descentand as part of our call to action, the CRRF recommended the creation of the National Institute for People of African Descent. An enduring mechanism for continued dialogue, exchange, knowledge-production and mobilization is urgently needed to sustain the leadership of Black Canadian civil society.  

We recognize that addressing anti-Black racism requires organizations like the CRRF to listen and work alongside communities at the forefront of this important work. We look forward to working with the Institute and its community partners in addressing anti-Black racism and supporting the work of the Institute in building solutions that are focused on the advancement of Black communities across Canada. 

Blacktivists in Canada get money from the Government. If you demanded that White People get this, there is a significant chance that the police will charge you with “willful promotion of hatred,” just like they do with people opposing the Palestinian Genocide. And, circling back to the RCMP announcement, the VPD is on the member list of this “Hate Crimes Task Force.” 

Hate Crimes Task Force members

The Task Force is made up of multiple members:

  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police (co-chair)
  • Canadian Race Relations Foundation (co-chair)
  • Edmonton Police Service
  • Calgary Police Service
  • Service de police de la Ville de Montréal
  • Tsuut’ina Nation Police Service
  • Sûreté du Québec
  • Toronto Police Service
  • Vancouver Police Department
  • Saskatoon Police Service
  • Halifax Regional Police
  • York Regional Police
  • Peel Regional Police
  • Fredericton Police Force
  • Victoria Police Department
  • Statistics Canada
  • Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General
  • British Columbia Ministry of the Attorney General

These are the people arresting and recommending charges for anyone opposed to the genocide of Palestinians. 

When they aren’t playing along with zionist crybullying, and pretending that these people are under imminent threat of being turned into lampshades.

The Observer:

Poilievre’s commitment follows calls from national Jewish advocacy organizations, such as the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which note the group’s alleged ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which Canada has listed as a terrorist group since 2003.

With that out of the way, we turn to the very serious career politician who is going to fight the WoKEsTerS. At least when he isn’t crying because someone showed up to his rally in a “Straight Pride” shirt, or demanding even more migrants, seething at milquetoast AfD politicians, or crossing the aisle to vote for insane pro-groomer legislation.

HAPPENING NOW: Goy Sucks Circumcized penis… again.

That group, which Public Safety Canada defines as an “Islamist communist group” committed to establishing a Palestinian state and “the destruction of Israel,” was the first Palestinian group to employ “suicide squads,” according to the federal government. 

Samidoun, which goes by the full name of Samidoun Palestinian Solidarity Network, has chapters in Toronto and Vancouver.

The Centre For Israel And Jewish Affairs may be the most important anti-White hate group in Canada. I’ve written about them many times in the past. Most of that work is, unfortunately, on a now defunct site, however they were instrumental in the case against Gabriel “Zieger” Chaput, who they got thrown in jail for calling for “fascism on the streets.” 

CIJA is really big on “human rights and social justice.” They hate discrimination so much that they refuse to discriminate between military targets and civilians. 

They love “refugee” resettlement.

Despise “online hate.”

Demand your tax dollars go to anti-White causes.

Support the poz.

And with no hint of irony, “refuse to remain silent in the face of genocide,” and support the “declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples,” except of course, the indigenous peoples of Israel. In short, they’re your typical zionists. They carry out a jewhad against the Arabs in the Middle East, and a jewhad against White People in Western countries. To no one’s surprise, they’re big fans of little PP.

Poilievre said the group is responsible for repeatedly glorifying Hamas’s actions through protests, including ones held on Monday.

Citing the rise in reported hate crimes and antisemitic incidents, Poilievre called on the federal government to list Samidoun as a terrorist entity “now” and promised to do so, should be become prime minister. Once listed, a group’s assets are frozen and it becomes a crime for anyone to assist them.

A spokesperson for Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said in a statement that Canada opposes hate and violent extremism.

“Decisions to place an entity on the terrorist listing are made based on the advice of our security and intelligence services, who are continuously assessing entities for possible listing,” wrote Gabriel Brunet.

“With respect to Samidoun Palestinian Solidarity Network, the Government of Canada is examining the evidentiary record available and considering all options.”

I now remind you that every single member of the federal legislature, including Pierre Poilievre and every other servative, voted to label the Proud Boys as a terrorist organization. Similarly, Poilievre is making a lot of sound and fury pretending that the Liberal-NDP coalition aren’t obsequious little whores for Israel. In reality, there is no difference between them and him.


Well, almost no difference. This puppet is uniquely embarrassing in his slavish devotion to licking zionist butthole.

The replies are universally negative. 

I think “The Ferryman’s Toll,” is Jaime McKenzie. I wrote some scathing articles aimed in his direction, although I think I misidentified him as being more of a gatekeeper than he actually is. However, my instincts with regards to the duplicitous little weasel man known as Pierre Poilievre were spot on from the start.

The above image isn’t random. He really called himself “a Goy from the praries,” when speaking to a collection of his owners. I’ve transcribed the first thirty seconds below.

Distinguished guests, the rabbi tells me that on this stage there have been three Israeli prime ministers, Elie Wiesel, and countless other dignitaries. So as you can imagine, it’s a pree-pretty big honour, for a simple Goy from the praries to stand before you today.

*Audience of genocidal zionist psychopaths laughs and cheers.*

And you know, that’s the great thing about Canada. You can come from anywhere, to do anything.

Whereas you need to be genetically a Jew in order to live in the Jew ethnostate, which he also supports.

The guy wasn’t even close to done sucking circumsized penis. He gave another speech, uploaded on the same day, at another venue, once again sporting a kippah as he promised a thousand year reich for Israel. 

Israel first, “New Canadians” a very distant second, real Canadians an even more distant last place. Your choice in next year’s federal election is between different colours of laundry.

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1 Comment

  1. If the jews didn’t have so much money and the holofraud industrial complex, would Pierre be sucking on Chinese pee pee? The mind ponders.

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